aaarrrggghhhh – TRIPLETS plus ONE


October 2, 2009

Goshhh, had a terrible nite. uZAir now is extremellllyyyyyy superrrr whiny boy!!!!!! During the day he whines for small matters. When he cries, he likes to rebahkn his body regardless there’s people to support him or not and of coz ended up bumping his head on the floor often…arrggghhh.

Last night he was pacifying on me the whole night!!! Seriously THE WHOLE NIGHT. I kept on looking at the clock. The minute i let it go, he will whine like there’s no tomorrow. Afraid that would wake the elder two up, i had no choice but to let him has his way. And of coz that causes my back to ache like hell. Due to sleeping on one side.

I know he is only 14 months and i planned to breastfeed him up to 2 years old…but with the situation now, i feel like changing the plan. Now that syauQi is on leave till the 11th, maybe it is ideal to start him on bottle. Father is around to handle him at night while the elder two and I sleep in another room, so he could scream till top of his lung. What do you think?

Another solution we are thinking of is to send him for classes, to improve his social skill, help him from being superrrr clingy to me. He doesn’t go to Kidzports like the elder two thus lacking in socializing. So planning to enroll him for that or perhaps tweedle wink. athirAh has improve her social skill a lot since she started schooling. She started on the 3rd August, that’s 2 months ago and we are very happy with her social skill now. Even my sister and brother agreed on this.

Hmm..will have to look into the belanjawan if we were to send uZAir for classes, and at the same time, to stop bf or not….?

Seriously, uZAir is reallllyyyy testing my limits

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  1. Ohh..Uzair sounds like my son..he’s 15 months now. And yes he’s terribly clingy and the pacify part too..Lenguh weii tido sebelah bdn..even when I have to wake to toilet at night, he would wailed !! Stress kan?


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    fuh mmg sgt stress! kan


  2. eh my doter pun tau. i think they all got their own different phases. even nasya dah gi skolah ni pun clingy lagi kat i. ada one day tu, i lmbt, asked my husband to send me to work first then send her after that, dia menangis2 nak ikut ibuuu…ibu kokonggg…u bygkan my husband punyala serabut nak drive sbb nak ikut ibu. tapi bila sampai sekolah selamba kodok jek tinggalkan ayah dia kat blkg.

    to start weaning you have to start early sebabnya diorg takkan stop on the spot pun. it takes time and sedih2 for both mom & baby.

    good luckk!


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    tu lah kadang tu mmg ngada2 je lebih, like u said…bleh ek pastu r gal selamba kodok jln masuk skool…hihi
    yup im aware weaning takes time..tu kang lagi stressful dibuatnye…


  3. same boat lah kita! bila camni rasa cam nak wean off jam jam ni gak kan? my girl 18 month..rasa nak buat2 cekal je lumur asam jawa or nescafe at my nips..tapi sian looo, dia tak minum FM..dushh..unless its orange juice…


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    uZAir at times minum FM sbb die dok tgk elder two minum botol…so die pun sibuk nak one bottle. but usually ended up minum skit jer…belakon jer lebih


  4. i think budak2 yang BF mmg manja terlebih sebab my son pun macam tu dulu pastuh bila dah dapat adik dia dah kurang sikit mengada jatuh sifat tu ke adik dia pulak. Tapi memamng menguji kesabaran betul. I can imagine there are time i fed up biar je dia nangis for few minute. My sis kata budak2 yang suka nangis hempas2 badan ni kita biarkan je ikut age…kalau 1 year 1 min…bila dah cukup time pergi kat dia cakap baik2. buat byk kali nanti lelama dia okay.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    yup mmg kadang tu i biar je die nangis…then after awhile bile angkat cam automatically like as though i press the stop button. senyap cam nothing happen b4 that…tu namenye ngada2 kan.
    will try ur sis punye cara. but the thing is the moment i angkat, die trus senyap and tak heran ape i ckp dah…


  5. hye munirah…same goes with me here.kaseh pon nowadays dh pndai nk moody and rebah2 bdn.seb baik happen ats katil je ble lmbt bf:( lst nite hampir lunyai i dibuatnya…non stop menetek.
    cuba try psiko sikit. wht i imean, at nite time bf tu u usap2 ank rambut uzair and whisper some works tau:)alhmdulillah…i tried it few times.



    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    tu ah mmg lunyai dah the b**by.
    somehow the usap2 n whisper never work with me =(


  6. oh munirah.. pity u. benda ni dah jd to me.i planed to stop bf sbb x thn mlm2 x kasi can i pusing ke lain, but then i lg x thn dgn jeritan bl dia x dpt his comfort suck! only bl i btl2 streched to d end, i nekad. seminggu x tido mlm sbb nothing yg blh kami buat to sooth him back to sleep.only biarkan dia nangis sampai penat. pendapat i ialah, kl u mgg dah btl2 nak wean him off, biar la masa suami ada n both of u on tip top condition. tp ada easy bb, ada yg demanding. wish u best of luck.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    tu lah mmg lenguh sgt badan bile tido on one side jer…pastu dgn siap menonggeng bagai…ade nipple nk tecabut kot kang selamba tarik2.
    talking about doing in when both of us in tip top condition…i wonder will we ever be in tip top condition, since im almost drain out..hahah


  7. munirah i think at that age memang they’ll be clingy kot. with the twins they were two so diorang tak manja cam uzair kot, i think la. furthermore uzair is the youngest, that’s why kot.

    my son pun verrrrrrrrry clingy and whiny when i’m home alone with him. i can’t go anywhere even to the toilet. mesti nak kena ikut masuk sekali.

    hope u can make the best decision for u and him.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    tu ahhh super clingy and whiny. stress tul…
    but when im out of his sight kadang tu ok jer..just as long die trus tak nmpak i


  8. aiseh.sama la. xkira tempat dh nk mngamok. sgguh mcabar iman.

    sama2 la kta besabo.

    *nway. selamat hari raya.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    mmg sgt mencabar iman! kadang tu rase cam nk jer iar die melalak smpai penat tapi cam bingit lak telinga dgr


  9. pernah beberapa kali my son buat mcm tu. mcm mendera diri sendiri. now, instead of rebahkan badan, dia akan hantuk2 manja dahi kat lantai. how to handle kalau macam tu? pening mak


  10. i went through that five years ago . walaupun all my children breastfed cuma yg no2 saja clingy . And up to right now at seven years old he still clingy to me at some time . But the idea of making him bottle fed and sending him to school may help uzair . Cause it does work for my son . Tapi apa pun i hope u sabar and choose the right decision that will benefit both of u . 😀


  11. oh, Orked ada geng rupanya. ingatkan dia sorang je yg perangai tak berapa nak elok tu, bila tak dapat apa dia nak, cepat2 rebahkan badan, guling-guling, hantuk kepala kat lantai and menangis kuat2. heiiii…. kemahiran yg tak perlu diajar!


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