A week ago, met yaya at a party n she told me she would like to give my kamikaze a try. Die dh lame chop if i ever plan to let it go. Sorry yaya, dont think that gonna happen…thus i invited her over to give it a try. Since mak budak yg lebih beria nk main, we had to do this as close invitation…if ajk ramai2 kang terbantut hajat yaya nk try, malu dgn the other dads.
I shall let the photos do the talking…
As usual, syauQi jd tukang campak yg sungguh berdedikasi 😉
hArith yg lari ala2 lifeguard baywatch 😛
akmal, cuteness!!! masyaAllah
adam bersantai,
haaa…ni die gmbar yg dinanti nanti kn…mak budak!
cube u all perhatikan gmbar ni…smpai hati yaya gelak besar kt anak die yg tersalah sliding lalu terduduk,
ha ape kate kite gelak besar kt yaya pulak…ade org tu sliding smpai kuar track..hihihi
What a great saturday it was, we were a lil panic takut hujan, jenuh dari pukul 3 i dh buzz yaya suruh cepat dtg takut hujan sbb hari dh mendung…alhamdulillah it didnt

muahahahhahaa kelakar siot. yaya, syauqi baling u jugak ke sampai tersasar keluar? :P:P:P
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 10th, 2011 at 10:32 am
actually i was sooo close nk suruh laki yaya, baling yaya…hihi
Munirahhhhhhh i dah agak dah mesti u upload gambar i neh. Anyway thanks for having us and nsmpaknya i kene cari kamikaze yg lebih panjang mcm yg soki tunjuk tu. Kalo mak budak tersasar keluar kamikaze harus bali panjang kekeke. Beehoon u masak sedap bangat hehehehe
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 10th, 2011 at 10:35 am
anytime u nk i masak beehoon lagi tarahal punye lah yaya.
nk makan ketam pun i bleh masak! haha
wen i read syauqi jd tukang campak dedikasi, i really thot d 1st pic was going to b yaya’s. nasib baik…hahaha!