I just have to share this
I ordered pizza but the kids didnt know about it. As we were playing outside in the garden, they saw the pizza boy passed by the house. They quickly shouted “pizzza pizzza” . The man telajak rumah..and kids kept screaming “pizza pizza pizza” . Obviously when the man realised he miss my house, he made a u-turn. Kids eyes were glowing when they saw the man came back, stop and took out 2 big boxes of pizza.
Oh ingat ni cam bai roti ke? boleh panggil2 pastu bai roti benti depan umah?
They really thought, the man stop and gave them pizza due to their shouting “pizza pizza pizzzza”

[New Post] Pizza versus Roti Man – via #twitoaster http://blog.tripletsplusone.com/2010/11/…
hahahaha comel ok! sure mat tu pun nak tegelak. kehkeh
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
November 2nd, 2010 at 9:29 pm
mamat tu cam confused asal anak i berdua tu beria sgt panggil “pizza pizza”, i bgtau die diorang tak tau i order, ingat cam roti bleh panggil2…mamat tu sengeh gelak
cute nya:)
heheh//so cute 🙂
hehe.. comel nya macam tu 🙂