I would really love to update my blog on my bro’s wedding but sadly i dont have much photo since i was too busy chasing around my kids ensuring they dont go up the stage, go out of the hall and such, thus i didnt have my camera with me. I pass my camera to my sis-in-law but of coz she segan nk ke depan tuk take photos since all others were nicely seated at their table.
So ni je lah gmbar yg ade yg sempat she snap. Will have to wait for photos by the official photographer then
Since i dont have close up photo of the bride n groom, im gonna put up a photo of me then…hahah. (well, its my blog aight…hihihihi)
alhamdulillah, i didnt steal the lime light of the night by giving birth..hihi. That’s me at 32 weeks and suppose to be on bedrest since a week b4 there was sign of me giving birth. Hang in there baby…doctor said at least hang in till 34 weeks. At least. 36 weeks will be even better.
We didnt have any family photo either. A photo which all look at the camera that is. But then again, that’s almost close to impossible to have such photo
my “choir boys”…hihi
hArith was super excited when he heard his voice over the PA system..senyum smpai ke telinga
ni je lah group photo yg ade…
Its nice having a sis-in-law…just like having another fren in the hse. Since she wont be working, looks like i now have someone to teman me do stuffs(i.e shop, help babysit perhaps, hihihi) since my one and only sister is now busy with her CA exams and work 🙁

[New Post] The Reception – via #twitoaster http://blog.tripletsplusone.com/2010/12/…
yayayes7 Reply:
December 14th, 2010 at 8:20 am
@munirahpunye I suka baju u yg green ni, cantik! Kalo x pregnant pun masih bleh pakaikan….
munirah! cantiknya u! love the green outfit. it suits u well 🙂
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 14th, 2010 at 7:39 pm
tats my fav green 😀 tudung tu last min,sehari sblum g ariani kota dsara, lucky thing ade yg match
HOH!! ADA TAMBAH GANG DAH KAT RUMAH!!! bestnyeeeeeeeeeeeeee
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 14th, 2010 at 7:40 pm
yup2 bes ade gang!
why your tummy so small. mine besar gila even compare to my fren yg due feb & early march pun i am bigger. or i’m just fat? oh tidaaak.
nice baju! i love it love it! and u do look glowing dear 🙂
love ur baju so much!!! kena share sapa tukang jahit ni??
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 15th, 2010 at 11:01 am
alhamdulillah my baju turn out nicely fit. i kasi measurement b4 raya, main teka2 je how big i will be in december.
i anta kt ipoh dear, shanlyn
like ur baju..! u look good innit. love the green! 🙂
still jeles u still slim, i dh vavavumm dh ni.. hahaha..
bestkan dh tambah another geng. 😀
ps: eh, prasan ur reply to last comment u buat kt ipoh.. kat mana ye?
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 17th, 2010 at 1:58 pm
kt syanlyn. ape tah name jln die,tp dekat dgn sek cina x silap