Im being very inconsistent for athirAh’s potty training. Alhamdulillah hArith graduated from it. As i mentioned before i aint have the enerygy to be consistent on her. I wanted to do same method as hArith but it’s almost impossible for athirAh. As for hArith, i woke up one day i decided to put him off the diapers bring him to the loo every 30mins and clean up the floor whenever he wet his pants. The prob with athirAh, she urinates often but very2 lil. it wont wet the floor…setakat seluar die je lembab2, n u wont know she dah urinate unless u rase her seluar baru sedar, dah basah then u have prob tak tau where she seated prior to that…because her pants is not really wet that it wont causes other places that she sat to be wet too. so jenuh kang najis satu rumah
so i have no choice but to let her wear her diapers and whenver i feel rajin i’ll bring her to the bathroom. Well, each time she urinates i would compliment her by saying ” wow very good!”. One day, she came to me and said “mommy athirAh nak very good”…i got confused. I then managed to figure it out…brought her to the toilet,placed her on the toilet bowl…after she urinate she said “athirAh dah very good”. It will be like that all the time…
So for now, instead of asking her “athirAh nak kencing?” it would be “athirAh nak very good?”

[New Post] Potty Training – via #twitoaster…
LOL… DD finally learned the word shishi after she has been potty trained. Challenging with almost-diagnosed-as-apraxia toddler.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
January 22nd, 2011 at 11:29 am
uZair is still not talking..when shuld i be worried. but he make lotsa sounds though. could it be genetic, sbb athirAh baru start talking proper conversation (age 3.5). but at least athirAh at uZAir’s age dah ade vocab cume not making conversation. uzair not even calling mommy nor papa yet. he only says No and Nak
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
January 22nd, 2011 at 11:30 am
he makes lotsa sounds (supposedly to be the song of wiggles)
Good job Athirah! Lain anak lain approach dia kan. Hehehe. Tapi betul lah apa you cakap, bila just basah seluar je, jenuh nak carik kat mana dia last duduk kan. Macam my son, paling mencabar bila dia start tiru apa I buat. Bila dia dah basah, dia sendiri bukak seluar, dan sendiri lap dengan seluar (of coz campur main2 sekali kan). Erghh yang nih memang mencabar sangat. Sebab kadang-kadang I tak sedar, tempat tuh dah kering. So kena mop the whole room sebab takut dia jalan-jalan dengan kaki dah terpijak urine. Haduiii.. Alhamdulillah adventurous and fun phase dah lepas. Nak kena get ready train malam plak. You have any suggestion on how to start?
i just started to potty train khadijah last week.
Dia ok utk half day, ajar g toilet pun dia pee. Cuma ada sekali tu time dia ckp dia nak kencing dan time tu juga dia kencing. Hadoilah..hihi mujur kencing tak byk.
I pun tgh cari mase sesuai nak potty train my son..
dah preggy ni,lupa nak follow up potty train!hohoho..
br sorang anak dah pening..hish!!