it’s been awhile since i update my blog. as i mentioned previously, blame it on the hormone. am not too sure y this time around, my nausea get worse whenever i face the laptop. so usually i cek my emails, update my tweets n fb via my phone. im abit too lazy to type a blog entry using the hp though.
It has been very challenging for this pregnancy, im constantly hungry but cant seem to eat anything. it’s really annoying. And i think the person that is most irritated with me is my husband, my constant complain of hunger but each time he asked me what i would like to have, he’ll get “i dont know” as an answer. Glad i find a solution to swallow those vitamins. I have to take it with warm tea. Yes i can even vomit by just drinking plain water. annoying aight, even by drinking water causes me to vomit. So far alhamdulillah i managed to swallow my vitamins with warm tea. And glad that USANA have this 20mins absorbtion thingy, so i’ll have to do is to ensure i dont vomit the first 20mins after taking the vitamins. within 20mins, the vitamins n minerals have been absorb into my body. *those interested in usana, i’m still taking orders, i do check my email frequently via my hp.
I havent been in good shape to layan my kids too. even my camera battery went flat few weeks back and i have yet recharge it. havnt been taking photos of them lately. glad that hArith n athirAh can shower by themselves now. so all i have to do, is to let the bathroom door wide open to monitor them. when they are done, or shall i say once they had enough of waterplay, they’ll come out to me.
not too sure how am i gonna handle four kids next year. sounds a lil crazy isnt it, having 4 kids all under the age of 4. mcm org dulu2 lah pulak, eveyr year dpt anak. my due date will be early february. of coz will be hoping for a gal, so we have 2 pairs =), insyaAllah
yay, my sister will be back from her europe holiday tomorrow nite. im craving for Marks & Spencer scones and also her friend’s homemade cookies. so by tomorrow my “part-time” maid will be home, yay.
i usually hv my bro around during the days that his not working, so he usually help to keep kids occupied. but now his away in south africa for the world cup. so there goes my extra hands.
i really hope this nausea will end once i enter my 2nd trimester. hmm tetiba terasa nak makan buah rambutan lah pulak.
anyway, i was looking tru syauqi’s facebook and came across this few photos. can’t believe it that we survived those days. hArith and athirAh were only 13 months when uZAir came along. but due to their prematurity, their corrected age back then were only 9 months, they were only crawling then. here’s photo of how lil the elder 2 were
see, they were still crawling back then
seriously, after looking back at those photos, i couldnt believe myself we survived those period. we actually had 3 lil babies to handle and so far no major incident happen. amazing, masyaAllah. no wonder lah everytime pegi mall we get all kind of looks. ppl must be saying, wat the hell am i thinking having 2 babies and soon after another one. oh yes i can still remember the looks i got when i went out alone with all 3.
when i got to know im pregnant, i really cant imagine am i gonna handle 4. but after looking back at these photos, i told myself, since we were able to handle those days quite well, insyaAllah it will be the same next year. by then elder two dah besar skit. just praying hard uZAir can accept the new family member coz as for now i’m totally his.
i had a fren, came over the other day. her son is about the same age as my elder 2. i was like gosh, what am i thinking, her son is about the same age as my elder 2 but soon i have another 3 to handle while my fren (or shall i say most of my fren) are still comfortable at 1…hmmm…im sure Allah will help to bring out the SuperMom in me 😉 insyaAllah
alrite, till then…. cya around 😀

[New Post] Pregnancy nausea – via #twitoaster…
munirah, do believe in urself. i pcaya u boleh punya. at least uzair dah besar n the kids dah boleh handle themself.
take care, k.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
July 8th, 2010 at 10:23 am
thanks dear, i would like to believe i can do it too…hihi
hye munirah…congrate!!!! i remmbered during our photoshoot…(my lil Kaseh) u said that enaf with 3 kiddies…now dh nk masuk 4!!tk terkejar i:)
btw…enjoy yr pregnancy yeah!tkcare!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
July 8th, 2010 at 10:22 am
yup we thought we stop at 3, accident do happen i guess, hihi
salam munirah!!
congrat’s pregnant lagi.. muda2 dah bakal anak 4 kan. best nye.. nanti dah 30 lebih blh relax dah..hihi.. insya-Allah, dipermudahkan Allah.. u tak amalkan family planning or u mmg dah ready??
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
July 8th, 2010 at 10:22 am
tot dah bleh relax skrang, tgk2 another rezeki datang. so hopefully by early 30’s dah bleh relax
we didnt really plan for this, as i mentioned b4 i have irregular periods coz i ade pcos. my last period was in february, so mmg tak expect langsung. nk kire EDD pun takleh based on last period sbb mmg sah2 i blum smpai 4 bulan. im only in my 10th week now (doctor kire based on the size of fetus)
salam munirah.. baru tau u pregnant. teringin nak drop a comment. congrats ya.. salute u.. memang seorang ibu yang cekal.. akak baru sorang ni pun terkial2 gak tu.. 😀
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
July 8th, 2010 at 10:21 am
thanks. not so much of im cekal, takde choice but have to be one…hihi
bile i betau hubby u pregnant,die ckp berbaloi2 syauqi beli kereta tuh..hehe..take care dear
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
July 8th, 2010 at 9:36 am
hahah, tats funny! if camtu lepas beranak ni ade lagi 2 seat kosong, but we will save that 2 seat for my parents/sister/maid coz i would need extra hand if jln jauh, hihi
waka waka ooooeeeehhh
u go superMom!!
really hope that ur pregnancy nausea will go off soon. i tatau macam mana rasa pregnancy nausea cause both my pregnancy takde mabuk2… makan je macam ape pun.. mujur tak membelon…. be strong kay… 😉
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
July 8th, 2010 at 9:35 am
wow lucky u. i ingat lagi mase pregnant triplet my nausea was bad, i slalu ckp ” camane lah org bleh pregnant byk kali if camni” bile uzair lak, mmg it was an easy one n i remembered saying ” if senang camni, patut lah org bleh pregnant byk kali” hihihi
, 1st year is the hardest time. after her 1st bday, everything seems ok.
i know u can do it ! hehe
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
July 8th, 2010 at 5:02 pm
praying hard tat this time around i hv an easy baby, not clingy n such. believe it or not i ade kawan anak die stop bgn malam mase baby 3 bulan, i rase heaven sgt if dpt camtu
u memang supermom dah pon! tambah lagi satu jadi super duper mom!hahaha
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
July 8th, 2010 at 5:01 pm
ameen 🙂
if only i’m near by i boleh je tolong jagakan anak2 you..hehhehe memandangkan i dah suri rumah ni kan. or jadi ur part time nanny ke..:) btw take care
wah, baru tau yg u pregnant!
semoga episod tak lalu makan tu akan cepat berlalu.
take care of yourself!
dear, u can do it..Allah knows u can do it thats y u dapat the rezeki..take care and enjoy your nausea moments ;=)
Salam Munirah…
Alhamdulillah.. rezeki nak datang lagi…
I pon ade mengalami perasaan terkejut beruk bile i mengandungkan Nisa’ sebulan lepas kami kahwin…yes.. accident do happen.. hehhe.. dah lah waktu tu i dah dapat scholarship nak fly ke Melbourne.. mcm mane nak bawak perut naik turun kapal terbang.. duduk kat negeri org… hubby datang on and off… dgn nak adapt new way of learning etc etc
agak sukar jugakla pada mula2 utk terima..
but no worries.. the feeling will outgrow or if not.. let us find way to resolve it first.. so that we can have an easy and happy moments during our pregnancy..
tapi yelah.. klo dah asik muntahhhhhhh je.. mane pulak nak happy semedang ye tak…
Allah will definitely make an easy path for you..
I pray you can! SOON…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
July 14th, 2010 at 3:31 pm
salam hanum, it surely came as a surprise for us sbb we plan to stop at 3. it sure be tiugh next year having 4 in the hse all below the age of 4 yeats, insyaAllah we we will survive , 😉
agree with farah-afif, u mmg soopa doopa mom! tabik spring kat u..mmg kagum tgk u, tapi ofcos pregnant with 3 kids nak jaga its really not easy kan, nausea lg moodswings lg, extra hands mmg perlu.. 🙂 i believe u can do it.. never fail to amaze us.
i pun had bad nausea during both my pregnancies, nadhrah first trimester je, with Aqilah full 9months with heartburn lg.. i hope urs will ware off in the 2nd trimester dear..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
July 14th, 2010 at 12:59 pm
mase uzair it was vry easy, with triplets mmg nvr ending nausea,satu hari muntah 10 kali was a norm.
i sure do hope this nausea end soon, mmg x larat nk jaga bdk. tgk lah masr bday ichiro i selamba je biar my elder two besepah2 main sendiri kt luar. hihi
congrates dear :)…nanti bila semua dah besar senang jer u..ramai boleh tolong
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
July 14th, 2010 at 8:51 am
harapnye mcm tu lah,insyaAllah 🙂
My 1st pregnancy nausea was so terrible, you were right – air masak pun boley vomit balik. It was gone only after 4 months. But it is worth it. Btw budak 2 orang tu w/pun dlm gambar time tak boley jalan lagik tapi muka tak berubah, sama mcm skang;)
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
July 14th, 2010 at 8:50 am
tu lah,vry stressful…minum air masak pun bleh muntah kn
I remember the first picture!!! It was Shauqi’s birthday!!!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
July 15th, 2010 at 5:36 pm
yup2! the other pic was merdeka x silap, they had bbq in bangsar
Kak Munirah..saya doakan supaya Allah permudahkan bagi are really a SUPERMOM!