Yes that’s what hArith would say if he wants us to read him a book…i guess most of his books starts off with “once upon a time” hence he refers to that term whenever he wants storytime.
Well, i guess just like any other toddler, it is rather tiring having storytime with him, he has endless list of questions to ask through out the story. and some of the questions, u really dont know how to answer…
Just now he wanted “once upon a time”…i asked him to get Tuk Ki to read to him as i was a lil too tired to entertain to his questions
Here’s the quality time spent between a grandchild and grandpa
and soon after, he started asking all kind of questions…
at times it is a wonder how kids and their imagination are 😉
Usually for bedtime, we dont have any book reading session as i have to switch off all lights or else they will never sleep. So we usually have story of Ali and Abu. Basically we chit chat instead of reading books. Ali is actually a recap story of what he (harith) did during the day. We would mentioned the good things that “Ali” did and also things that “Ali” shouldnt have done (with reasons and explanation given). While Abu is just a random story of a good boy (i.e Abu loves helping his mom, Abu share his toys with his siblings and never quarel nor fight with his brother and sister).
oh talking of that, the other day we were at syauQi’s parents house and as usual hArith akn pergi ke dapur borak2 with mak syauQi yg tgh masak. Then syauQi’s mom told us one of the conversation they had:
hArith: Tuk Ishah, tu ape? (while pointing to taik lalat kat muka tuk)
Tuk Ishah: Ni taik lalat
hArith: ah? taik lalat???? eeeii busuk! (dgn muka confused giler, wah selambanye tuk ni ngaku muka die ade taik)
Tuk Ishah: tak, taik ni tak busuk
hArith: iyer, taik busuk! taik uzair busuk!
Tuk Ishah: takk…yg ni tak busuk
hArith: eeee..busuk lah (smbil kipas2 kt hidung die nk biar tak terbau “taik” tu)
then mak syauqi said to us “mak pun dh tak tau nk jwb ape…” hihi

[New Post] Once upon a time – via #twitoaster…
why taik uzair yg busuk? taik harith tk busuk ker? hahah
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 19th, 2010 at 1:47 am
sbb uzair yg suke peram taik die…if die (harith dh potty train so die takde lah kejadian tuk terbau diapers die busuk n athirah lak if buang air cam laju je gi toilet suruh kami tukar. tp uzair tu selagi takde sape realised die poo poo selagi tu lah die peram taik die