Alhamdulillah safely delivered a baby boy weighing 2.535kg after 12mins entered the labour room. Didnt take anything this ethonox. evrything was so fast..syauQi pun x sempat datang as he was having his exam.Baby pops out while he was on the way.
a lil summary;
12:51pm: syauQi called me as he just finished his exam. i was in the lift heading to the ward
12.58pm: entered the room for labour. Prof examine and said 5cm, she further said once i ruptured ur amniotic fluid, in no time u’ll give birth
told prof dh x tahan dah ni….
1.10pm: alhamdulillah baby pops out. i brought along my camera tp x sempat syauqi nk dtg take photos
will update more once im home, insyaAllah

oohh dear dear
baby is here!
now 3-1 nih. mana geng athirah ni 😀
Congratulation!!! 🙂
Salam sis Munirah,
Congratulations for your bundle of joy! May he be the mujahid that we’re all waiting for amin…
tahniah kawan…finally keluar suda
hahhaha.. same to me.. kena plak ader nurse kat umah yang lagik garang dr nurse kat spital…. adik2 plak dok komplot nak menggagalkan misi berpantang.. hehhe
alhamdulillah n congratulations! very happy to welcome the new junior.. to mommy n baby n family, take care 🙂