Each time i did baking, it will be hArith yg beria nak help me out while my gal will be nicely seated infront of the tv. She will only make her appearance when she started smelling cookies are already out of the oven. She’ll be running to and fro to get the cookies and back to the sofa infront of the tv, busy munching away. In most cases, the first 3 trays baked will go into their mouth. Only the 4th tray i could start keeping it in the tupperware.
Here’s hArith helping me out , scooping flour into the mixture
This was before i cut his hair, his hair was poking his eye and my sis ended up putting hairclip at his hair, haha
helping out with the jam,
and the best part was hArith happily volunteered to clean up the mess as well 😀
oh btw, im not too sure name of this cookie, got the recipe from hanah’s friend; syoozy. sadly my texture is not as perfect as hers. but taste the same though 😉
So far hArith’s fav is the choc chip cookies, coz he’ll ended up eating the hersyes’ choc instead of putting in the bowl. and also since he like it so much, the choc chip cookies are really fully loaded with the choc chip as he insists on pouring the whole package instead of using the proper measurement by cups. so yes, we have a fully loaded choc chip in the dough, real generous amount of hersyes’ choc chip.

[New Post] Kids Baking : Part I – via #twitoaster http://blog.tripletsplusone.com/2010/08/…
so helpful dats d benefit of having a handful 😉
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 1st, 2010 at 1:13 am
yup, alhamdulillah 😉
btw do u have a blog dear?
mameelima Reply:
September 1st, 2010 at 11:44 am
no cos my life is so boring so i need to read up other ppl’s interesting life and i try to join their interesting life by comment2 😉
Harith..auntie booking Harith tuk bb dlm perut lah…Harith nih rajin la..dah la tolong mummy baking….then tolong kemas lak tuh..
just done my choc cornflakes with the kids…byk masuk dlm mulut diaorg ja..but last2 dah boring dia tinggai mummy n bbik yg buatkan…..nak larik dr kena kemas balik
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 1st, 2010 at 1:12 am
bab mengemas tu mmg lama, kalau biarkn bleh jadi habis sekotak tissue dibuatnye. cam if cuci keta, ade sebotol sabun die bleh habiskn tuk satu keta kalau dibiarkn…hihi
oh my case pun same gak, byk yg masuk mulut diorang, first few trays tu mmg tak sempat masuk tupperware, selamat masuk mulut diorang je..hihi
owhh..lg satu….dah mimpi KitchenAid warna merah itewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 1st, 2010 at 1:11 am
husband beli kn, tu kena rajin bake kang die kate tak baloi beli..jenuh die angkut dr US. dah lah die dh sebut2 lebih baik beli kenwood yg skali die blender and juicer tu more value for money kate die
rajin nya abg harith menolong mama dia ………..
hahhaha cute je muke harith bila rambut kena sepit ..
munirah , btw the cookies lookkkksss yummmyyyyyyy
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 1st, 2010 at 1:10 am
my sis rimas tgk rambut dh nk masuk mata, tu yg gi sepit…haha. die tgh leka tlg tak sedar pun ade sepit tu..hihi
ha time pose ni mmg sume kuih nmpak sedap…bile rase ntah sedap ke tak…kikiki
wah.. harith so rajin! athirah mana..? main dengan uzair ke..? 🙂
alamak aii cutenya tolong mommy. I havent done any baking with kids, masak selalu la. tp kalau buat donut, uli tepung sendiri, diorg mmg excited sgt. belum jadi donut dah masuk dlm mulut. hehe usually Adam’s donut shape are so weird but bole mkn la. haha
beli kitchenaid kat US, so u kena pakai adapter ke utk match to our voltage? is it cheap there? in Spore, it’s RM1700 after conversion. in Msia mmg mahal.
Harith the Handyman 😉
Athirah the Awesome girl always in her own world. Haaihh…
Sok2 bila dorang dah besar, let say another 10years, Harith akan cakap kat adiknya;
“Athirah masa kecik2 dulu tak suka masuk dapur, tau..”
Athirah: Ehh.. mana ada. Manaada.
Harith: Kalau tak percaya, let find iout the truth in Mummy’s blog.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 3rd, 2010 at 11:07 am
hahaha, tats farnee.
i hope die akn kate “athirah mase kecik2 dulu tak suke masuk dapur” buatnye nanti the conversation will be “ish athirAh ni dari kecik smpai besar tak suke masuk dapur” aiyak tepuk dahi i kang…hihihi
can i get resepi cookies nie? 😉
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 4th, 2010 at 12:50 pm
err, i gonna have to check with my sis punye kawan, coz i got the resepi from her