Last year I took photo of these lil feet…
and now these lil feet is already walking about 😀
We attended her 1st bday bash yesterday,
Alhamdulillah im back with my camera now, having great time taking photos. I had to go through the phase of “allergic to camera” during my first trimester and im very happy that the phase is over. So u can now see me clicking on my shutters again 😉
Unfortunately i couldnt take much photos coz the house ade fish pond, had to do head count every 3 seconds to ensure none of the kids swim with the fishes. Managed to take few photos though
uZair taking a rest in inflatable pool full of toys
athirAh enjoying her spagetthi
and i thought i just gave this boy a haircut? aiyooo dh panjang balik. why lar this guy susah sgt nk potong rambut…
Bday girl trying to fix her party hat,
and another 2 babies that i managed to get some shots of them while my kids were occupied with the toys,
look at his eyes and pipi, geram kan!!!!
his name is Kasheif, and his aunt was one of the paeds doctor that took care of hArith n athirAh at birth while they were in SCN (special care nursery)
and another baby, crawling in the “tunnel”,
and the cake cutting session, the birthday was a combo party together with Alisha’s aunt,
oh before that, hArith was having some role play at the “kitchen”,
when i told him , its time to have the cake cutting session, he actually ran in and took one of the toy knife gave it to me and asked me to pass it to bday girl, hihi
but i guess the knife was a lil too small to cut the cake, so bday gal cant use it..hihi
we had to make a move after the cake cutting session coz the longer we are there the higher chances my kids jump into the fish pond and also the hse byk decoration, we wouldnt want anything to gotta make our move.
Thanks for having us Alisha, again hAppy birthday to you!
and to the parents, Congratulations for surviving the 1st 1 year 😀

these photos are absolutely lovely! thank you for coming to Alisha’s little birthday you guys!! we totally enjoyed your company 🙂
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 19th, 2010 at 11:34 pm
thanks for having us 🙂
we were soo worried that our kids might break ur mom’s deco. fuh lucky thing nothing happen
lama tak komen sini…athirah has turned into a lovely young lady! sangat cantik lah dia 😀
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 27th, 2010 at 12:13 pm
thanks dear…but if only she allows us to comb and tie her hair..i think she will look better
we all yg rimas tgk rambut die yg tak boleh disentuh langsung tu