Yes i know, we should feed curiosity kids with correct answers, but at times i get a lil too tired to entertain to hArith’s question, he would ask questions and expect some real specific answers.
Being pregnant and having to deal with 2 other toddlers, it gets a lil bit tiring to answer to al his questions. And he asked a lot, seriously. Every minute they will be question from his mouth, especially when we are in the car, he will look outside and ask all kind of questions.
He was out with me just now to Usana HQ, and he saw a motorbike beat the traffic lite…and the minute i saw the motorbike drove off while the light was still red i knew i gonna had it, endless question from hArith
him: mOmmy, kenapa motor tu jalan. Red stop!!!
mOmmy: ha motor tu tak listen to instruction, must always listen to instruction kan.
him: tp kenapa, kenapa die tak listen instruction
mOmmy: kat school teacher teach die tak listen. hArith listen to auntie2 tak kat school? mommy give instruction pun kena listen kan?
him: listen. tapi kenapa die jalan jugak?
mOmmy: takde orang teach die
him: tapi papa teach harith, Green Go, Red Stop. Kenapa papa die tak teach die?
mommy: mommy tak tau lah kenapa?
him: kenapa mommy tak tau?
mommy: *silent pause clueless what to answer*
haa…tak ke pengsan masak kepala nk jawab soalan die. i guess at this age around, your kids believe that you know everthing, so never answer “tak tau” to you child
him: tapi die dh jalan, dangerous kan mommy. die dah pegi mane tu?
mommy: haah dangerous.
him: tapi takde accident pun?
and lucky thing there was a tractor by the roadside, his attention then diverted to what was the tractor doing
him: kenapa tractor tu korek jalan mommy? nanti jln tu rosak!
*dah masak kepala nk jawab pasal tractor pulak*

[New Post] Curious Kids – via #twitoaster…
Faiq is exactly like that when he ask questions… and he will never satisfy with simple answer… he wants specific answer…n now he has already started asking scientific kinda question.. mmg masak nk menjawab… but sometimes kalau kepala otak i dah penat sangat mmg ade jugak i jawab tak tau… siap dah tanye adik keluar ikut mana n tk cukup with simple answer ye… penattt….
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 13th, 2010 at 7:40 am
ha ni die nmpak i pregnant mmg dh start dh tanye pasal baby in the tummy…
u jwb ape mase die tanye baby kuar mcm mane?
Timmy Reply:
October 13th, 2010 at 8:02 am
hehe.. berpinar gak i nak mencarik jawapan. memula kata kat belly button, dia tak puas hati… last2 i cakap je keluar ikut perut la… sbb tu perut ummi kempis… haa.. bila dia nampak logic baru dia diam… but usually bila soalan science dia keluar kalau i tatau i cakap i will go find the answer… later baru jawab. hehe…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 13th, 2010 at 8:20 am
tu lah i dh piki if die tanye, bleh je kate doctor cut perut kuarkn baby, tapi takutkang mulut masin, kena c-sect lak i kang…wuish taknk i
huhu..damia pun mcm tu. sampai naik pening nk jwb soalan dia. bila jwb tak tau… dia marah pulak sbb kita tak tau. hehehe…..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 13th, 2010 at 7:39 am
ha betul, die marah kn if kite tak tau. mom suppose to know all i gues, we are their hero in their eyes now. for now lah..hihih
hahaha… mmg boiling laaa kepala mommy dia nak jawab..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 13th, 2010 at 7:38 am
ye sgt boiling, mmg masak kepala mak die nk jwb. but i guess camane pun kena gak kasi the most logical answer, coz frm tat it helps to develop their brain n thinking kan…so nak taknk,kena gak lah layan…
same here… the “kenape” questions are such an exhaustive list of questions that never ends.. some times when i have no idea what to answer back, i asked the question back to my daughther .. hehe.. mcm “nadhrah rasa kenape?”..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 13th, 2010 at 7:38 am
i do that to, tp die tetap akn divert back the question to me..aiyakk
funny la harith, rayhan pun akan tanya questions endlessly. penah dia tanya, mummy,why is the sky so blue, why trees green colour? haaaa… pening nak jwb u! i jwb je, that’s Allah fav colour…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 13th, 2010 at 7:37 am
tu lah at times die tanye soalan yg mmg tak tau lah ape nk jwb. yesterday die tanye knp car (toy) die takleh cam dismantle sbb die nk jadi workshop kot,cabut pasang balik. so the dad sbb sbb mmg tak mcm tu,toy ni takleh cabut2 pasang, then mula lah..knp org tu buat camni, knp org tu tak buat toy yg bleh cabut pasang and yada yada yada yada
yups..kid will be iklan raya petronas tu hehehe
burung apa?
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 13th, 2010 at 7:36 am
tu lah, selagi die tak puas hati with the answer, abis lah, the list of question never ends…