Alhamdulillah i managed to get hArith to sleep on his own now, previously all attempt failed. He will wake up middle of the night and crawl up to my bed. But somehow, magic happen i guess. All previous attempt failed, he continued sleeping on my bed, yes as i mentioned before all 3 co-sleep with me, squeeze all on the king size bed…but few weeks back, suddenly i had the urge to give it another try. I told him to sleep on his own and we will buy sticker tomorrow, a big sticker if he sleeps on his own. And wow to my surprised, it worked! He slept through out the night without crawling up to my bed. He woke up, and sat on his bed while looking up to my bed…i reminded him..”hArith dah big boy kan, can sleep on ur own, if u r cold pull the blanket..where’s ur pillow? hug it” And that was exactly what he did, pull the blanket, hug his pillow and continue sleeping.” All this while, tak sempat nak slow talk,sedar2 dh ade by my side”
So i kept to my promise, he woke up that morning, brought him out for breakfast and bought the sticker. We bought a sticker book as well, so he can paste a sticker a day, each day he sleeps on his own. But by the 4th day, his sticker book hancur..thanks to athirAh..hihi. And surprisingly by the 5th day dah tak heran stickers, he didn’t wake up and demand for sticker. So i conveniently stop giving the sticker reward…hihi. Alhamdulillah up till today he is still sleeping on his own bed.
athirAh have no prob sleeping on her own either. Now major prob is getting her potty train…oh that need soo much patience and energy and i surely dont have those two now…how now brown cow? athirAh sleeps in the cot in which we have transform it into bed (we bought the 3 in 1 cot..remove the “side walls” and it turn into bed. But we gotta fix back the side walls of the cot for the newborn. Thus gotta get new bed for athirAh, and oh also one more for uZAir…
can someone tell me how to fit 3 beds for toddler, a cot and a king size bed in a room size 18.5 x 13.5 ft ? that will leave just ngam2 space to bentang sejadah tuk solat je kot. syauQi suggested double decker but im not keen as that will cause unnecessary stress..i can foresee they kids will climb up the bed and jump up and down, tak pasal2 tegolek ke bawah kang, or tgh malam, mamai tak sedar..turun katil jatuh..or even worst, saje on purpose panjat to jump down…
time to move to our own place? err not really an option since we just sold our house…hihi

[New Post] Co-sleep? Reward them with stickers 🙂 – via #twitoaster…
how about a pull out bed? try google it.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
January 5th, 2011 at 12:41 pm
thanks, will google on it sbb nk yg cartoon-y, kiddie design…as “motivation” for them to sleep on it.
ikea takde kan katil tarik under kids section?
they sleep on their own beds now!! YAAAAAAAAAYY!!! i can’t
wait till alisha stops waking up for midnight feeds so that I can
start training her to sleep on her own too!!
how about katil boleh sorong2 tu. 1 normal bed, and another
one jenis sorong masuk bawah bed tu. we use this when we were small
since we sleep with our parents too.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
January 5th, 2011 at 12:39 pm
tu lah a few suggested on katil tarik tu…will look out for that. thanks 😀
salam munirah, how about katil tarik? at least have more
space during the day? just my 2 cents! btw, you sold your beautiful
house???? ooowwww sayangnya…. rumah itu cantik
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
January 5th, 2011 at 12:38 pm
hmm never thought of that, yah shuld go on look for katil so far yg i nmpak katil tarik yg cam very adult looking, takde yg kiddie, cartoon-y type…
yup we sold our house, mmg berat je mase nk jual tu tp takpe lah insyaAllah we will be blessed with another rumah cantek…