Wuish agak tersentap when i received this comment for my previous blog entry:
“Have you heard of the word PLANNING? Allah gives mind to think kan⦔ -KT
At first i wanted to be uncynical, giving the benefit of doubt, maybe KT was referring to daily activities planning so i could cope with all 3 kids. but looks like all other commentors understood it as family planning. So i interpreted it correctly in the first place. Family Planning…
Well KT, in the first place i wasnt complaining that having 3 kids menyusahkan my life. i was raising the concern of ensuring they get the fullest attention and love from me and seeking advise from other readers on how do i do that. Every human being has his/her weakness. Hence there are times i loose my patience in raising my kids
Maybe i should give some extra information to KT. My period is irregular coz i have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) ever since i first gotten my period. I’ve went to see various gynae (even before getting married) and all confirm i have PCOS. Of coz the doctors raised the issue on difficulty in conceiving and such. Pompuan mane yg tak takut if takleh pregnant, but i tawakal n leave it to Allah. Ive undergone various hormone treatment (i.e pil perancang) for my PCOS.
I didnt conceive immediately after getting married. We waited for 1 1/2 years. Maybe it was part of Allah’s plan since i was still a student; in my final year back then. Β Getting my period on irregular basis (average of 4 times a year) i knew it wouldnt be that easy for me to conceive. But Alhamdulillah, I was blessed with triplets after 1 1/2 years waiting. Β And again, Allah have better plans, Arwah Alesya left us after 3 days. And to our surprise 4 months later we found out i was pregnant. MasyaAllah.
This time around, it came to us as a bigger surprise. Despite having PCOS and not getting my period for the past months, i found out i was pregnant. For us, it is indeed a sign that Allah have faith in me to handle His lil’ Khalifah. When i went to see the gynae, we couldnt calculate my EDD based on my last period sbb last period was almost 4 months ago. Thus we go to according to the size of fetus.
I have friends getting their period on the dot every months, yet having problem to conceive. I feel very blessed with the rezeki that Allah gives us. Alhamdulillah.
And insyaAllah, by the time our kids all grown up, we havent reach our retirement age, still fit to enjoy life, going around the world. Takde lah dah pencen tapi masih anta amiq anak from skool ;). This is indeed our PLAN. insyaAllah
p/s: to all other commentors, thanks alot for ur kind words of support and encouragement. Thank You

munirah, hebat mana Family Planning..cucuk itu ini, masuk itu ini, pakai protection tebal mana pun, kalau Allah nak bagi..Dia bagi juga.
i dengan anak sorang pun tak menang tangan. ini lagi kan u yang 3 orang. take care babe.
Yes and yes.Some people spent thousands trying to have kid, it is a rezki,it is a blessing,no body will understand the beautiful feeling until they become parent,no matter how hard,no matter how depressing it is, stilled we are the chosen one, to have this wonderful experience and feeling.re: i ve replied about the kindy at yr previous entry:)
munirah,ye..semua tu rezeki dari Allah. baca entry tu tp mmg tak tahu nak komen apa.. faham perasaan tu. cuma rasa tak layak nak bagi komen/nasihat.mmg cabaran nak membesarkan anak2…tp nampak u dan syauqi mmg dah buat yg terbaik.cuma kadang2 mcm2 perasaan ada.insyaAllah, mudah2an Allah mudahkan π
Haha.. org PCOS yg susah conceive sudah prove to docs that she’s fertile. Org mcm tu, pakai IUCD, makan pill pun probably can get preggers, if that’s HIS plan.
Oh well, u can grumble…it’s your blog. your kids will read it in few years time and laugh too. U can’t put out jealousy from other people’s heart *pfttt to unkind comments*. Syok hapa anak berderet. Buku/baju all pass down saja.
syukur ade anak. kitaorg dah kawen 2 thn pon blom ade. period ok. on the dot tepat tiap bln. still xde hasil.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 2nd, 2010 at 9:32 pm
insyaAllah soon ade lah rezeki u π
munirah I suka tgk anak2 you!!
being a fulltime mother with cute babies around (repeat ‘babies’ not baby) was my dream..cuma Allah menentukan my pathway to a different direction…
It is really a blessing dear, believe me. I met 2 friends who have PCOS and now their 8th and 9th years of waiting for a baby!!
some people may plan to have small children in a row then bersenang2 kemudian..some of my chinese patients plan mcm tu!
so no one have the right to question u plan ke tak wat so eva..
you may write a book on parenting dear one day..’parenting skills for twin and above’ base on your experience!!;)
ummi umar and thariq (cutiecaliph.blogspot.com)
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 2nd, 2010 at 9:30 pm
salam perkenalan,
thanks for ur words of support. knowing tat i hv pcos since the day i first got my period,mmg lah panic if i cant conceive.
i was xtremely happy tat we only had to wait for 1 1/2 years. after i gave birth to the triplets, i dare not take any contraceptive prevention as i didnt want to make my pcos worst,if ade rezeki,ade lah. takut nanti so much of planning bile time nk x dpt conceive pulak (since pcos mmg high possibility x conceive)
but now we r soon having 4 insyaAllah, perhaps it is okay to think of contraceptive after this ;). having 4 sounds good enuff, alhamdulillah
saya nk buat pengakuan:
Saya juga PCOS
2005-masih student tp tergedik2 nk kawin,tiada perancang keluarga
2008-anak pertama,masih tiada perancang keluarga
2010-anak kedua,juga masih tiada perancang keluarga
Jgn salah sangka,bkn nk berbangga tak amik perancang keluarga cuma nk bersyukur dgn rezeki yang allah berikan
Munirah,stay strong yeah!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 3rd, 2010 at 7:12 am
hihi, same case ni student tapi gedik nk kawen. eh silap bukan gedik. dh org ajak, takkan nk tolak kan, kiki
alhamdulillah we are blessed with rezeki despite pcos kan
hi munirah,I’m ur silent reader,always wanted to leave a comment,tp segan lah,hehe.
oh btw,congrates on ur pregnancy!moga2 Allah permudahkan…
i know how do you feel,me too a stay at home mom,yg 24/7 kena layan kerenah anak2.we always try our best in raising our kids right,but we are just human,kdg2 kita hilang jugak sabar.org anak 1 tu pun serabut tak hbs,inikan pulak u anak 3,takper munirah,u r not bad mommy lah,in fact u are great enough for ur kids!
totally agree with u,anak tu rezeki dari Allah.dgn situasi u skrg,Allah mmg benar2 nak anugerahkan seorg lg khalifah utk ur family,congrates…
take care
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 4th, 2010 at 9:48 am
thanks of the wishes.
yup mmg penat 24/7 with kids. but plz dont get me wrong. im very sure those working mom pun penat pening kepala piki hal ofis, but being at home it is physically challenging. we will always be on the move. i penah ade kawan die dapat MC, tapi lagi sanggup pegi keja sbb die kate if dok umah nanti lagi lambat baik sbb penat kena layan kerenah anak kat umah. die kate at least kat ofis slow pace skit, tak terkejar2, tak tambah pening kepala.
I pun byk kali kena tegur tegur gn my boss..
mmg sentapz tiap kali dgr tu..
dia bebel about kurang kasih syg n blablabla..
I don’t know, whether he jealous or really concern..coz dia dh dapat last baby the forth n the wife will tutup kedai..
tapi mmg dia really concern jugakla sbb my children especially the kakak always tak sihat..average setahun sekali masuk hospital…tapi sbb demam je..dr pun tak dapat nak detect sakit yg serius..just dia akan demam berpanjangan, tapi tak lebih 10 days, muntah n berak2..selalunya adala penyebabnya..mcm air kotor ke, mmg musim ke..cuma sbb bila kena tu mcm teruk sgt sampai masuk hospital n I kena cuti byk hari…tapi alhamdulillah tahun ni setakat ni dia sihat..just sekarang ni kena chicken pox..
tapi I mmg yakin anak tu rezeki, dan membawa catatan rezeki masing2, termasukla rezeki kasih sayang..
actually sblm kahwin pun mmg I ada ambi duphaston utk regularkan period..samala dgn you munirah, average 4 times a year je period..skrg ni pun jarang2 balik sbb pregnant n BF..ok what, for a wife that have husband whom always outstation..kalau balik2 dr outstation of coursela nak layanan n belaian isteri kan..(sorry kalau I ni open sgt..)
apa pun bak kata HAMKA..Hidup ini antara syukur dan sabar..
setiap yg datang kepada kita adalah ujian buat kita tak kirala perkara itu gembira atau duka..antara kita nak memilih untuk sabar dan bersyukur..Sebaiknya kita memilih kedua2nya sekali..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 4th, 2010 at 9:45 am
tu lah mmg sentap kn bila org tetiba tegur. tapi cam ur case mayb u rase die tegur sbb u dok terpaksa amiq cuti bile anak u sakit and such. but my commentor ni cam takde ujung pangkal, kenal i pun tak dah nk leave such harsh comment. takpe2, mayb KT maksudkn in a different way.
i pun amiq duphaston, one of the ubat i penah amiq. bile makan mmg period regular. tp once stop period terus haywire balik. mase i bf uzair, die 13 months baru i dpt my period balik.
*oh takpe being open, π
oh now i know.. i am pcos too, nvr knew of that term n til now i’m an irregular, gd u kno, mostimes can get full ramadhan. and i’ve nvr plan cos i trust HIS plan. i dnt dare to restrict rezeki from HIM. yes rezeki. i had 8 pregnancies n now coping with 5chrn. yup it’s tough. but dat’s life. sure life is a challenge, diff ppl, diff challenge but surely there’s reward. in our struggle, we do fall but we pray we get up stronger, wiser, increased in faith..we go thru this short journey with usaha, doa dan tawakkal. othes might hv the opinion that family planning is usaha..pendapat masing2.
parenting is a life long learning journey. syukur for all HIS GIFTS and may we be forgiven whenevr we fail. doa that we be shown the way to correct our mistakes.
psst.. u r tougher dats y ur challenge tougher..i cnt imagine hw to hndle 3+1 almost same age gang.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 4th, 2010 at 9:41 am
yup, most of the time i get to puasa penuh. not only bes dpt puasa penuh, but also dpt gi terawih everyday. but now with the kids, terawih kat rumah je lah..
exactly, i dare not restrict rezeki from him, dah lah the fact mmg i susah nk conceive lagi nk restrict, kang bile nak trus takde rezeki kan haru biru. but now that soon we will be blessed with 4 kids, perhaps its time to think of family planning, 4 kids sounds good to me (n husband).
totally agree with you that all this is a life long learning journey. we learnt new things from our kids too, seeing from their perspective makes us learn new thinfs. we shall all make doa and syukur for all the blessing Allah gave and seek forgiveness from our short coming
and u mention u cant imagine how to handle 3+1 almost the same age, believe me, i cant imagine that too…well one mess at a time i guess, hihi
oh u hv a maid? alhamdulillah extra hands are always ‘handy’ ;D
just curious, i hope u dnt mind..u are well-off ya? i am awed seeing ur house n the birthday celeb. gd ur kids hv big space to do stuffs. alhamdulillah. i cn only dream of such a space π
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 4th, 2010 at 9:37 am
yes alhamdulillah i have a maid, but as u know “no maid, no drama” hihi. ade maid pun pening, takde maid pun pening. thus i dont expect tip top work from her. as long ade org tgk2 kn my kids mase i mandi and solat is good enuff. and also sbb my husband often on and off work away, (average being at home 12 – 15 days a month), thus i need the extra hand.
well off? hmm, i wouldnt say that. but alhamdulillah we are blessed with a comfortable life. n the hse that u c in the bday celeb, it’s my parents’ place actually. and im also dreaming of having such a space π
it has been a while since i managed to go online, so i got some catching up to do….
hope i’m not too late in joining others that say u are one wonderful supermama and DO NOT LET ANYBODY tell u otherwise. Only you know what is the best for your child.
i really admired the way you handled yourself when reading the comment from KT. I myself will surely have steam blowing on top off my head. Hehe. To be fair to KT though, I don’t think she meant any harm. That’s the problem with words, people can read your words in sooo many different ways. So, kudos to you for taking a higher road on this.
and munirah, i know u’re gonna be an awesome mother to tripletsplusmore as you did with your tripletsplusone. good luck and enjoy your pregnancy π
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 4th, 2010 at 9:33 am
well ya mayb she didnt mean any harm, tu yg my first time reading it wat came across my mind was planning my daily routine, but after reading it twice, i dont think tats wat she meant. and as for other readers pun understood it as family planning. but anyhow, but sure there’s a more polite way of saying it, instead of CAPS LOCK the word PLANNING and pointing our ade mind kn to think…like trying to say, Allah kasi otak, takleh piki ke, hihi. takpe2 just like u said, maybe she meant it in a different way.
” i know uβre gonna be an awesome mother to tripletsplusmore as you did with your tripletsplusone” <—- ameen π
Baca previous entry u..i pon xtau nak komen ape..sbb rasa xlayak nk komen..sbb pengalaman i belum luas lg..anak sorg pon i kelam kabut jugak..lg kan u..
U such a strong women Munirah.. π
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 4th, 2010 at 9:29 am
strong women? hmm, well i’m trying to be one zeta π
I just read ur previous entry (plus all the comments).
Been reading the update on twitter yesterday.
All this while,You’re doing GREAT!
Honestly, I’m amazed at how you can handle your kids all this while, because macam org lain cakap, I nak handle sorang tu pun tak terlarat.
Dont worry much ok, and take care of yourself. π
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 4th, 2010 at 9:29 am
i guess everyday is a different challenge for me, sbb kerenah budak2 ni bertukar2 kan…
salam munirah… i ade buat entry rentetan dr ur post yg sebelum ni ye, have a visit to my blog.. sbb nk bg opinion kat sini mcm panjang pulak.. hehe…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 4th, 2010 at 9:28 am
thanks dear for sharing ur experience, read your entry. oh sedihnye bile bab cubit smpai lebam. yes i know how tiring it is to potty train. tu i tak rush into it. now tgh potty train harith yg masih blum lulus with flying colours. i havent start athirAh yet tp slowly die dh grasp the concept. die sendiri pegi toilet bile nak buang air. tp kadang2 je lah. ikut aci die. insyaAllah slowly she will be ready for it.
so far i mmg tak allow myself to pukul with rotan/hanger or even with tangan. sbb for me i rase if pukul tu kekadang kite takleh control our strength bile marah sgt. takut ter swing kuat sgt. so mmg the worst pun i cubit. i tak brapa reti cubit so takde kot nanti kejadian smpai lebam. oh if tak cubit, i akan jentik. sbb jentik pun takde lah smpai tinggal kesan.
wah anak u lagi ganas, siap tarik rambut. mine takde lagi case camtu. ade penah skali harith tarik rambut athirah gurau2, i tarik balik rambut die and point out to him it is sakit kn, die pun angguk. so i kate tats y u cannot do to other ppl if not mommy tarik rambut harith pulak
it is no doubt tiring to be with them 24/7, lets doa Allah give us the strength to go through it everyday, insyaAllah
nurul Reply:
August 5th, 2010 at 3:30 pm
mmg sgt ganas tuan puteri 3 org tu, x padan ngan girl.. kdg2 tgh nk mkn pun blh gaduh, ape kes?? pening.. pening… i mmg x pernah la pukul pakai rotan n hanger sbb pukul pakai tgn pun da merah, x smpai hati la nk pukul pakai rotan or hanger.. tp bnyk kali pukul dinding ngan hanger sbb nk gertak diorg suruh jgn gaduh smpai berpuluh2 hanger patah.. huhu…
i pun susah conceive dulu. after 2 babies , i take noriday till now.
My gal is already 1.5 years, i stil dont get my period.
risau risau
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 4th, 2010 at 12:49 pm
r u still breastfeeding? when i breastfed uzair i only got my period when he was 13months old
munirah guees what?
bulan ni my period tak kunjung tiba…dah seminggu lewat.. yesterday i did the test…and it turn out to be POSITIF…huhu…i want to be overjoyed but at the same time i feel so afraid… keep questioning myself am I ready..I know anak adalah rezeki and i am so grateful tapi I takut…am I ready?
munirah everytime i baca ur blog and read that u are pregnant i mesti cakap..tabahnye this mother…anak kecik2 mengandung balik (sedangkan anak2 kita sebaya) then after a few eeks tiba2 i pulak pregnant..
p.s so if urs lahir in 2011 and everything goes well again anak2 kita akan sebaya…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 5th, 2010 at 9:49 am
wahhh kate2 i, masih blum lambat tuk join biar dpt anak 2011 turns out to be reality. cool2. ha, lagi cool kalau dpt twins for yg ni. so ade lah 4 anak gak π
dont be afraid dear, Allah will guide us through it insyaAllah.
how are u doing now, morning sickness and all? wishing u a smooth pregnancy journey dear!
totally agree munirah..!
salute u for able to answer to the commentor so objectively n wisely. bravo to u!
i pun tumpang tersentap..
i dh kongsi cite rezeki i juge.. do feel free to hop to my humble blog. π
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 5th, 2010 at 9:47 am
yup i dah baca ur entry siang tadi after i saw the update notification kat fb.
congrats to u too dear!!!!
congratulationsss on ur 3rd pregnancy!!!hope semuanya ok2 ajaaa..
munirah, remember me? jumpa kat photomama aritu,tp xsempat borak2..plus, i sakit tekak, batuk2 masa tu..xbyk sgt ckp..
1st of all, congratulations on ur pregnancy…
pasal komen2 org yg xfikir panjang tu, tak payah la u ambil pusing sgt..nnti tambah tension jer.. kita fikir positif. anak kan rezeki… plus, Allah xkan membebankan seseorang manusia lebih dpd kemampuannya utk handle..that means, Allah tahu u boleh handle… u’re strong!
i pon sentap kalau org komen berat sebelah..mmg menyampah.tp org tu akal pendek kot…sama jugak cam nurse2 yg kalau jarak pregnancy dekat2 dia nk marah2 macam la dosa besar. itu kan urusan Allah..antara perkara yg manusia xleh nk control..pakai la protection apa pun, kalau dia nk bg, xkan nk tolak,yer tak?
i know you can do it! take care dear!
hi munirah,
anak tu rezeki… u’ve benn choosen to raise Allah’s khalifahs…. just ignore all the negative comments or thinking…. not good for u n baby…. congtrats again dear… banyak rehat n tenang2 ajer….
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 7th, 2010 at 11:53 am
yup i try to take it as a positive note. thanks to u n other commentor for all the words of encouragement
hi munirah,
been ur silent reader for a while now π
just nak share jugak..i’m currently pregnant with my 3rd child and my daughter is just going to be 1 y.o nx week. my eldest just turned 3 last mth.
this pregnancy is totally unexpected sbb i pakai iud. just 2 mths after pakai, i pregnant. imagine that…the worst thing is the doc can’t remove the iud because it’s too close to the baby’s sac. the doc give us 2 options, either to continue the pregnancy or to abort. we ask about the risks..byk la dia cerita. to cut it short, i’m still pregnant & the baby looks healthy so far…alhamdulillah
what bothers me is that the fact that we are far from family & friends. even masa bersalin my 2nd child, i pantang sorang2 with a newborn & a toddler. my husband dpt cuti for 5 days je. imagine doing the house chores + handling the kids while your body is still recovering. my son nangis2 mintak dukung pun i takleh nak buat. instead, i just sit down & hug him. inikan pulak dpt another baby when my daughter is only 1 y.o. lg la dia tak paham.
but yes, i do believe that anak tu rezeki. and it looks like you handle the news better than i did π i still need to be reminded that Allah takkan bg benda yg kite takleh handle.
nak cerita psl anak2, that would be another long story. but u know how exhausting it could be handling them. usually by noon/after lunch(if i get the chance to eat), i dah almost abis energy. there’s no luxury of eating out here, so i have to cook everyday.
i don’t think i believe in birth ctrl anymore..at least not the ones with hormons. cukup la ape yg dah kitorg lalui/sedang lalui with all the possibilities about the baby. if it works for u, bagus la. but if it doesn’t, it will only affect the child u’re carrying. masa doc bgtau all the risks, only one thing that cross my mind, “what have i done?”…i’ll probably go with natural planning after this..
pjg berjela pulak i bercerita..hehe..hope u don’t mind π
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 7th, 2010 at 11:51 am
oh wow after 2 months pakai iud u got pregnant. tu lah rezeki frm Allah can come despite all the prevention we take. Allah knows best and is a greater planner than us. i shall make doa that u have a smooth pregnancy,free frm any risk. insyaAllah
now u brapa weeks? ur 2nd child will be how old when u giv birth later? my twins were 13months when uzair pops up. but alhamdulillah,we managed. they were still busy crawling when uzair arrived.
where about r u btw? abroad?
Me Reply:
August 8th, 2010 at 1:14 am
I’m almost 29 weeks now. my 2nd child should be 14 mths when this one pops out π Tp i’m high risk for preterm labor because of the iud. so, tak tau la kalau keluar awal. skrg pun dah terasa sakit2 if i’m too tired.
We definitely need help this time. InsyaAllah, my MIL will come end of this mth. Kalau takde org, bersalin sorang2 la i nnt. masa i gave birth to my 2nd child pun, kitorg terpaksa bwk my first in the labor room too. sbb mlm2 buta, kwn2 pun tak available masa tu. nasib baik the doc & nurses bg masuk. skrg dah ade 2 org, i don’t think they will allow it.
oh btw, i’m in US.
i’ll make a doa for u too π
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 8th, 2010 at 12:17 pm
oh penat tu, ur 2nd will b 14 months. hopefully ur eldest will take the situation well n behave mcm org besar π
glad to know ur mother in law will b coming over to lend u some xtra hands.
do take care,hopefully baby wont pop out too soon. but alhamdulillah u hv pass the critical preterm stage ( 26 weeks below)
oh btw which part of US r u at?
Congrats for ur 3rd pregnancy!
Wow! ur kiddoz grow so fast indeed π
So happy for u & shauqi