Last weekend, i left the kids’ with Daddy Day Care to cover a party photoshoot
It was a football theme birthday party,
Everything was decorated in accordance to the theme and guests came in with their fav team jersey…and as much as i guess, mostly in MU jersey… (im not a MU fan though, hihi)
psst, those lollichoc u see on the tables are from Lonia Choc 😉
The birthday boy,
Birthday boy tgh jerit “goooaaallll!!!!!”
yg ni lak, parents ajak ckp “goaaal” but bday boy bolayan…hihi
The cake cutting,
The cute montel guest :), (the lil’ ones i mean…hihi)
It was a lovely party with great food, everything look scrumptious!
Thanks to the lovely sisters for having me to Capture Moments for Lasting Memories 😀
They were lovely, even tapau-ed food and 3 goodie pack for my kids at home
Thanks again to the host
oh did i mentioned, they have shisha for the dads!
TRIPLETS plus ONE would like to wish Fath Ahmad Fahim hAppy 2nd Birthday!!!

hi dear:)
wow!!! i loves all your pictures n cant wait to see more pictures!!!
u really improve a lots dear!!!
thank you so much dear :)hope to see u soon…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
November 27th, 2010 at 4:20 pm
thanks dear,
glad u love the photos. will try to get the album done by next week n post it to you.
im looking fwd for more opportunities for me to improve my photos to a better level, insyaAllah
psst, bile ur gal nk main pasir kt my hse 😉