I just hv to share this,athirah found a new spot to sleep.we were driving my parents car n there wasnt car seat in tat car.she was enjoying the freedom of moving about depan belakang,had to hold her frm going infront sbb kacau syauqi driving.
and suddenly she started panjat belakang lak,since that kept her still,i let her be, she was enjoying the music coz speaker was close to her,few mins later,there was silent,no rambling from her,i turn back n saw her nicely asleep. die ingat caravan ke kot ade ngam2 bunk for her,haha
she slept through out the journey frm damansara to sjmc

haha such a cutie!!!!
hahahhaha…funny little girl.
[New Post] Sound asleep – via #twitoaster http://blog.tripletsplusone.com/2010/07/…
cute nyer athirah tido kat situ..dah penat sangat la tu..
cute lah…nasib x tersepit, x leh kuar??
My son does that all the time especially during a long journey to my hometown.
alahai comelnya……….
boleh pulak dia tido kat situ… hehhee… tapi tak boleh buat selalu. takut nanti brake kereta mengejut, terbang ke depan pulak…
anyway, tentang rabbit park tu, kat jalan masuk ke taman perumahan putra perdana, puchong. alamatnya Lot No: 3522, Jalan Meranti 1, Putra Perdana, Puchong, Selangor. bila I search kat internet, jumpa blog dia pulak. putrarabbitpark.blogspot.com
tempatnya tak besar sangat. dia ternak rabbit utk dijual sbg makanan. tp adalah dia sediakan satu area yg dia lepaskan rabbit bebas utk main dgn rabbit tu.
ok, have fun. maybe kalau nak pergi boleh inform kitorang ke. kot2 lah daddy orked free, boleh pergi sana sekali bagi orked main rabbit lagi…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
July 20th, 2010 at 8:22 am
thanks for the info,alrite if kami pegi kami contact orked 🙂
haha..boleh masuk pic contest ni
alahai tersangat la comel! sgt lama xjengah blog ni. athirah makin slim la