Just got back from Harith’s rugby tournament in Singapore over the weekend.
Yes, a normal reaction from all parents would be “rugby? safe ke?” , Syauqi and I have that worry too of course. However, after more and more trainings and tournament that we went through, I tend to fall in love with it even more. My kids play soccer too, but somehow the atmosphere, the feeling is just different with rugby. The kids on and off the pitch are lovely. The spirit they carry with them despite being from various team, somehow reflects unity among them. Ahh..something I can’t put in words. You just gotta experience it yourself. In fact, last week I was just telling myself “Gosh what am I putting myself into?” when the logistic for kids became crazy. Juggling the send off and pick ups between 4 kids’ schedule. Their usual once a week training, increased to 3 times a week the last 2 months. But as I witnessed the kids on the tournament day, all the tiredness for past two months felt sooo worth it.
The teamwork during game time is something I would highly speak off. In the game, you really need great teamwork to move forward to the trying line. They were in high spirit on the first day, a good start when they started off wining the first game of the day. On the second day, they had a tough first game. The opponent team was ahead with a comfortable score to win the game and they had about 1/2 time away. One boy shouted to their teammates, motivating others “Come on! I don’t want to go home early”. They continued playing as best as they could to ensure the winning gap is not too big. It wasn’t a good first game. The kids were not fully “awake” , making it easier for the opponent to score. Despite the lost, once the referee blew the whistle, with high spirit the Cobrats shouted out,
Three Cheers for Tanglin
Hip Hip…Horayyy
Hip Hip…Horayyy
Hip Hip…Horayyy
and the Tanglins return their cheers 🙂
After the game, they gathered and coaches briefed them. It was a good experience for myself, seeing how the coach handled the team. No shouting, screaming or scolding the kids. I was attracted to the part where the coach asked “is there anything that I just said that isn’t reasonable…everyone agrees on that?”. He understood exactly how the kids feel, frustrated from the lost and stressed from the extra note, and so he open for a feedback. Voices of the kids are being appreciated too.
Uwais requested to tag along for the games, I was worried he would give me a headache ” mummy I’m bored” , “mummy it is hot” and such. But as it turned out, he kept himself occupied pretty well. He didn’tt need any gadgets to keep him occupied. Happily he walked around in the mud. My kind of happiness, seeing your child comfortable in muds and dirts. He walked around barefooted for both days.
Even an umbrella could keep him busy for an hour, before he moved on to play with the rocks pretending to start a campfire.
Having him around also means, we have waterboy! hihi
At the end of the 2nd day, they had debrief of the game and one of the player spontaneously said “Thank You Coach” followed by all other players, it is nice to see values and manners the boys carry.
and good luck to the moms to clean their kids attire (another post shall be on this perhaps)