This boy of mine have been such a darl through out my pregnancy. I’m sure he cant wait for baby January ( yup tat’s how he calls the baby) to pops out.
Give him a bottle of oil / lotion and he will be more than happy to rub it on my tummy (and i’ll have problem to get him to stop)
He have been my company for my gynae check-ups as this time around, syauQi’s roster is not on my side. Only once was he in town to accompany me.
He have a name for the baby (one of his schoolmate’s name, but err..both of us do not agree to that name, sorry hArith)
Lotsa people say they cant see my bump, especially during my bro’s wedding…all were asking where’s the bump. I guess it’s the camera or maybe the baju that does brilliant job hiding my bump..hihi
Here’s my bump at 37++ weeks, who can guess brapa inch lilitan perut saya? 😉

[New Post] At 37++ Weeks – via #twitoaster…
Salam Munirah, u still looks very the slim for a pregnant lady yg tgh tunggu time nk pop up. huhuhu..very jealous ni..i was really really big during my pregnancy time. Berat naik dekat 30kg! huhuh…tp Alhamdulillah, managed to lose it all…but after my daughter reach 2yo+…huhuh
Take care! Can’t wait to see your newborn! =)
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
January 17th, 2011 at 5:55 pm
oh wow 30kg? i naik 9kg so far
Aha!There’s the tummy!
u naik 9kg je? Wow! Bestnye.
I heart this pic. Macam nak buat jugak with IY nanti.
seriously I jumpe u kat UMSC last week..mmg terkejut when u said dah masuk 37 weeks..
slim gile ok!!
after deliver mesti tak susah nak capai berat ideal kan..
neway keep us updated k!!
dah tak lama ni..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
January 20th, 2011 at 12:00 pm
alhamdulillah now dh masuk 38 weeks, dh tak larat ni…harith tak sabar tunggu baby kuar..hihi