Last weeekend, Farah had a birthday party for his 2 year old son, i couldnt attend though coz i had photoshoot session to cover. She requested for Car Movie theme since Afif, his son loves car very much.
The birthday was a week after my brother’s wedding,so i kind of rush through the orders. I did what i can do first while waiting for my sis-in-law the master in designing to do the remaining design.
Our team can cater to your needs, just tell us what you want and we will quote it for you. Farah, asked for banners to put up around the tent, Happy Birthday sign as the feature wall and party pack. I then proposed her to have the Car tray, either to be used as food tray or she can place the party pack individually on the tray as part of the goodie pack where kids can bring one each home.
I didnt have much time to take photos of the design, was taking the photos 20mins b4 Farah drop by to pick it here are the photos yg sempat amiq
I couldnt hang this together coz of the limited space on the “wall”, basically it is to place together with the banner above to add some colours to the wall
and here’s the triangle flags (not too sure of the name) Farah requested to hang it around her tent. Or you can also use it as your food table skirting
Here’s the party pack,
as i said u can use this either as food tray, a centre piece for each table where u put snacks, or to place your goodie pack for kids to bring home
And TRIPLETS plus ONE was more than happy to give this as complimentary as Farah is among our first few customer that trusted us to customize her son’s bday 😀
It is to place at the food table, sorry i had to get my kids to hold it up for me n i cant expect them to hold it properly…
(n excuse hArith, he is without his pants…hinting me he wants water play)
We can also do the wording as Refuel Station for your drinks table 😀
Once again, thanks Farah for appointing us to customize designs for your son’s birthday.
hAppy birthdAy Afif!!!
For a customize birthday party, u know the drill, email us at 😀
** update
Farah have a lil update on her blog on the birthday deco 🙂

[New Post] Customize Birthday : Car Movie Theme Inspired – via #twitoaster…
i memang lemah bah design2 ni sebab lebih senang outsource je..thanks to munirah and team! puas hati dengan all the deco especially yang tray tu..comel sangat!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 23rd, 2010 at 6:51 am
thanks for trusting us to do the deco for ur boy’s bday 😀