Unpleasant experience in ClubMed Cherating – TRIPLETS plus ONE

Unpleasant experience in ClubMed Cherating

August 9, 2010

As some of u notice  i had tweet few weeks back; i was trying hard to pack for all 5 of us for a short family getaway. When syauQi out of the blue mentioned to me to arrange a short holiday during his off days, i was thrilled. syauQi said anywhere, of my choice. since we can only go for a 3 days trip, we couldnt go anywhere far, thus we had to go somewhere local. Now that i’m pregnant, i wanted somewhere we can relax, hence we decided to choose ClubMed Cherating since it is a family resort and they have Petite Club for our lil ones. I had few friends had a great time in ClubMed so i thought y not give it a try. We invited my parents to come along since they just got back from a year posted in Jeddah. Yes, my dad was in Jeddah for a year.

I called up the ClubMed KL sales office to find out the details, well i would say, it ain’t cheap. With the same amount, we could have gone abroad. But thinking that we can have our own sweet time while the kids be occupied at the Petite Club all day, we decided to make a reservation.

Oh boy, were we dissapointed? Yes we were! There were lots of mishaps that I encountered during my short trip. 🙁

Firstly, my booking got mixed up. Both my husband and I clearly and surely checked that all details were accurate with no errors whatsoever before faxing in the Visa authorization form for our payment to be processed. Unfortunately, the person from the ClubMed KL sales office inserted the information wrongly and my room was booked a day late in our e-voucher. After clearly double checking our invoice form stating the correct date, we were surprise to find out at the guardhouse of ClubMed Cherating that we were suppose to come the next day as the e-voucher stated our stay is from 28th – 30th July. My jaws were wide open when the guard said “sorry, yours is not today, but tomorrow” (and he pointed out our evoucher). Good thing i brought along all the documents that i had fax to the KL sales office and pointed out to the guard our invoice letter. He asked me to come down to speak to the receptionist via phone. We were then allowed to enter after I personally spoke to the receptionist.

As a result of this, my room was not ready when I arrived. Although they did rectify the problem but we had to settle with 2 triple duplex room instead of 3 duplex room (2 duplex room (connecting room and another duplex room for my parents) and;

  1. I got my room at approximately 1800hrs; costing us any activities we could have done on the 1st day. ( we arrived at about 1530hrs). While waiting for our room, we were asked to enjoy the afternoon snack which was at the cafe next to the pool. Imagine how tiring it was to ensure the kids didnt jump into the pool. They were asking permission to swim, but we couldnt since we couldnt change them into their swimming attire.
  2. We were not given the tour which we saw given to all other guests on our 2nd and 3rd day, hence we found it very hard to locate venues during our stay. Imagine, each time we ask the GO for direction such as may i know where’s the Petite Club, and the common answer we get will be ” next to the Mini Club” and i was like “and where is the Mini club?” “near the boutique” &(@#&@!).
  3. The room we were given in the end was at the far end of the resort (Nuri), on the 3rd floor. Please bear in mind that I was travelling with 3 toddlers, ages 3 and 2, with myself being pregnant. Not to mention that there were lizard feces all over the floor of the corridor in front of our room. If the problem is known, it would be good if effort were put to clean the corridors more frequently, which did not happen. For a chain of your reputation, I find this unwelcoming and unacceptable. Seriously, the room was soooo far. I would say it was at at least 4oometers walk, but syauQi felt it was more than that. uZAir demanded to be carried all the way each time we walk to the room and to the activity centre. athirAh would walk half way and asked to be carried another half way. And after the long walk, we have to climb up till 3rd floor. Pengsan nak jalan pegi balik bilik. It was so far for my kids to walk that by the time they reached the room, they were already cranky feeling hungry. uZAir jumped with joy when he saw oreos biscuit in the bag.

And on the next day, we were given our originally booking room. We were greatful the room was much nearer than Nuri ( Block J 2143 and 2142) but it sure caused hassle to us, to pack and unpack all our belongings to move rooms.

here’s how far we had to walk, on the last day i decided to walk along the beah instead the other side of the resort so i could take photo of the stretch we had to walk daily

wondering where exactly we had to walk too? Notice there’s a stairs at the far end? that’s where the main centre is (i.e pool, food dining, petite club)

and for ur information, where hArith is walking, that is only 1/4 way to our first day room and only half way to our 2nd day room! I really have to praise hArith for being such a good boy, walking up and down everyday. uZair mmg asked us to carry him while athirAh usually walks half way before asking us to carry her.

On the 2nd day, when we returned to the room after a swim to get ready for dinner, we found out one of the connecting room had no electricity at approximately 1845hrs on the 2nd day. I called the reception and encountered a front desk that inform me all technicians are having their break till 1930hrs and suggested that we proceed with our dinner and he will inform the technician of our problem later. Dalam hati, i was like “huh watt, dont they have technician on standby? All having break at the same time??”

Although we do have another connecting room with electricity, it was a hassle to search for the kids attire and all in the dark room.

When we returned to the room after dinner and theatre performance, the electricity was back. However,  the problem again happened at approximately 0230hrs. When a technician was finally sent, he was not even armed with a torch light but instead asked for the one placed in the room. Although this might be the case, I should think that in the line of work that this person does, it is not too much to ask that he come prepared with a torch light of his own. And furthermore the torchlight that was in the room cabinet was not functioning, lucky thing we had the other torchlight in the next connecting room. After all this, the technician could not help us as, according to him, it was a problem with the fuse box and nothing can be done. Might I remind you again that I have 3 toddlers with me and that it is a time-consuming hassle to have to put all 3 back to sleep. All this ultimately resulted in us sleeping in and wasting yet more precious time the day after. The 5 of us ended up sleeping on one bed of the next room. That surely was not comfortable. Ended up syauQi slept in the room next door without the aircond.

The next day, we planned to have early breakfast so we can bring the kids to the beach as the room check out time was at 11am. We ended up having our breakfast at 0845hrs. Before heading for breakfast I approached the front desk at approximately 0830hrs to voice my troubles only to be informed that the manager only arrives at 1000hrs. With my husband and dad’s job nature (alhamdulillah we blessed with rezeki to travel around and have stayed at many hotels), we know for certain that even less reputable hotels have night managers. Why this resort does not have the same is beyond me.

I paid for all 3 children to join the Petite Club on both days. I sent my kids only to find that there are only 2 GOs entrusted to care for my 3 children as well as 3 other children. It was surely handful to care for 6 children (age 2 and 3) by 2 GOs. On the first day, when we left the kids, 1 GO was handling uZAir, trying to calm him down, crying his lung out and another GO was chasing after athirAh. You know how fast she is, she can be somewhere else within seconds. Infact i did write a special note on the form to be extra alert on her since she is very active. So one GO was calming uZAir, one GO was chasing after athirAh who was running away. So who’s left to look after the other 4 children??

I witnessed another occasion where 1 GO brought 3 children riding the tram to the beach. What will happen if there is an emergency and the GO has to attend to 1 child (i.e: a child runs into the sea, need medical attention if insect bite, since i saw lots of insect around, we even encountered with snake by the beach! )? Will the other 2 children be left alone? It is with this knowledge that I refused to leave my children at the petite club.

Infact on my 2nd day i saw another parents ended up not sending her 2 year old child to the petite club too. hmm, i wonder y?

So on few occasion, we ended up staying there with the kids at the petite club

This is one of the GO, she was very nice, trying all her best to comfort the kids, but she really didnt have enough hand to comfort all the kids at one time

and hArith trying to do like Michiko’s mouth

athirAh busy eating, not bothered by the ppl passing by

Besides that it was surely tiring for us to walk up and down to our room to change our kids’ diapers. The baby’s changing room was under construction, leaving us no choice but to walk back a distance to the room to get them clean. If we were informed of the distance we had to walk, we would have brought the kids strollers. But then again, it would be hassle to be carrying all the strollers up the stairs.

Having said all this, I do admit that when the manager got back to me, he was courteous and understanding and allowed us late check-out. We were also greeted with a fruit basket and t-shirts for the children at our departure.

I sincerely apologize for all the unfortunate events that happen to you and your family during your stay. I wish you to enjoy to the most of the day”

However, I am forced to say that the service they provided is nothing near to the value that they are charging me. The price of our stay was a large sum and with this price tag I expect impeccable service, one that lives up to the resort reputation. Although the resort does have some merits, what I have encountered is such major distress which I cannot overlook and greatly overshadows whatever good points the resort may have.

The very main reason I chose this resort was because I am pregnant and was looking for a resort that could let me and my husband relax and unwind, knowing that our children are also taken care of and enjoying themselves. Instead, what I got was a stressful misadventure that I could certainly have gone without. I say this with honesty but without malice, I will not recommend the resort to anyone and do not wish this to happen even on my greatest enemy.

Anyway here are pic of us on the very last day, spent some time at the beach while waiting for the manager to call me after the breakfast. we woke up late that day due to the  electricity failure. all kids went for breakfast in their pyjamas on and we head straight to the beach after breakfast. although we did get the late check-out, we still had to go back to our rooms coz my parents room did not get any extension and the check out time was at 11am. We managed to spend bout 45 mins at the beach

kids were upset we had to cut short their playtime at the beach, had to rush back coz my parents need to transfer their stuff to our room

After transfering my parents stuff to our room, we shower the kids and went for our lunch. We decided to let the kids have some playtime at the beach nearby (infront of the resort) before heading home.

Finally some peace of mind for the husband…

and mine too…

as well as the kids

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  1. [New Post] Unpleasant experience in ClubMed Cherating – via #twitoaster http://blog.tripletsplusone.com/2010/08/


    phatdevil666 Reply:

    OMG… U paid so much and u got that kind of service from them.. Dun tink i wan to have those kind of service for my family.. very unpleasent la mun.. They shld have just given u a free extra day for ur family instead of a ‘stupid’ card saying sorry…


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    yes, very unpleasant AND stressful. not only i had 3 cranky kids but also a grumpy husband 🙁
    obviously he would be grumpy, for the money he paid for it, madness aight what we got in return


  2. urrgghghhhhh thank god i didnt go! would have so wasted my half mth’s pay n precious annual leave!


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    haha,bt nvr know mayb if u go, cn help carry one child so less cranky kids AND parents, so trip might turn out better,no? ….haha


  3. i macam nak tertanya2 how much do u spend for this hotel.teruk betul bile baca. mind to share?


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    we spent alot dear, even when we went to bali n stayed at a 3bedroom villa with private pool for 4 nites it was cheaper. our fullboard redang trip with 3 snorkelling trips was also much cheaper n better. clubmed we paid rm8500 for 4 adults n 3 kids. mmg not worth the money we paid!


  4. Ok ClubMed , I did think of going there too, but after reading your post, hmm thanks but no thanks..hehe. I want a relaxing vacation with my kid not some kind of treasure hunt or marathon race. Hihi.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    mayb the YTL pangkor laut would be a relaxing one. and its fullboard too.


  5. waaa soo challenging nak kena jaga anak2 u and dengan yr condition lagi.Tapi mcm tak boleh terima time electricity black-out tu.Mesti ada yang stand-by.mana boleh gi break skali harung.
    And memang geram+hangin la kan kalo bayar mahal gila tapi poor service.Memang sumpah tak nak jejak kaki lagi kat situ kan?


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    very very challenging! being pregnant with terrible nausea, had to carry them each time we walk to n fro the room. yup mmg cannot accept about the electricity black-out, cam to the room not armed with his own torch light. and just said fusebox kaput, nothing can be done. funny thing, after i spoke to the manager the next morning, he said he will get it fix ( we were at the beach then) and came back with electricity fixed. Why was it not possible to fix it in the middle of the nite but the next day it was possible?.
    and yes, i said the same thing to my husband, how can it be all technician are own break? dont they have some on stand-by? ridiculous right?


  6. pergh thats a lot of unfortunate event.. and all u got in return were tshirts and buah je ?? baik rebate 50% rite?

    nway despite all that, i still like the 3rd last pic and the last one. at least they did have fun after all 😀


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    yup 3 tshirts and fruits. we were given the green lite for late check out but then again how late can it be, till next day? obviously not aight. so we cek out our room at 330 instead of the usual scheduled at 11am. after lunch lepak at the beach for awhile so kids can have some fun time while the father have his peace of mind taking a nap b4 driving home. but i had to be extra alert coz the day before, we were lepaking there and a snake passed by us. so i had to watch out for any other kind of insects around


  7. For something that you have paid that much, I would expect a tip top service not some lousy excuse like that, (bagi fruit basket n t shirt nak buat apa..and card mintak maaf..blerrghh pluhse la..should be dpt complimentary one night stay sebab service yg mcm taik tu)

    wonder if all other club med is like this or is it just the poor service level in Malaysia..baru je ckp kat my hubby teringin nak pegi club med, sebab ada GO tolong tgk kan anak. but if mcm ni la punya gaya, membazir duit n sakit hati je baca..huhu..


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    yup i wonder are all other clubmed like this or it is just malaysia. Oh wat happen to the “malaysia truly asia” thingy. we paid so much, out trip to Bali last year at a 3 bedroom villa with private pool was even cheaper and much better.
    with that price tag, the service was below par. i guess it has been over rated lah this clubmed.
    perhaps they shuld have a buggy service for those room yang far end


  8. boooo to ClubMed. baru nak recce. dah baca kat sini tak yah la nak recce. very bad experience!!


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    very bad experience for us 🙁


  9. i think just by saying sorry n giving away tshirts n late checkout mmg x enough..money x grow on trees..i would hv not settled for that definately..poor u n the kids!n syauqi too!
    im speechless..


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    exactly, money doesnt grow on trees aight!


  10. wat d hell is tat…. ape la clubmed ni. so terrible…. ini kite panggil otak letak kat lutut… kalu i dah kene cursing like mad la… all d F words akan kuar dr mulut i la.. dah la mahal gler… wastin money n time… BAN CLUBMED!!!!


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    i was just too tired to curse lin. with 3 cranky kids and a grumpy husband…i was just too tired.funny thing, when we reached home, we were all so glad. usually going for a holiday u wouldnt want the holiday to end kan, but this time around we were happy to finally be home. the end of stressful trip


  11. hey, just an idea… why dun u send this article to the management??? (with all the comments too!!!) who knows kalu the mnmt courteous enough to take some action…. OMGGGGGG….. pernah laaa jugak berangan2 nak gi situ…. tp takpolaaaa kalu gi bandung/ bangkok or singapore pun confirm lagi murah n puas hati….


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    yes, i’ll be writing a letter to the manager and fwd this link to them.
    yup, a trip to bandung/bangkok will be much much cheaper
    we wanted to go to spore for the universal studio, but husband had only 3 days off, so had to go local


  12. it’s a gd thing to share ur bad experience..cos if u hd read someone’s else account, u wld hv bn saved u fr a stressful holiday n wasted $$$.. salam ramadhan 🙂


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    yup, i would want others to take note. if wanna travel with kids, request for a room nearby or be preapred with strollers and such. we should hv been inform of the distance we have to walk upon reservation so we can come prepared. grrr…


  13. wow dear.. no wonder u were frustrated. i think its the place to be blamed kan? definately to me not at all ur parenting skills(based from ur previous post)… supposed to be a break-away n holiday turns out to be more penat..

    haish.. i read ur reply to one of the comments.. wow rm8500?? n for the kind of service.. who wont be frusrated.
    anyways, thx a lot for sharing..


  14. Rm8500!! that’s freaking expensive hokayy. for a big family like urs including ur parent kan..still i think bapak mahal. but then again kalau service superb and tempat tu indah bagai syurga dunia, ok la juga. Ini dengan tahi cicak bersepah? but yet mintak org bayar sampai RM8500? Huyooo boo to ClubMed. Am going to highlight this to Tourism Malaysia as well lah.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    yup total 4 adults and 3 toddlers, we had to pay rm8500. our trip last year to bali with 3 bedroom villa with private pool was even cheaper. yes, plz highlight this to the tourism malaysia


  15. Let me share my impartial experience with you. I am not siding CM at all but there should be a fair review here. I was there with my wife and 2 kids (4 & 6) in early July. We booked our package in April so we had time to do some research. We had a lot of fun during the trip. The GOs were friendly with our kids and every evening they came back tired after a full day of activities, which was good for me and wifey. On the last day, my girl didn’t want to go home because she got close to one of the mini club GOs there.

    Yes, the trip is not cheap. It cost us more than RM 4,000 for 3 nights. However, i think it has value as it covers all the accommodation, great sumptuous food, drinks (open bar), snacks and activities. And you get the private beach all to yourself and safe from strangers. How do you put a price to safety for your kids? No one is allowed to walk into the premise without a check in voucher. So for the money spent, no doubt I can go to Bangkok or Singapore but I will end up paying more for accommodation, transportation, taxi, restaurant, drinks and activities based on the same quality.

    About the cicak droppings, what do you expect! The resort is in the middle of the jungle and CM Cherating is certified an eco resort. (That’s why research here is important!!) Do you know what it takes to be an eco resort? Means you must respect the natural habitat of the environment and the creatures living in it. Cicak droppings never hurt anyone do they? And i notice the housekeeping do sweep the floor when they clean the rooms.

    It’s too bad you had a bad experience Mrs Imran. Just bad luck I supposed as you have bad luck from the beggining to the end. Murphy’s Law working at its best. But those who want to try to go there, ask also opinion of others.

    I’m planning to go to CM Bali next year. So I’m going to check out MATTA Fair next week to see i there’s any good deals!


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    Well, for you information because of the research we did was the reason why we choose clubmed, having read in the Tripadvisor all good comments about the place made us proceed with our reservation. But sadly it didnt turn out that way. And please it is not fair to compare traveling with 4 n 6 years kids with twins of 3 years and 2 years toddlers, that is definitely not in the same league. and it is not fair either to compare mini club and petite club. it is perfectly fine to have 2 GOS to handle bigger kids as compared to 2 GO s trying to handle 6 toddlers. My kids started attending montessori kindergarten since they were 22 months,thus they are not strange in attending classes like the petite club but what needed was a proper ice breaking session to get them use to the place, but sadly the GOs didnt have enough hand to help settle all the kids. Besides my kids, there were also other kids crying. I even saw a parents ended up not sending their daughter to the petite club programme the next day, hmm i wonder why?? And as i mentioned in my entry, i did give credit to the GO, Michiko, she was all out trying to comfort my kids, but how can she handle it while other kids were also crying. Again, i would like to highlight, 2 GO’s for 6 kids? And i’m paying for the service, it is not FOC of coz i would expect more GO’s to handle the petite club.

    And again, how can u compare traveling with 3 toddlers with your 4 n 6 years kids. You need not carry them for the long walk back to the room and neither do you need to go back to your room often to change their diapers as the baby room was under construction and there wasn’t any temporary room. I tried changing them in the washroom near the restaurant and got ppl staring at me, so i had no choice but to walk back a distance every time i had to change them. With 3 kids, imagine how many times i had to walk up and down for diaper change.

    My dad is a pilot, therefore we never fail to travel on a yearly basis since i was small. The service we got from ClubMed was definitely below par. And for my dad, having stayed at all kind of hotels while on duty, the service we got from clubmed was really poor. And my husband is also a pilot, even the hotel in India gave better service when the aircond broke down. Yes, the electricity black out could have happen to anyone, but how do u explain when the technician came at almost 3 am to fix it but not even arm with a torchlight, instead asking us for the one placed in the cupboard, and it was not functioning. lucky thing the one in the next room was in good shape. And after checking the fusebox, all he could say was there’s nothing can be done. So we were left with no aircond and lights. However the next day after i spoke to the manager, they send technician again and things were able to be fix.

    You mentioned about going to bangkok or s’pore, well to compare with our latest asia holiday trip which was Bali, it was even cheaper what we paid. Having stayed at a 3 bedroom private villa with a lap pool, chef came to our villa every morning to cook breakfast for us. And even if we total up or other meals, private transportation (10 hours a day of private driver) and sumptuous seafood we had by the beach at Jimbaran, PLUS all our shopping, it was still cheaper than what we paid for clubmed, and we were there for 5 days as compared to only 3 days in Clubmed.

    Parents just got back from Royal Caribbean Mediterranean Cruise, embark from Barcelona and stop at 8 different countries, among it was Nepal, Rome, There were lots of activities on the cruise and food spread were better according to them. every nite was a proper dining with formal attire. They paid RM8k for two heads for a week. In terms of value for money, this was much more since it was a week travel as compared to what i paid, almost 5k for only 2 nights!

    About the cicak droppings, yes i understand it being eco resort, and i am not asking them to kill them but to clean up the droppings, the one we had infront of our door were not new droppings. It was definitely old droppings that have not been clean for quite sometime. My dad stayed in kampung before, we know how to different shade new and old droppings. It is all about hygienic.

    About the Murphy Law, well after writing a complain email to the ClubMed, the person incharged replied to me “I have also spoken to Mei, our reception manager whom you met. She had the impression that everything was Ok after she changed the rooms for your family. The reason she had this impression was because when she met with you 2-3 times a day, everything seemed fine. ” so this prove that i was being high spirited (where not much positive energy was left) for the sake of the family. I have been persuading my husband and parents to go on this holiday and they were very unhappy with the arrangement, leaving me to show a happy an upbeat face as to not further dampen their spirits. Therefore, it would also be normal for Mei to assume that everything was OK. And also I didnt get to see her after the breakdown incident happen.


  16. baru je dok fikir nak pg sana masa raya holiday…. tak jadi lah klu camni…


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    aritu ade SN sebut to me plan nk gi, i rase if anak kecik lagi x brapa sesuai. if anak cam dh age 5 above br sesuai


  17. Hiya!! We met at Shogun with our twins Aeriq and Rayyan. Then we met again recently at a Gymboree party. Congrats on your pregnancy. Babe, how are you coping?? 3 and another on the way. Our twins are already turning our hair grey. So sorry to hear about your misadventure. I expect no less from
    Club Med too!! We thought of going early this year so the GO can entertain them so Azrine and I could lepak. Since reading this, seriously we are not going to spend that kind of money and be stressed!! Take care, hope pregnancy goes smoothly. Love.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    hi there! of coz i do remember you 😀
    thank for the well wishes, how do i cope? i really dont know…and cant start to imagine how things will be when the fourth one pops out. will just wait and see i guess, handle a mess at a time, haha
    about the ClubMed, well unless your boy are perfectly okay being under other supervision mayb u can reconsider it, but if it takes awhile for them to adapt then it will be a lil problem i think.
    and do request for a room near the centre activities, or u’ll have to walk 400 – 500 meteres just to get to your room! by the time we reach our room, kids were already cranky hungry…


  18. Thank u soooo much… I’m glad I found u first before clubmed!! Haha..I wouldn’t stay there even if it’s free.. Yikes!


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