It has been a looonggg silence. My blog was badly effected by a malware and didnt manage to get it done until recently. Lots of things happen, kids are growing much faster than i knew. Uwais is no longer a baby, hArith and athirAh with their very own character. And sadly, uZair is still not talking yet. He just turned 4 few days back. Still attending his speech therapy and occupational therapy on weekly basis
Not too sure where to start since I have not been writing for months. Main highlight was our trip to Disneyland, LA and had our TRIPLE CELEBRATION 2012 early this month. Unfortunately the SD card for our US trip got kaput so we aint have any photo except for those from my phone.
Meanwhile, a lil picture updates of my lil ones. Alhamdulillah they are growing well and keeping me busy all the time, masyaAllah.
This was our mini science project during the school holiday. We did volcano eruption 🙂
Here are the things that you need to do the “volcano”;
Mineral bottle (u will need to cut the upper part)
Lotsa newspaper
glue starch ( i just mix flour and water, with pinch of salt)
tape the newspaper for the first few based then start using the glue starch to add on the papers
Oh before u start on this project, do inform your kids that it will take over night for it to dry. Or else they will keep on pestering you, “dah blum?” “dah blum?”
Someone is eager to see the eruption, checking on it every other hour
Yayy, finally 🙂
Next is to paint it. We only had red water color left though. But enough to make the kids happy
We googled for the eruption’s “recipe”. They are various recipe. It was nice to try different recipe to enbale to kids to see different variables caused different reaction.
Didnt take much photo of the eruptions since my hands were wet to hold the camera
Oh, while we were doing this, the postman came with a parcel. As i was attending to him, heard harith screaming…ran back to them to see, athirAh had poured the whole bottle of viniger as she wanted a bigger eruption… and everything spilt on the floor,
We then had a good time playing water, scrubbing the floor before the stain wont go off. And the day ends with a dip in the “pool”

U never failed to inspire me Munirah with your great love for kids and optimism and strength!
Keep it going and Happy Ramadan 🙂
admin Reply:
July 24th, 2012 at 12:58 pm
Thanks for the well wishes. Im grateful God gives me the strength to keep up with my 4 energetic kids. and glad to hear i inspire others from one way or another 🙂
we miss you!
admin Reply:
July 24th, 2012 at 12:59 pm
hi! glad i still have visitors :). was afraid ppl stop dropping by since it has been awhile since my last post
finally!!! LOL
sorry didn’t really come up to say hi the other day. shy lah =P even when DH was pushing me to say hi, ‘to one of ur own’ as he puts it.
eep. tried twitting but don’t think u got it or missed it or something.
admin Reply:
July 29th, 2012 at 9:54 am
larr, i wasnt sure u remember me ke tak, tu tak berani nak tegur..hihi. oh, no..i didnt get any of ur tweets.
btw, wat babywearing were u using that day?
lillies Reply:
August 2nd, 2012 at 12:37 pm
kanga j. i don’t wear much these days. but i still need it when the younger one suddenly gets spooked sbb ramai sangat org around her lol.
add me! @jazmaryn =P~~~
yeay ada update 😉 miss ur writing…anak2 kita sebaya love to read ur experience 😉
admin Reply:
July 29th, 2012 at 10:18 pm
thanks for still paying my blog a visit 🙂