Yes, this is extremely belated post. but i decided to made an entry of it for memories.
It was about 10pm and i was still struggling to put the kids to sleep, 2 down and 1 more to go. Syauqi was away for work. Suddenly my mom came rushing into my room asking me to come out quickly. I panic, thought something happened outside. As i rushed out to the sitting room, i saw a basket of orchid.
Still clueless about it, i went nearer and saw the note.
I was blur for awhile, then mom told me someone just sent it. It was such a surprised coz all this whileΒ we dont actually celebrate anniversary. Yup, we dont…no gift, no dinner and what not. And neither do i expect any celebration. Maybe sbb dari i kecik my parents pun tak celebrate their anniversary, so i dont really look at it as a celebration date. So this time around, it surely was a surprised to know husband who was away at that timeΒ had arranged for a flower delivery to me, together with cupcakes :). He requested the flowers to be sent at 10pm coz usually by then kids dah tido.
And this was my birthday cake
As usual, kids got excited seeing cake and candles,they automatically parked themselves infront of the cake to blow the candles.
But this time around, athirAh was rather amazed when the birthday song was sang. They were happily singing and suddenly when the phrase “happy birthday to mOmmy…” athirAh look at me as though saying “oh its YOUR birthday mommy???” she kept on patting on me and said “oh mommy, mommy!!!”
and even uZair got all excited after singing the song
and i got a big birthday hug from my miracle babies π
*excuse the poor quality photos, it was late night after terawikh, too lazy to fix the flash and also maybe coz the one that takes photo well is in the picture…hahahah *kidding*
And oh by the way, I’m 28 years old, opss can i say 28 years young?

[New Post] On anniversary n birthday – via #twitoaster…
Happy anniversary & happy besday..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 4th, 2010 at 12:49 pm
thanks, lame punye ni…anni was in jun bday bulan lepas. mase tu nk update blog tak larat (1st trimester)
28? stll young… π age is juz a number,its how u carry urself w d number that matter…anyway,hppy belated bdy…
salam munirah,
happy belated birthday dan anniversary.
May the yeras ahead full with bless foryou..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 5th, 2010 at 12:17 pm
ameen π
Dat HD cake looks so delicious!! Shd demand 1 for my bday oso lah!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 5th, 2010 at 12:17 pm
yup u shuld! hihi
it all started few years back, we beli HD cake for one of the occasion n mmg cepat je licin. then we realised if beli cake like secret recipi, smpai next week pun akn ade lagi dlm fridge and ended up buang je..since then we pay a lil extra more to ensure the cake tak ended up dlm tong. if HD mmg confirm cepat licin π
happy birthday super mum. at ur age i only had two to handle π
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 5th, 2010 at 12:15 pm
Thanks dear,
soon i gonna hve 4 to handle, no idea how that will be
mameelima Reply:
September 6th, 2010 at 6:52 pm
u’l upgrade to super duper insyaAllah. every gift lifts u up to a higher scale π
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 7th, 2010 at 11:04 am
thanks dear, u never fail to give me words of encouragement. your comments and words always refresh my motivation level. thanks again, really appreciate it π, Munirah, Happy Belated BD & Happy Anniversary to u n hubs!
Wonder if I found someone having the same anni & bd with Hubby & I just pass our 5th wedding anni. on 4 Sep & my bd on June too..15/6, how bout urs?
One thing for sure I am not as young n superb mom like u yet. I hit 30 this yr π
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 7th, 2010 at 11:06 am
oh my anni dh belated lame, 3rd jun and bday is on 17th august.
happy belated bday and anni to u n hubs too! π
oh all moms, are superb in their very own way! a pat to all moms out there π
Happy Anniversary Munirah & Shauqi!
n owhhh
happy Birthday Munirah….still young la….at 28th dah settle with 3+1 babies…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 7th, 2010 at 11:05 am
thanks, and yes i would like to believe im young…hihihi
Walaupun dah belated, xpe, nak wish jugak, hepi bdayy and hepi anniversary. congratulations to u and syauqi π
semoga hidup diberkati-Nya dengan kasih saang dan limpahan rezki. Amin.
ps: the twins pakai baju spidey eh? pats on the shoulder like Athirah diid. haha π
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 7th, 2010 at 11:03 am
thanks dear for the well wishes,
haah they pakai bj spider, actually yg athirah punye for uZAir, my mom bought for the boys but besar sgt for uzair
happy birthday munirah.
ooh terlambat sudah but nak wish jugak…happy annivesary and happy belated birthday.Oh the orchid cantekkk!
happy anniversary & birthday dear!!!!! god bless :):)