Last weekend i covered a birthday party photoshoot, oh wasn’t the boy lucky, he had his first birthday party at a hotel!
here’s the lucky birthday boy!
with the proud parents n grandparents 😀
can he get any luckier? they even have special appearance by…..guess who?
see all the kids were waiting for the special appearance
tadaaaa!!!! Its the purple dinasour
whenever it comes to birthday party games, i always love this the most…
im not too sure what this game is called, but i love seeing them trying to balance on the paper..some loose their balance n topple over…
this partner were surely very steady
oh look at this mother n daughter, arent’ they cute…wearing a matching outfit 🙂
Once again, TRIPLETS plus ONE would like to wish a very hAppy birthdAy to Wan Irfan!

thanks for capturing the special moments of my lil prince
birthday 🙂
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
January 3rd, 2011 at 5:53 pm
thanks for trusting TRIPLETS plus ONE to capture moments of ur lil one 😀