It is a new year and athirah is already talking about her birthday,which is 6 months away. She said “mommy, i want a messy party!” , and that reminds me i have yet make any blog post on their last year birthday party. We had a Lego theme birthday, LegoLand was not open yet, thus it wasnt easy to get much of lego decorations and such, but anyhow i made do with whatever i could think of, and afterall kids don’t really pay attention to those details, do they?
(Pic by phone)
stick these lego man at the glass of the sliding door, but my friends kate mcm Digi “i will follow you” , cait 😛
(pic by phone)
the “main table” half way decorated, some food are not out yet, and cakes,
i took the extra effort to create lego blocks that involve food as decoration on the table. hmm, does it look like lego to u,no?
(pic by phone)
i wrapped lots of tissue boxes and place jelly on top of it to make it look like lego, yes i did use the ikea glass candle holder…but i made jelly in it, sadly most of the guests thought it was candle thus it was left untoched. oh i had a friend who ate it but decided not to eat more fear that she (n her husband) might ruin my decoration
oh although i did place knives for the cakes, people seems “sayang” to cut the cake, i was too busy moving about to notice the cake were uncut, when almost everyone left baru i sedar all cakes were untouched…that left is with a lot, a lot of cakes to eat.
Oh wondering, why athirah refered her birthday as a messy one? Coz we literally had a messy one 🙂
Here’s pic before party starts,
opps sorry, mom’s duty calling, i shall continue in my next entry 😐
*all photos taken by Taufiq (Aida’s husband ; unless stated otherwise