Warning, this gonna be a looonggg entry. You may stop reading when u get bored, this entry is to serve as a diary for myself.
Alhamdulillah i gave birth to my 3rd edition on Monday, 24th January at 1:10pm. Few days prior to that, i did feel a lil discomfort at night. Everything is okay during the day but when its time for bed i’ll feel discomfort here and there. Discomfort yg cam perut tegang memulas semacam tu..but it goes off when i wake up the next morning.
But on Monday morning, as i woke up for my Subuh prayer, the discomfort was still there. syauQi ade exam that day, didn’t want to worry him and distract his attention from the exam. Told him i wasnt sure ni sakit perut or contraction since i had that kind of sakit perut few days before.He was like “ha jgn pulak kang tetiba msg i…”. I told him dont worry, i’ll only message u after ur paper abis. I then monitored to see if it was consistent. It was still there, come and go. I had few errands to run that day. Instinct said i’ll be going for my labour that day. hArith ade runny nose, he wont allow athirAh to go to skool alone, thus no school for them. Decided not to send uZAir either, incase i go in labour, sape nk fetch him from skool.
After breakfast, at about 11..off to OU to get my customize party thingy printed. Thought of getting scones from Delicious before my confinement starts, tapi as i was walking towards Delicious with hArith, i felt the pain again. By then i was pretty sure it was contraction. Cancelled my plan to get the scones coz nak kena pegi Mailbox beli kotak pulak. I then text my gynae informing her, “Salam Prof, i think im having contraction, will get things ready and head to the hospital, insyaAllah. Hope you are around to sambut baby” (yup mane tau die meeting ker ape ade another doctor take over her duty). So off to Mailbox, another contraction there…was very sure its time then. Balik rumah, my parents were having their lunch told them lets go to the hospital. They thought cam baru start contraction kot…so they didnt really rush, went up to get change…mase tu i felt another contraction. Told them to hurry. Since I know parking will be difficult coz its lunch hour / visiting hours.hus i told them; takpe just drop me off, syauQi will come after his paper (his paper finishes at 1pm). Mom followed me up while bapak cari parking.
As i was entering the lift heading towards the ward, syauQi called. Time at my phone showed 12:51pm. Told him, line is bad coz im in the lift. He was like “huh lift? hello hello…hello”. “yup im in the lift nk gi ward”. He “okay2, call me back”. I called him to inform im already at the hospital. Smpai the counter, my Prof is already there. Apparently ade another person in labour dah 8cm. So since i text her, she was already expecting for me while waiting for the other gal to be 10cm dilated.
In UMSC, you will give birth in the room you are warded. They assigned me my room tp katil labour sume blum tukar. So they asked me to go and take my weight and BP dulu. As i wanted to do so, passed by the counter where Prof was sitted, she asked me, “brapa minit gap?” “four minues Prof, dah sakit ni” . I was asked to go to my room. Mase tu dah sakit, so i was told to baring on that katil first while they get things done. It was 12:58pm when i entered the room. Mase tu nk angkat kaki naik katil pun tak larat. Prof kate, takpe tunggu contraction abis then baru lift my leg up. Prof examine me to check brapa cm…she was like “errr ni 4cm, eh 5cm ni…once i ruptured your amniotic fluid sure laju je ni nanti” I replied “5cm? tp cam dah tak tahan dah ni”. And that was when i tweet: 5cm tapi baby dah nak kuar!!!
Prof was about to ruptured my amniotic fluid, i kept telling her…dah tak tahan ni!’ Prof knew it will be anytime soon…die dh suruh nurses get allt he trolley equipment sume masuk, baby warmer pun blum masuk lagi, reminded the nurse to call the paeds doctor. Everything was soo fast, i wasnt on anything. mmg tak sempat nk kasi pape sbb nurses and Prof were busy getting equipment ready.
Mase tu i was a lil dissapointed, i already visualized photos i wanted to take. Husband was not there yet. Camera was in the room but not within my reach. Mom was in the room, tapi behind the curtain. Dad managed to get parking space and waited outside the room. Apparently he said, the nurses took all the trolleys barang from the next door yg dah 8cm dilated. The mother of the gal wasnt happy..she was like eh knp amiq coz her daughter shuld be anytime since dah 8cm. My dad told her…tapi yg ni mmg dah nak kuar.
I was hoping to wait a lil longer coz i wanted syauQi to be around. I wanted to take photo of him potong the umbilical cord. But i knew he wont be able to make it. He was from Kelana Jaya, parking confirm susah. I didn’t have much energy to push, lack of moral support i guess..hihi. Mase tu dah siap bawak battery operated fan sbb from previous pregnancy, biler nk deliver sure panas bepeluh despite the aircond.
Prof told me too push harder, i remembered telling her “tak larat”. Mase tu mmg tak sempat tukar katil. So i didnt have that thingy where u put ur leg up…so kaki bukak cam tu je (scroll down / stop reading if u think its too details..haha.) Prof told me “chin down” Then baru teringat…yes that’s the most important thing i kept telling people bile nk give birth. Ensure ur chin touches ur chest. When u are in that position, it’s easier to push BUT problem is, to lift ur chin so it touches ur chest need a hell lot of energy!!! Mase triplets pregnancy i had a nurse tolong support my head so my chin touched my chest. During uZair ‘s time, i had syauQi to lift my head. I tried lifting my head tapi tak larat. Prof told me again jgn dongak kepala…as i was trying to kumpul all the energy i have to lift head i told her “tolong..angkat my chin” but i was breathless…so word awal2 tu tak dgr, cume word “chin” je clear enough. It was more like…”bla bla bla chin”. Prof replied “takpe nk kencing, kencing je” i repeated, again the word chin je clear enough that came out from my mouth. After few times i repeated, message went tru, nurse help me lift my head, my chin was already touching my chest. Felt much better..started pushing again. Prof told me, baby is halfway there…i seriously didnt have much energy left. But i knew its dangerous if i delay it, ive heard a lot of cases baby lambat push tak cukup oksigen, i put together all the strength and give it another push. It wasn’t enough. Prof said “skit lagi”…another pushh….alhamdulillah, baby was out. Sempat suruh Prof pause kejap, grab my phone n took this pic.
They place baby on the warmer, paeds then took over. I called my mom who was behind the curtain to take the camera frm the bag and take some shoots. Mom took this photo
Called, syauQi to inform him baby is out. He was on his way, few minutes away. Prof told me ade koyak skit..i was doing fine cume my last push tu silap skit..needed stiches. As prof started stiching up, received a call from a fren, answered the call which later she tweeted this:
Though my writting seems long, in actual fact, all that haapen in 12 minutes. to summarize:
12:51pm: in the lift when syauQi called
12:58pm: entered the room
1:10pm: baby pops out
I was rather impressed with myself (maaf angkat bakul sendiri) I did it again wihout husband (mase triplets pun syauQi not around, he was in Melbourne but i had a team of nurses to cheered for me then) and another highlight of it was i did it wihout any help of epidural nor ethonox (I took the ethonox during triplets’ n uZAir’s) . I was conscious all the way. Mase nak stich up tu…half way nurse pass me the ethonox gas is case i need it. But i made sure, i didnt get total zombie with it, i wanted to be aware if syauQi entered the room, i wanted to know if paeds say anything about my newborn…hence i didnt make total use of the laughing gas. I was well alert of all conversation going on in the room between, the gynae, paeds, nurses and my mom.
Stiches all done, i was off the ethonox already by then. syauQi tak smpai lagi. They need to change me to a different room coz katil sume dh kotor since tak sempat tukar to labour bed. Soon after i transfered to next door, syauQi arrived, told him they tgh cuci kn they baby, so he pegi tgk and azankan though before that my dad dah azan since tak sure bile syauQi smpai. Few minutes later, the nurse wheeled my baby in 🙂
Some commented im a supermom…no im not. The true superhero is this fella…
I was telling him “hows that, at 28 years old, u have a wife and FOUR kids to support?” it surely sound tough to me, but alhamdulillah he is doing perfectly fine, fulfilling our needs and wants. We love u!!!
I told syauQi to balik rumah to fetch the other kids…
will continue in next post; reaction from the elder 2 upon seeing their lil brother…

[New Post] My 12 minutes labour experience – via #twitoaster http://blog.tripletsplusone.com/2011/01/…
alhamdulillah syukur. congratulations munirah!
sekejap gile. tak ramai dpt mcm ni. maybe rezeki anak ke-4?
it’s not a long entry at all…i enjoy reading every single words in it. congrate smunirah, muda2 dah ada 4 anak…memang rezeki u..kirim kiss kat ur newborn..cute sgt 😉
congrats on ur new arrival kak munirah! enjoy reading this entry, ur newborn is sooo cute and handsome 😉 errr, boy kan?
tak tipu punya, mata bergenang baca ur entry n tengok ur newborn. seriously terasa nak pregnant lagi…. hehehhe!!!! congrats supermom!!!!!
congrats! best baca pasal pengalaman bersalin ni. 12 minit tu kira sekejap kan? pernah dengar ada orang berjam-jam pun anak tak nak keluar. Alhamdulillah 🙂
congrats munirah. so cute la. i baca line by line tetibe rase cam nak pregnant lagi so leh rase moment bersalin bile baby keluar tu. cume takut dah kaur nanti x larat nak jaga. ehhehe
anyway, selamat berpantang. leh kitorg visit ke?
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
January 26th, 2011 at 4:15 pm
of coz lah bleh visit! jus buzz me!
dear, that was fast! extremely fast!
i saw u online tadi tapi tak sempat tegur.
tak tau lak u dah deliver!
congrats darling!
now my turn to be preppared! adalah horror waiting the “pain trigger”!!!!
u tkcr kay! muahs!
Alhamdulillah.. Glad everything turned well.. Tp mmg hebat la, 12 minit je! 🙂 oh ya, ur newborn sangat comel.. 😀
Alhamdulillah.. got teary eyes while reading this post..
Handsome boy laaa
munirahhhhhh, 12 minits wow!! CONGRATS!!! i still can’t believe it. i hope mine is as fast and easy as yours BUT with helos by my side. can’t do it without him. nway soalan toye, did u feel them stitch u up??? seghiau aku dengaq wehhhh
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
January 26th, 2011 at 7:27 pm
yup lana…can feel Prof stitch me up, bleh tau bile the benang kena tarik n all tp the ethonox did help reduce the pain, alhamdulillah
phewww..hope that by next week kalau i bersalin, my case will be smooth , cepat macam you.
take care!
oh my. you are the well deserved supermom! congrats!
Salam sis Munirah,
Alhamdulilah… that’s the moment to be cherished for the rest of our lives. Nice entry!
cutenye.. comel putih bersih 🙂 seronok dgr ceita u.. i plak yg terbyg2.. ni yg rasa nak beranak lagi ni.. hehe
congratulations to you & family! ;D
congrats munirah!~
i baru baca ni. ya rabbi kuatnya semangat u.
selamat berpantang ya! 🙂
wahhh! terkedu kejap. neway congrates yer 🙂
Hanim!!!!Giller! So proud of you and sooo .. Tatau nk kata aper! I was like!amazed Giller!! Still speechless.. Dah dah.. U mmg hebat!