Playmate – TRIPLETS plus ONE


August 17, 2008
hArith & athirAh met their new playmate, Adam today. hArith was very much curious upon seeing his new friend. Tersenget2 die tunduk to get a closer look of Adam, hihi. All three were busy with the toys, the pool ball and also the gazillion bubbles. Adam’s dad took lots of great photo and now I just can’t make up my mind which photos should I put up here. Meanwhile let me show off to all of you the lovely gift Adam’s mommy did for lil uZAir. Thanks a lot Aida and thanks for coming over! We will pay you a visit one of these days (once we are able to figure out how to travel with 3 babies…hehehe)

b00ties from Aunt Aida =)

Oh, Adam…you are always welcome to come again and again =)

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  1. Cutenya booties tu, aida very the creativelah kan. If we live nearby, nak gak i join your playdates (cewah perasan, org tak ajak pun…heheheh)


  2. munirah so sorry i haven’t been able to update my blog or visit yours the past few days been on a course..until wednesday..

    ni pun sneak some time 😉

    will update when soon insyaAllah..


  3. mommyadam:
    oh take ur time dear.
    but definitely cant wait to read wat u hv to say bout adam and his new playmates..hihi


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