Well, im not sure if this solution will last for long. Maybe soon they will adapt to the routine and their bedtime will be late like usual. Last Friday, weather was rather gloomy, it was only 330pm btu the kids saw the kind weather and insists nak play outside coz they thought it was already 5pm. (i usually let them out about 5-ish). So they were running about in the garden till 6-ish. That got them all tired and all slept by 945pm! That was just amazing. All in bed before 10pm.
The following day and yesterday, they started playing outside at 3-ish too. It was still hot, thus they play their bike and all at the patio. Again, on Saturday, the elder two slept at about 930pm and uZAir slept passed 10 but he wasn’t jumping making noise,singing and such…he lay down on his bed…looking at the empty ceiling and finally fell asleep. That was close to 11pm. As long he was not making noises, singing and dancing, it was perfectly fine to me.
Yesterday, they were out by 3pm! running around, sat on the swing, ride their bike and i did painting with them. I got them to lie down on the paper, drew a shape of their body and asked them to paint their body with clothing, eyes and all. At 6pm, brought them to the stream, they were all wet and continued playing at the playground. athirAh slept by 9:15pm, followed by hArith close to 930pm and by 945pm uZair was asleep too. And by 10pm I was asleep!!! Yup, i was extremely tired after 3 days of such routine.
Yup, as u can see, my kids dont take afternoon nap. I’m not sure wat’s the sleeping quota hours for toddlers, but dont think my kids fulfill those quota. They wake up latest by 830am, if they are not awake, i will carry them out of the bed. Or else they ended up sleeping pass midnite if i allow them to wake up late. But since i consistently pulled them out of bed latest by 830am, they now wake up by themselves by 8am.
So for now the solution to early bedtime (if you were to consider 945pm early, that is), i will have to let them out in the garden by 3pm instead of 5pm, let them run about till 630pm. And you wonder why am i small? 6 months preggie and im only 45kg. Coz i burnt my calories everyday, need not head to the gym, i have 3 personal trainers at home! My gym is open to all, no fees charge..hahaha

[New Post] Bedtime Solution – via #twitoaster http://blog.tripletsplusone.com/2010/10/…
hello there! saw you at the recent Kleenex event =) but me being a forst timer attending a bloggers event was quite ‘jakun’ and shy2 cat lah, did not tegur sapa2, silly me. seems like i’m more peramah in the ‘virtual’ world kot? hehe. but next time I will not lepas peluang to chat around for sure
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 26th, 2010 at 10:37 pm
hi there!!
lah shuld have tegur…but then again i was busy chasing around my kids, doing headcount every 5 seconds coz i was alone. husband keja. time makan je lah yg i boleh duduk benafas sbb anak2 i dok gembira enjoying the food. uZAir tmbah spaghetti 3 kali..pastu makan yg lain lagi…so time mkn je lah yg i ade chance nk duduk borak dgn other moms…hihi
yerp..my kid now dah pi nursery and less sleep at day time, by 9pm dah tarik tgn ajak masuk bilik. I tink its work well ;=)
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 26th, 2010 at 3:46 pm
tp my kids pegi sekolah smpai kul 1230, balik tak nap pun yet mlm tido lewat. walhal bile balik kindergarten tu, wahh “harum” sungguh bau. mmg kireye active lah kt sekolah…tapi tak gak penat2
salam.. ohh no wonder la my son tidur super duper lambat. dia bangun sangat lambat. parents dah lalalala pun dia dok nyanyi2, main kereta etc. tapi dia bangun lambat ada sebab, sebab i tak mo dia kacau i buat keje. bleh gitu? hahaha :p
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 26th, 2010 at 6:35 pm
hihi, tp my kids tido lmbat camane pun, bgn awal gak…