It’s amazing actually how number of friends grew by blogging. Can’t really remember when was it i started blog hopping to ladyverde’s blog. Anyway i first met her was at Fadd’s baby shower somwhere last week and when she invited me to her open house she asked if i could take photos on that day. Was rather honoured that she trusted me for the day. It was my very first time taking photos of event day. Punye lar panic, the night b4 i actually dremt that i overslept for her event! Hahaha
House was nicely decorated, even her flowers had accessory! As u can see the theme was pink n turqoise, and every decoration was done in detail even the water for the flower
Below are some of the hAppy faces of her guests
Mr Doc the husband busy giving directions…
Sedondon kan tuan rumah punye attire with the khemah =)
Oh, i just luv verde’s dimple!!!
Thanks to the tuan rumah for having TRIPLETS plus ONE at ur event day =)
Capture the Moments for Lasting Memories~

wahhh…i suka la combination nie.mmg cantik.LV,bukan main dalam lagik dimple dia 😉
i ingatkan td kenduri kawin.suka sgt combination kaler die ..sweet!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 13th, 2009 at 4:11 pm
tu lah, mase i tgh nk cari rumah, nmpak lar those khemah dari jauh…didnt expect that i was heading to that direction..really tot thos khemas was wedding at first