A pharmacist shared with me the natural remedy for runny nose coz as a pharmacist she tried her very best to avoid giving drugs to her kids. She told me to use kunyit hidup (tumeric), yup not kunyit serbuk…kunyit hidup, get those very dark orange kunyit and stroke it at their forehead to the tip of their nose. Give it a couple of stroke, it will leave orange mark on the nose though.
*pic via google
And thats my problem now, my kids became conscious whenever i put the kunyit on them coz ppl will naturally asked them “eh knp oren kt hidung?” because of that they no longer allow me to put the kunyit on them 🙁
But seriously it works well for them. If kasi ubat it can prolong to over a week of runny nose but with kunyit hidup, insyaAllah after a day or two they fully recover from their runny nose. The best time is to put it first thing in the morning, and continue to put it later of the day again.
My two boys are down with runny nose, we have lotsa events to attend this weekend but they wont allow me to put the kunyit on them….aiyakkk. how now? But seriously it works better than giving them Zyrtec

[New Post] Natural Remedy for Runny Nose – via #twitoaster http://blog.tripletsplusone.com/2010/10/…
i’ve heard of this remedy before but with my curious son, masak le nak sapu kunyit tu kat idung dia… maybe u can sapu masa they all tido? i pun nak try mlm ni… tapi senang tak nak ilang the oren ness??
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 8th, 2010 at 9:19 am
seharian gak lah oren tu ade kt hidung.
i notice if letak malam tak se-effective letak awal pagi.
tu lah my boys pun dh tak kasi letak sbb jd conscious org dok tanye asal hidung oren
by far the most awesome natural remedy! i shared it with my mom the other day and apparently, i too went around with orange striped nose when i was a kid! hahahahah!
kunyit is not tamarind. tamarind is asam. kunyit is tumeric. =)
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 8th, 2010 at 12:07 pm
opsss, thanks dear!
will correct it, thanks again
the tumeric remedy is true babe,dr i kecik lg my mom da buat, i do d same with my kids. or maybe u can try this, 1tsp of honey + 1tsp of olive oil, mix together and stir well. bg makan twice a day. i dapat petua ni frm a doctor frm jordan, org2 arab bg makan anak dorang. i buat everyday, so far alhamdulillah, rayhan da 1yr+ x kena flu n cough. lau u makan masa preggie pun bagus.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 9th, 2010 at 8:51 am
hArith n uZair mmg amiq honey, anak dara i yg taknk. tapi tak penah try with olive oil. how does it taste like when mix?