When Amin’s mom emailed me to enquire about a photo session on his son’s first day at school…i was like “wow, this is something new…a memorable day that one often take for granted”. Yes all moms would admit sending their kid to school on the first day is indeed a life history…but i myself never thought of getting it captured properly. The common scenario is; we take a shot of them in their uniform before they leave the school…and thats about it. Coz once we reached the school, we will be too busy trying to calm our kid.
So here’s some shots of Amin’s first day at school
Amin was sooo cool! he had no problem at all. He went in and straight away get himself occupied with the materials, look how focus he is, getting the beads into the string
opps, look at this…the boy felt asleep. The boy in yellow kept pushing his friend’s head away each time the boy lentuk on his shoulder…hihi
Yes, didn’t i mention how cool Amin was, the mom had no problem waving goodbye to him…skit pun tak nangis, steady je
Btw, Amin is attending the IIUM Montessori in Bandar Seri Putra. I was there for two hours and witness their circle time. It was amazing to hear lil one’s singing to the song of Asmaul Husna, selawat and recitation of du’a. MasyaAllah. Beautiful! Period
Thus, 4th January 2011, mark a historical date in Amin’s life.
Amin looking up at the historical date 🙂
Thanks once again to Amin’s mom for giving me such opportunity to Capture Moments for Lasting Memories 😀

assalamualaikum, its nice to capture moments like this. 1st
day to school is an important moment in our life kan. senang2
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