On the third day, syauqi’s parents n sister came to join us. Kids were surprise (and thrilled) upon seeing them. TukWan and Maklong rajin layan them play by the beach. Harith did lots of “project” with TukWan; volcano, river, bridge.
I love the moments captured when hArith main kite with TukWan
hAppy that he managed to fly the kite by himself 🙂
oh do u know that flying kite by the beach is as easy as ABC? See, even uwais can do it while asleep! 😀
sound asleep by the beach
The last day, after breakfast kids headed to the beach again. Main sepuas2nye regardless weather
and ni dh mcm trademark shot, kat Cameron aritu pun ade gak lambung camni,
We surely had fun. It was hectic and tiring for us, parents but nothing beat the joy seeing your children happy faces. Bliss. Moga murah rezeki for more getaway, ameen 😀