I was clearing up my SD card and organizing the photos and i realised i had another entry i was supposed to do for my bday. It is the Lonia chocolate!
Mrs Imran surprised me with her homemade choc. I went over to her house to pick up my chocoflake cookies that i ordered, and suddenly saw her coming out frm her hse with another xtra box. Oh my, it was her homemade choc! Lucky me, dpt bday gift cum free sample ๐
It was already nite time when i went to her house, the photos didnt do much justice. I had to take the photos immediately once i reach home coz my kids dah nak serang the chocs.
If u wish to have a personalised choc, dont hesitate to contact Mrs Imran. Some of us are bored with the cupcakes already…perhaps its time to give choc instead to ur love ones ๐ and who can say no to chocs aight?
The choc was fully loaded with assortment of nuts, tak kedekut punye, almond seketul2…takde nye die potong2 cinonet2 nk saving
a close up of it after i break it into half
i “disect” all the nuts out ๐
here’s hArith eating the choc,
Researchers believeย chocolate cravings have something to do with serotonin , a brainchemical that makes us feel relaxed. And also i heard chocolates releases endorphins, it is a stimulant that makes you happy.

[New Post] Lonia Homemade Chocolate – via #twitoaster http://blog.tripletsplusone.com/2010/09/…
thanks for ur review:) dan selamat hari tua…tehee
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 17th, 2010 at 10:21 am
mane ade i tua, muda ah…org ingat harith adik i tau! :p
erm… harith punya choc chip cookies looks way better than mine… eeks..