Im searching for a new kindergarten for my kids, an Islamic English medium. Few recommended Genius Aulad, although i heard good review of the school but the branch nearest to my place is in Kota Damansara and their centre is a shop lot…im not keen coz i think for my kids’ age they need ground for outdoor activities.
2 weeks back, we went to CIC Open Day (Childr3n Islamic C3ntr3) wasn’t really happy with the school coz (no offence to those who send their kids’ there, this is a matter of personal preference):
1. the teacher to student ratio is 1:20. I think this is possible if the kids are 5 , 6 years old coz they have settled down. But 20 of uZAir to a teacher??
2. Its a bungalow house, so i asked max how many students you can take in, and the answer was 150 kids. I just can’t imagine 150 kids in that house
3. When husband asked does the teacher keep on changing? The teacher was being very honest telling me, most teachers are SPM leavers coz they can’t go anywhere with their qualification, thus they usually stay longer there as compared to degree holder, the turn over rate for degree holder are high coz they take that place merely as a stepping stone b4 getting a proper job.
4. And another major turn off was when we saw their meal menu, for snack in the morning, they serve alternately different drinks on different days; milo (still acceptable), tea (?) and tea susu (????) Are they for real serving 2, 3 year old boy tea and tea susu? Org tua minum tea pun bleh angin ni kan lagi budak. As for food, i saw cucur udang n cucur pisang among it. And for lunch i only saw half of monday menu, i was so shocked that i didn’t manage to read the rest of the menu before the teacher flip the pages; Nasi + TOM YAM AYAM
Any suggestion of Islamic English Medium Kindergarten? Was thinking of sending them to Itqan but they don’t take uZAir’s age and it will be a problem to send the kids at 2 different school in the morning.

[New Post] Islamic Kindergarten – via #twitoaster…
susah jugak nak cari islamic kindergarten ni. eliss pun blom hntr nuha kindergarten lg.
All this while i dengar genius aulad is the best islamic kindergarten. so tak tahu nak rekomen lain dari tu… but once u find a good one, let us all know by writing a review ye.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
November 17th, 2010 at 7:35 am
in terms of academic progress n performance i believe parents r happy with their kids kt genius aulad…tp tu lah, anak i baru 3 and 4 i would like them to have outdoor physical activities as well
chi chiong kai Reply:
November 22nd, 2010 at 3:06 pm
i heard G A concentrade on doa je. segala doa diaorg tahu. tapi ABC 2nd
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
November 22nd, 2010 at 4:08 pm
so far parents kate bagus their kids kt situ tp im not keen of the shoplots and also kids bring back homework…
You may try ramai juga kata ok.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
November 17th, 2010 at 11:28 am
a fren gi tgk yg kota dsara punye, my fren kate tgk dr luar first impression trus tak jadi nk masuk…so i pun cam kurang minat nk gi tgk since she said that
hi, ur criteria mcm sama jer ngan i.. i’m very2 particular ngan food, environment, the ratio.. there’s 1 montessori islamic sumwhere in kota damasara.. i can’t remember the name.. they even got private school but not in kota damansara.. rasa mcm ok sket dr yg lain..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
November 18th, 2010 at 9:54 am
i think yg u meant is itqan, ade kt seksyen 5 kota dsara, but they take age 4-6. uZair will be 3 nxt year, so cam susah if i kena anta the kids in 2 different skool…
mmg i heard good remarks bout the skool. their private skool for primary is in dsara jaya
ada islamic montessori kindy area sec 5 kota damansara, nearby itqan.. tapi dia baru set up this year. try calling anna, the owner, 0122780745
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
November 21st, 2010 at 8:16 am
i did go have a look at the skool 2 months back i think. yes, impress with the environment, materials n syllabus but the teachers look vry new in training.
n i saw a gal with hingus thick mucus in school, she even had her handkerchief pin to her baju…
Salam. I’m currently actively looking for islamic kindy near kota damansara. Went to few islamic kindy in KD such as genius aulad (impressive syllabus and environment tapi shot lots plak and no day care- susah utk working parents), little caliphs (environment mcm tak memberangsangkan), brainy bunch (environment impressive tapi byk comment that i received yang tak menyenangkan hati), itqan(very impressive the environment and syllabus -tapi over budget ler pulak) so left me with no choice but CIC seksyen 5(environment ok- corner hse, ader ler playgraound utk my son nak berlari tapi english medium tu yang i tak pasti) nyk comment tat i received islamic kindy with english medium ni cuma principal jer yang cakap berabuk tapi teachers kureng….hhmm
pening kepala memikirkan kindy yang bagus……
any suggestion out there?? please assist 🙂
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
November 22nd, 2010 at 4:07 pm
yup my concerns are the same, GA shop lots, i think my kids need the ground for physical activities. lil caliphs a fren told me the same thing, die lalu je…tgk dr luar trus tak memberangsangkn tuk masuk dalam.
went to have a look at brainy bunch, as i mentioned, enviroment n syllabus impressive but the teachers look very new not experience.
heard a lot of good testi on itqan but have yet make an appointment to have a look at it. and they dont take 3 years, susah i nk anta the kids to 2 different places.
CIC i pegi kt tmn tun, not keen as i mentioned the reasons in my entry…
me pun tgk still on look for an islamic kindie…
brainy bunch islamic montessori school…my suggestion..we provide the best for ur child..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 19th, 2010 at 9:13 am
salam, oh u r running the place?
Salam, have been following the discussion as my concerns are exactly the same as you guys’. I’ve done a review on CIC TTDI and Sek 5 KD based on my Open Day visit, maybe it’s a bit unfair cos I didn’t send my son there, but my concerns about the menu and safety, caregiver to child ratio are just exactly like yours. I am at my wit’s end now. My son will be 3 next year, and I feel it is very important that he learns Arab and hafazan now. Many of the self-proclaimed English playschools and preschools I visit admitted that they don’t have staff comfortable speaking the language. Sigh.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 21st, 2010 at 2:51 pm
yup tats exactly my concern, the owner/principal mmg fluent english n will make us impress hearing her talking bout their methodology, but their staff doesnt sound that comfortable speaking in english…
u pegi yg seksyen 5 KD, yg brainybunch tu ke? hows their open day?
salam everyone..
hei, sakina pun ade comment here.
hehe mesti u google then jumpe entry nih. i have the same problem,
and surveyed 7 nursery and playschool. all disappoint me.
i went to Nuh Arks shah alam yesterday, and its quite impressive. the best so far.
planning to have a look at brainy bunch sek3 today. i really hope to find a good preschool for my son. sedih kan kalau kita didik anak elok2 sekali pegi school tak ok.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 28th, 2010 at 8:36 pm
i tau brainy bunch kt kajang is good, tp yg kt kota dsara is rather new…tu new teachers kot. but the sylabus n methodology are rather impressive cume some teachers look very new..
yup i did google up and found out about nuh arks..if only its nearby, i would have consider that..
Salam. Here’s the truth that needs to be told. The
wonderful person who started and developed the system, and
personally managed the day-to-day operation for Nuh’s Ark in the
last 18 years is now the co-founder and main principal of Brainy
Bunch. The ‘rather impressive syllabi and methodology’ isn’t a
copycat nor a wannabe, InshaAllah, but it’s a tried-and-tested
system in all her years of tears and sweat. 🙂 She deserves more
credit that anyone is giving her to be honest. She left a legacy
with Nuh’s Ark, but Nuh’s Ark now is just that–a legacy. In spite
of the risk of starting a ‘new’ brand for a system as old as 18
years, the people who embody what Nuh’s Ark has been known for have
now aspired to reach a higher plane, taking along with them so many
other people who were once parents within the system who’ve
witnessed first hand how the system had worked amazingly for their
own children (either at Nuh’s Ark or Brainy Bunch); myself
included. For Aunty L’s sake, I do hope that this has somehow
rectified many misunderstandings which she doesn’t deserve. Most
would flaunt this openly, but Aunty L is just too humble I guess.
She believes that at the end of the day, if your heart is in the
right place and your intention is good, then it will all work out
for the best. 3 weeks ago at BB KD, we barely had 20 children on
board and Alhamdulillah now we have 65 and counting. So, I have to
agree with her! 😉
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 30th, 2010 at 10:29 am
yes i visited brainy bunch in KD when they only had 7 kids. as i said i was vry impressed with the school environment, subjects n methodology. it was exactly what im searching for. i called before visiting the place (im assuming i spoke to the founder/principal), again i was impressed,hence the immediate visit to the centre..
but it was just my concern when i saw the newly trained teachers. of coz it is not fair for me to judge them within my 15 mins or so, perhaps insyaAllah i shall give them another visit as im still searching for a place for my youngest.
oh another concern was during my visit there was a gal with real thick mucus,she even had a handkerchief pin to her tshirt, (thus im assuming teachers are aware she hv runny nose n allowed to attend skool) since my elder two were premature at 26weeker n hv history of chronic lung disease, they cn easily get infected… their previous skool was rather strict, those with runny nose not advise to attend skool.
but now they are slightly bigger, alhamdulillah their lung getting stronger, insyaAllah
hi dear
i can imagine this part of my life where you want to decide on school for the kids. i got the same prob as well and travelling miles everyday just to send my kids from bangi to ampang says it all. so far, thats the best place i can find that satisfies my needs. i do hope malaysia will have more options and the standards shall be more higher and not only “just acceptable”.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 26th, 2011 at 12:31 am
woww from bangi to ampang. things we do for our kids kan. what school is ur kid attending now? wat the journey like, brapa lama n how early do u need to leave ur house?
Salam.. Glad to know that you visited CIC last year..if im not mistaken you went to CIC TTDI? As one of CIC’s team, i would like to explain the misunderstanding about CIC as stated above. Thank you for your comments :). I assume that you didn’t get sufficient information form teachers during that day. Yes, it is no doubt that CIC TTDI (Bungalow house)can cater up to 150 children but not all the children will be in CIC at the same time. It is because we have 3 session programs and four different classes consist of playschool, 4,5 and 6 years old student not to forget after school program class (KAFA). About the menu, we only give tea and milk tea to the older children, for 3years old child will only drink their milk provided by parents. Please be informed that at CIC we do not serve tea only but varieties of drink like orange, syrup, milo and others. Tea is just one of it. If parents concern about giving tea to their children, we will give them plain water. As we know, tea contains Flavonoids (a type of antioxidants). A diet rich in flavonoids is generally associated with helping maintain normal, healthy heart function. Studies found that drinking tea may help maintain normal focus and alertness throughout the day. The two compounds in tea most likely responsible for these effects are L-theanine, an amino acid found almost exclusively in tea, and caffeine. Look at the world’s big tea drinkers, like Japan and China. That’s why heart disease is not No.1 killer in Asia. We didn’t use any MSG or tomyam paste in our food. For tomyam ayam, we prepare it from scratch meaning that we only use natural ingredient and the tomyam is not spicy which is suitable for children. Ok enough for the menu ;). About teacher’s qualification, most of our Head Of Centre (HOC) are degree and diploma holder and we only hire SPM school leaver as asst. teacher. We have 4 session of teacher’s training over the year to improve our teaching and management skills. Feel free to contact us for any question and we glad to answer you.
Norafiza Mazlan
Head of Academic Department
Children Islamic Centre
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 30th, 2011 at 6:14 pm
thanks for your feedback. We decided to go for the Open Day because we heard lots of good reviews from friends who send their children to CIC (other branches), but sadly the Open Day in TTDI branch wasn’t organize properly. There was only one person around to brief parents who came. We had to take turn to hear the briefing from A to Z. Since there were lack of teachers, why cant they brief all 3 parents at the same time.Lucky thing there were only 4 parents in queue. Im sure most ppl will rely on their first impression, thus i feel it is very important on how the teacher brief us. How do u expect us to react when the teacher clearly said to us “we take SPM leavers, so the teachers turn over rate is low since they cannot go elsewhere. If we were to take degree holder, they usually use this place as a stepping stone to get other jobs”
Im not too keen either when kids are given tea as it contains caffeine, unless it is Rooibos tea which does not contain caffeine. And you mention about the world’s big tea drinker, they dont take it with sugar, Chinese tea and Green tea is always without sugar.
About the tomyam, i have yet seen any of my friends having tomyam in their kids menu regardless using paste or from scratch.
Then again, this is just my personal opinions. May Allah bless you in providing educations to our lil caliphs around 🙂
Murnira Reply:
December 26th, 2012 at 9:55 pm
Salam, I find this site interesting as I am also looking for a kindy for my girl. We tried the CIC TTDI for the holiday program this year thinking that we will enroll for classes next year. My maid also stayed on the whole week with hermto see how she fits in. I received some feedback on the cleanliness of the toilets which were not good. The reason why I am now looking for a kindy again. It is very disappointing to know that a school with a lot of publicity has dirty toilets.
admin Reply:
December 27th, 2012 at 2:09 pm
oh dear, did u raise this concern to the management? i do hope they take care of their cleanliness in future. yes, they had much publicity, that was the reason i check out their centre too,but i think it may differ from one centre to another since it is a chain of franchise. thus that could be the case, we hear good comment from our friends that send their kids there but when we visit the nearest to our home, there is a possibility it turn out the other way round.
Just wondering which kindy did you finally decide to send your child to? Hope you don’t mind sharing, as I too am in the same dilemma trying to decide which kindy to send my child to next year.
Thank you. Jazzakallah. 🙂
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 31st, 2011 at 8:49 pm
My elder 2 started going to Itqan last year n uzair will b joining 2012, they amiq frm age 4
How do you find Itqan so far? I’ve been doing some research on my own in preparation for my daughter…pdhal baru nak masuk 3yo…but she’s very keen to go to school, so just nak be prepared earlier to that I know I’m making the right choice…currently pon she’s just going for weekend play group at Tumble Tots, and this is still under our supervision and its been good so far… I’ve read a lot of reviews about GA, BBIM, Little Caliphs and so on… and its pretty worrying…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
January 12th, 2012 at 12:45 pm
so far i hv no complaints on the school. i love their system and teachers, very well structured. they amiq from age 4 years. best is mid year nanti u book ur place if u nk anta. they have limited slots.
I enrolled my boys both 3 &4 year old at cic putrajaya and I am very disappointed with the teachers and the way they handled the children. Both of my boys hated that place so much till I had to take them out if the school. Their teacher was very cold and fierce towards the other children.
Dear Upset mommy and The Mommy of Tripletsplusone,
I’m Rohaida, manager of CIC. We are sorry to hear the latest feedback but appreciate if Upset mommy could come to our office or write to to deal directly with us. We will need further details about the particular centre and teachers’ doing in order to be fair to them in case they need to give the explaination before any intervention by us. At Putrajaya alone, there are 7 CIC’s centres with about 50 teachers. So hope to get fair judgement. Thank you.
Dear Upset mommy and the moms of Tripletsplusone,
I’m Rohaida, manager of CIC. We are sorry to hear the latest feedback but appreciate if Upset mommy could come to our office or write to to deal directly with us. We will need further details about the particular center and teachers’ doing in order to be fair to them in case they need to give the explanation before any intervention by us. At Putrajaya alone, there are 7 CIC’s centers with about 50 teachers. So hope to get fair judgement. Thank you.
I am very excited mixed with anxiety when reading all the comments about nurseries discussed. I am the mother of 8 mth baby girl very ambitious want to send the baby to the nursery of Islamic concepts and using english medium. Tend in or near Kota Damansara, anyone who has information hope to give suggestions. Seems like rugi besar if not send it to a good nursery because their minds absorb everything that is good or bad macam span so kena berhati2 jugak…so again,please to anyone skiranya dapat beri info.. TQ
hi ! saya search pasal CIC terus jumpa ur entry. anak saya baru nak masuk 3 yo august 2013 nnt so masih reckee lagi…furthermore dia pun asyik cakap nak pegi sekolah..nak pegi sekolah huhu
Assalamualaikum wbt,
Dear all parents,
Everybody wants the best for our children. NO matter what place you take your child to, the most essential part is the PARENTS’ attitude. Have you ever heard of, ” If you dislike something, tell the person or the owner so that they can do something about it, but if you like something, then you should compliment about the effort “.
However, what you people are doing now is condemning one’s organization. Don’t mind to spend your money to take your children to any ISLAMIC Montessori if you yourself is not doing any effort to display your best attitude.
what I get as a viewer is, too many bad impressions on Islamic Montessori in Malaysia.
1. Genius Aulad – slow progression (kids still can’t read)
2. BBIM (untrained teachers with weak fluency in English)
3. CIC – (Food? Assistant tchrs with only SPM qualification)
4. Particular mothers choosing for the best Islamic Montessori (the worst part of this post)
upset mum over a stereotyped blog post.
admin Reply:
December 9th, 2012 at 12:32 pm
Dear upset mum,
I must say that you don’t sound like a mom who’s upset, but oh well 🙂
Firstly, as mentioned, I did point out to the person/owner about the student teacher ratio in CIC and i was told the class for 3 years old will be up to 20 students per class. The response that I got was, ‘tadika kemas lagi ramai’. You can imagine how upset I was with this answer considering how much I’d be spending at this organisation versus a tadika kemas. In regards to the menu, when I pointed out, they did mention that plain water is available instead of milk tea, however, you being a mom, would understand that it will be tempting/frustrating for my kids that they’re frens are drinking milk tea while they only get plain water. As a treat from time to time, sure, why not. But on a weekly basis, on routine, I’m sorry, I still can’t accept that. I do acknowledge that I’ve receive feedback from the principal in previous comments, which I do appreciate. I don’t think this is an ATTITUDE issue but merely a matter of OPINION and PREFERENCE.
Then again, as you might know, there are many types of parenting…. and myself personally, have my own way, with certain things or criteria that I am more concerned about. At the end of the day, I did find an islamic montessori which suits my needs and am still happy with after two years. I supplement by teaching my kids reading, maths and writing and drawing at home, as I do realise that it is unfair to place the responsibility of teaching everything to my kids solely on the teachers at school.
Lastly, I do sincerely believe that I have not stereotyped…. All mentioned are based on my personal and specific experience or experiences that I have heard first hand. I hardly think this counts as a stereotype. I might be guilty of making up first impressions too quickly, but certainly not of stereotyping.
Most parents here are simply sharing their experiences as well. Hope you can respect that rather than indicate that we have an attitude problem 🙂
I enrolled my son to CIC Bandar Baru Selayang & he will start his session in April 2013. I’m sending him to that centre just for temporary cost I need the extra nursery care (after school) until 5.30pm I am a working mother. I hv to temporary accept the meal, the mix languages using by the teachers (during orientation, I used to sound the teachers to use fully english as I speak fully english with my son).
To all, the most important thing for me is the continous learning. Have u guys ever thought where r u going to send your children when they are 7 yrs old? To the normal sekolah kebangsaan?
Even all of us here went to sekolah kebangsaan & some of us are doing well now with great career, think about what will happen to all the great values & knowledge that our kids learned in the ‘the best’ islamic kindergarten (BBIM, Itqan, CIC, GA..whatever)…
Why we are not plan to send them to the best primary school as well? Yes…we called it as private/international school but the fees are almost the same with what u spent for the ‘the best’ islamic kindergartens.
I just sharing my opininon over my concern only. u guys can try to google few private islamic school area klang valley. My preferred choice is baseerah international school.
Hope my thought benefits the readers.
admin Reply:
January 3rd, 2013 at 5:23 pm
since these school are franchise, i believe one centre to another is not the same, it just happen the particular centre i visited didnt attract me much and alhamdulillah we have alternatives to consider.
yes i have been thinking of their primary school since the day i started sending them to kindergarten. i would love to send them to integrated islamic primary school but i believe the fees aint the same like the kindergarten i send, it is more expensive and of coz figures would be an issue to. not everyone could afford to send kids to those islamic private school. and another concern my husband raised is most of this school infrastructures are limited, we would love our kids to have school field to play their sports and such.
will google on the school you mentioned, im interested with Adni but its a bit far and again, the fees could be an issue 🙁 hopefully with the foundation we give and continuos tarbiyah at home, our kids are strong in and out, and not easily get influenced
I know this is an old entry, but i too would like to contribute a few words regarding this topic…
I really want to send my son to an islamic montessori, so despite having other better school around my area, i still choose an islamic place for my child….i know it has only been 2 days since he started the school, but there are so many things that im not happy with since they day i registered my son…but i thought, its ok, maybe coz they are new…
When i read all the comments in this post, some managers are here to defend thier school, but do u all do anything to change? To make things better? to maintain a high Islamic stadard for ur school? Open your eyes, look at other montessori around u..learn from them….be better then them,,,kerja ikhlas alone is not enough, it has to be ikhlas and alot of hardwork, so we paying parents get the full service as u promised and u develope good Islamic children…feed them healthy food, not processed food to make your life easier…MILO is processed food…and syrup is not healthy as well…
In The kindie that i send my son to, they still havent shown me their food menu ( i’ve reminded countless of times)
Teachers speak malay most of the time ( its suppose to be an english based montesorri)
I see taped exposed wires outside the school.within reach of the children…
Very kid un-friendly toilet
Slow reply by the manager when we complain
They also womt allow parents to enter the school,we are only allowed till the front door…its not that i want to hang around while my child is there, i just want to monitor the cleanniness of the classs, kitchen and toilets….
They Prepared a checklist for the parents, and when i have prepared everything for him, they can tell me its ok, they dont need it…URGH!
Emphasize on my child salam kissing thier hands( i dont like that, that is malayu, not Islam) unhygenic, to me salam alone is enough, he does not need to bow down n kiss the hand of the person…If there is a Hadith or quranic versus that says, kissing hand is islamic PLEASE inform me…
The other non islamic kindie near by is run so professionally, they even have mini toilets for kids…the place is clean, healthy food for kids such as fruits and juices…no tea for kids…they clean the toys everyday…n the most important every teacher is a degree holder that has an assitant teacher to assist them..
If non muslims can do this, why cant a muslim motesorri try to be at the same level or better?
Its heartbreaking….
Typical! ,kerja ala kadar..i asked them, why not do something like the other kindie? they told me ala, tempat tu byk duit..coming from a francise kindie that just opened alot of new brunch around klamg valley…quantity banyak, but no quality…..
Seriously quality wise, the so-called islamic montesorri is far behind…very unislamic, because real Islam only strive to be the best…and muslims must learn to differenciate between adat melayu and islam…dont mix it!
When u sneeze say alhamdulillah..,not when you burp!
Agreed with Sabby but working mothers sometimes have limited choices. A lot of things need to be considered and all of us want the best for our kids.
May be I can share with all of you story of this mother of two. Allah gave me a chance by founding her blog. That is why early islamic education is important for me & as working mother, I really need additional help from experts to assist my effort. I want my son to be professional syaa Allah..
Feel free to know Pn. Lina from these following webs. Sincerely, it is hard for me to 100% follow her methods but at least she inspired me to do the best for my son according to quran & sunnah.
Blog :
Website :
Facebook Page : Islamic Parenting Network
Salam,sy nak kongsi pengalaman hantar anak umur 4thn ke islamic montesori somewhere in s.alam.ari pertama ke sekolah anak saya menangis,jd sy tanya principal yg kebetulan lalu di depan saya.anak saya menangis,takpe ke teacher dan blm sempat sy abskn ayat principal tu trus jwb dengan nada marah,sy tak tau puan,sy baru smpai!dan dia terus pergi dengan muka marah.sampai beberapa ari sy asyik terpikirkan hal ni.ttititude.sblm sy decide nk antar ank ke sana sy dah buat byk research dan semuany komen yg asyik pikir samada nk anta ank kt tmpat lain atau tak,sbb attitude spt itu tk patut ada pd seorg lps sy jmpa blog ni baru sy tau,rupanya principal yg lama sdh xde kt situ lg.jd semua komen tntg betapa bagus dan baik principal tu adalah merujuk kpd principal yg lama dan bkn principal yg sy jumpa aritu.rasanye sy kena tkr ke islmic montesori lain sbb sy tk percaya org yg pemarah spt itu dpt menjd guru yg baik.hrp2 ini adalah keputusan yg betul.
i’ve sent my daughter to 1 of montessori based system in putrajaya.. it does bothers me to see children laying on the floor and crouching their back to color or write..u charged the parents RM600/month & u can’t even provide tables/chairs? not to mention the annual/reg fees which is around RM2k++ altogether..urghh..and after i checked with PPD Putrajaya, they are not even a registered tadika!!!
but…what sooth me down is that my daughter wants to go to the school..the teachers are nice..but they do practice salm and cium tangan..:) never thought of what Sabby mentioned before..i blame the management here..the greedy becomes more greedy..when my husband called the management (HQ) about the tables the answer is “wait and see how it goes for the next 2 months. if u dont like it there’s nothing we can do. we have long q in the waiting list” ANNOYING!!!!
admin Reply:
February 3rd, 2013 at 10:45 am
i would feel the same too, after spending that much and they cant even provide tables n chairs, it is rather sad. But the answer from the management is unacceptable for me. They tend to be arrogant just because they know ppl queue to get into the school. Alhamdulillah my kids kindergarten do have proper table n chairs for their work and meal time
Salam mommies,
Really need help… My eldest boy (end of this year will be 6yo) has dyslexia and ADHD. My 2nd boy (3yo) looks ok. I’m from Penang and after trying so many sch here (hardly to find good english islamic kindy/sch) i hv decided to quit my job n move to KL. Big decission to leave a good working life with good pay too but i think my kids need me more than i need the job/money… Alhamdulillah after soooo lonnngggg i can make this decision. High respect to all working mommies out there… not an easy job to manage kids/family/job at the same time.
I’m not from KL, so i’m not really familiar with all the KL area etc… Planning to stay in Putrajaya or Bukit Jalil coz near to my sister house. I visited BBIM at Putrajaya… Very frustrated.. Fly all the way from Penang, penat cari sekolah, dah jumpa terus rasa taknak masuk… Very sorry to say this..but with all the good advertisement etc, i didnt expect to see the school condition is that poor!! I havent visited CIC Putrajaya yet..not sure if it is good/bad…
I really need help if any of you can recommend any good english islamic kindy for my 3yo boy and any good centre that can cater for my 6yo dyslexia kid.. he is now with special therapist in Penang. I’m not sure if i can find similar or better support in KL. Appreciate your help.
Salam, hi.
I just came back from one islamic montessori (very famous name) to discuss on the fee and syllabus structure. I am about to pay the booking fee for next year since this circle of islamic montessori keep on saying they are fully-booked. To Yani January 6 2013 and Sabby January 3 2013, please let us know what is the name of the islamic montessori? is it Brainy Bunch, sect 3? please help other parent to understand this so that we wont register our kids there. thanks
hot topics here babe!
Well, when I decided to choose the preschool *which is islamic montessori* for my kids, of course I did lots of survey. Its not easy by then since there’s not much choices you have outside there. For my case, being a working mom with no support system around *maid, parents or in law staying nearby* we have to opt whatever closer to the best since every morning work starts at 8am. Difficult to redah jammed every morning and of course I still can not accept on using transporter for 2 and 5 years kids.
Btw,, have you ever heard about the new islamic preschool in KD, they not only used Montessori method, but alos reggio and waldorf as well, and of course with islamic environment and practices.
Check it out here:
Heard that Wardina also sent the kids there. How I wished the school within my radius =(
Salam to all parents,
I’m a mother of four, at the moment im looking for an islamic based kindy for my third child who’s 3yrs 2mths old. Since he’s always asking about goin to school (because everyday he sees his kakak & abang goin to school), i decided to find a centre for him so he can play & learn in islamic montessori system rather than just sitting at home watching tv & ipad.
Since my second child (now he’s 6yo), i’ve been surveying & searching for good islamic kindy, amongst others that i found are GA, Itqan, CIC, Little Caliphs, and a few more i cant remember. To be fair to these centres i must say, their syllabus & programs are pretty impressive. My concerns are however lie on the execution & implementation of the programs & the environment. It is sad to say the moment i walked into the centres, it just turned me off when the teachers open their mouths talking in english, its not so much about the accent (because in non islamic kindies which most of their teachers speak CHiNGLISH), its their grammar that put me to shock. How can then these teachers teach our kids if they themselves need help in the language? The other note is the level of hygiene i observe in most islamic kindies. Generally they are way behind, isnt Islam put cleaniness as a priority?! Another point is the safety issue, the shop lot centres in particular do not observe safety regulations as they should. GA in KD does not have an emergency exit. How in the first place they got the licence to operate the centre there?
Due to some of the reasons above, i have sent my two elder children into a non-islamic kindies. Simply because of the efficiency & profesionalism in running their centres. They seem to be more systematic in managing the kids be it in terms of learning, playing & even when having meals. Although the fees is somehow at the higher end but it is worth every penny spent. Mind u, although they are non islamic but the schools have KAFA lessons 3 times a week lasting about 1 1/2hrs per session. Here our kids are taught on Iqra, Fiqh, Tauhid, Sirah & Adab. Yes, extra fees for these lessons
So now, im back to & still thinking about islamic kindies again. The present kindi which my second child is going does not have KAFA lessons untill the child is 5yo. So since his adik is only 3 right now, im considering to start him early on agama by sending him to the right islamic kindy, but after reading most of the comments above, i feel our islamic kindies are still at the same old level, not much improvement since i did the survey a few years back.
I hope my perception is wrong and that i will find the best islamic kindi for my little boy soon…