The easiest and cheapest way to let kids have fun is to let them roam around outdoor. Just give them the space to runaround and they will create all kind of creative fun they can think of. Past few days the weather was being kind to the kids, the sun was behind the cloud rather early (by 430pm) and it didnt rain,simply perfect for the kids. They reliased the weather was nice outside and demanded to play outside early. Usually we play outside after 5pm.
And do u know how much fun for kids if u let them have their shower at the garden tap? They simply love it
if kt kampung, kids main kat parit. if kat bandar, kids main kat mane? longkang! haha
tp tu bkn air longkang, the drain was dry…water is from the tap water that uZAir turn on
and of coz after that kids will get a good scrub
hArith jadi trojan
it’s the weekend now, perhaps u can spare sometime with ur kids at the garden tap 😉