It took us awhile to figure out a name, through out the pregnancy we didnt have a list, even after the baby pops out, we were still clueless of a name. But we have to register his name today sbb after this syauQi dah takde off day to settle his name.
Past few days, we had Idris and Uwais in mind. My mom thinks that Uwais susah org nak sebut, but i love the name. Uwais Al-Qarni is a great companion of Prophet with such amazing stories of him. syauQi wanted Idris, i do love the name too hence i propose Ahmad Uwais Idris. Tapi syauQi thinks panjang sgt name tu..nanti leceh passport name panjang. Another major prob would be name in ticket tak kuar penuh, nanti tak same dgn name dlm passport…leceh bleh sangkut custom and what not. But if im not mistaken my name pun tak kuar in full dlm ticket btu so far alhamdulillah no problem. However before it happen and confirm if berlaku any prob, sure i kena bebel sebb degil nak jugak 3 name…i better listen to him, or else sure smpai sudah kena marah whenever such prob like that happen…hihihihi.
Lagi pun since hArith,uZAir and the dad cume 2 name; Ahmad Harith, Ahmad Uzair and Ahmad Syauqi…so might as well “uniform” kan name diorang..just 2 names. But i was telling my sis…”okay ape 3 name, baru baloi penat bersalin!” hahahaha
But the fact that syauQi chose Uwais over Idris…i’m definitely one happy mom since Uwais is my first choice
Thus, although his name registered as Ahmad Uwais bin Ahmad Syauqi, we would love to introduce him as Ahmad Uwais Idris

[New Post] Ahmad Uwais bin Ahmad Syauqi – via #twitoaster…
wafaalatiff Reply:
January 28th, 2011 at 5:08 am
@munirahpunye such a lovely name
LinGhazale Reply:
January 28th, 2011 at 5:26 am
@munirahpunye comel nya dia amik gambar
TwiggyLiyana Reply:
January 28th, 2011 at 7:11 am
@munirahpunye awww ahmad uwais! Cute!
munirahpunye Reply:
January 28th, 2011 at 7:13 am
@TwiggyLiyana was about to DM u! hihi
TwiggyLiyana Reply:
January 28th, 2011 at 7:14 am
@munirahpunye hihi i sukaaaaaa!!! Suita the baby very well
perfect name for the youngest heheh
munirahpunye Reply:
January 28th, 2011 at 7:17 am
@TwiggyLiyana Praying that he will follow the traits of Uwais AlQarnee insyaAllah. Be the son that will take care of me when i grow old
indahnya nama dia…
subhanallah. Comel nya!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
January 28th, 2011 at 1:54 pm
moga2 besar nnti perangai pun comel, insyaAllah
Tomeynye Ahmad Uwais.. You yang amek gambar ke Munirah? Mana datangnya semua tenaga yang ada dalam badan you nih ekk. ehehe heran I. dari pregnant sampai dah deliver, bergerak cargas! jeles tau.. hehehe share2 la dear. nak jadi mommy yang cergas gak.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
January 28th, 2011 at 1:52 pm
alhamdulillah so far ade energy…i took tat pic pagi td while the other kids were in school.
Introducing my newborn: Ahmad Uwais (Idris)…
comeyyy laa uwais ni!! nama dia cam nama anak my fwen, uwais gak. hihi. nice pixs munirah! ehh nak come visit u bole? nnt ajak fadd. hihihi. :p
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
January 28th, 2011 at 1:53 pm
jemputlah, ade a group coming ahad ptg, u know them on twitter kot, @yayayes7 @laveiinder, @azzamoro coming kul 4 x silap
ooooo… he’s sleeping so soundly…. sooooo cute! super cute!!!! hey uwais! aunty will come to visit u this sunday. see ya!
congrats! kagum kagum.
comelnya pose uwais nih… sleep soundly..
Sedap nama…
Ahmad Uwais Idris sangat comel ok… Suka tengok mulut dia… Congrats Munirah
haaa munirah, bila nak tukar tripletplusone jadi tripletplustwo? uwais merajuk kang kalo dia tau. hikhikhik
he so cute and he has a nice name too!!!