Weaning off uZAir: Part II – TRIPLETS plus ONE

Weaning off uZAir: Part II

March 19, 2010

I would like to continue the entry on weaning off uZAir, but at the moment i’m so very tired, i’ll try to write on it but i might stop this entry hanging..

The number one key on weaning off uZAir is “to do it myself”. Some would say, let the father handle him while i hide somewhere else. This method does not work with uZAir, whenever i pass him to syauQi and make myself invisible it will make situation worst, he would think that i no longer want him, he will look very miserable wondering what he did wrong that i refused to have him with me. Thus, i have to be around him and at the same time make it known to him that he can no longer breastfeed. So every now and then i’ll give him a hug and vice versa…yes i’ll ask for a hug from him too. From there he will know that he is still loved. This makes him feel much more secured. During the day, while playing with the elder 2, he will come to me every now and then to get a hug from me.

Our major problem now is putting him to sleep at night. He wants to pacify. Thus the only way to avoid this is by going out so he will fall asleep during the drive. And oh, don’t find it weird if u were to bump into us on the road seeing me driving while syauQi sits at the back with the kids. Coz if i were to sit at the back, all kids will refuse to sit in their carseat, especially uZAir and athirAh. They want to cuddle up with me. Again, this will be a problem coz uZAir will want to pacify on me while cuddling. Thus, the best solution; mOmmy drives, pApa sit at the back. However, it is really2 tiring for me. Kat rumah tesenget, and usually i get to relax a lil bit in the car while syauQi drives but now i have to be full alert since i’m driving

It is really tiring for me coz we also have to go out in the afternoon, to distract uZAir from breastfeeding. So after Zuhur, out we go. And there’s no way i can lie down during the day coz uZAir will come to me wanting to breastfeed. So i hafta avoid everything that would trigger him from asking for it. So far so good. Been keeping him busy to distract him, hence the result of a zombie mOmmy.

Oh ya, he’s doing really good in school. I sent them to school at 9:30am and stayed with them for awhile before sneaking out. On the first day, i sneaked out at 11am. 2nd day at 1030am and today sneaked out at 10am. Why send him to school so early? Errr that would need another entry i think. But basically coz we are very happy with the elder 2’s progress and development, thus we wish to give uZAir an early start too =)

I did tweet earlier today, saying that i’m being very ambitious this week; weaning off uZAir, sending him to skool (getting him adjusted to school) AND weaning off bottles for the elder two. It is their 3rd day without bottle, drinking from cup! Come on kids, make mOmmy and pApa proud!  Ya Allah ya tuhanku, berikanlah hambaMu ini kesabaran in doing all these with the kids, and please ease our journey. Err pasni potty training lak (?), insyaAllah . I think syauQi pun cam uncertain wat the hack am i trying to do, but while he was away, i managed to start the weaning of the bottle for the elder 2, by the time he got back from work, the kids already succeed 2 days without bottles. Go kids!! And the maid almost spoil it..she will give in when kids merengek, thus i decided to take total control of it. No more kakak giving susu. If they demand for bottle, again i’ll distract them “wow, big boy nak which cup…come let us choose, blue? green? orange?”,  “come, help mOmmy pour the milk in the cup”  etc. Oh i forgot to mention, the first thing i did to wean off bottle for the elder two was to get them to throw their bottle. “big boy and big gal no longer need bottle, we drink using the cup like mOmmy and pApa..come  throw the bottles” Both of them, took all their bottles and throw it. If they asked for bottle i would remind them “you threw it right, coz hArith big boy / athirAh big gal” (i got them to throw it into the dustbin but later i actually pick it up and hide it from them, just in case i failed…hahaha)

I’m off to bed. and one more thing, alhamdulillah im not having  any problem bengkak susu 😉

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  1. You sound like you’re doing a great job with the three kids Hanim! *thumbs up*

    You’re so strong!


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    thanks ayu. i dont know wat makes me suddenly decide to wean off bf n bottle for the kids. out of no where i woke up that morning and got the elder 2 to do the “ritual” of dumping all the bottles away. In fact i never sebut nor discuss it with syauQi. on the other hand, i think it was a good step to just do it dpd piki “shuld i or shuld not?” and also it was a good step to do it while syauQi was away so there wasnt other factors influencing my decision..im sure if his around he will say “kang if tak botol, how the budak nak tido?” “bleh ker?” “why so early”.

    but main reason is, “lets be done with it dpd having to deal it later in couple of years.” since im waening off bf, i decide to get uZAir to drink gune cawan, safe me the pening nak wean off bottle pulak later. so had to get the other 2 to drink with cawan too kang confused lak uZAir why he is using cawan but not the brother n sister


  2. hmm im into potty training now although am very inconsistent. will see bout the bottle weaning part, mcm x pernah terpk plak. is it about time? :P:P


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    is it about time? err lana i rase most toddler still with bottle, but i feel that cam kang if dah 4 5 years old lagi susah nak wean them off from the bottlle. it is just a personal preference actually, coz i rase tak bes if dah 4 5 years old still with bottle. and actually one of the factor nak wean off bottle is athirAh suke gigit the puting bottle, and dr. brown punye puting not cheap for me to replace it every other week! pengsan nk beli the puting slalu sgt.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    and ya about the potty training, im being very inconsistent. bile mandi tu kadang ingat nk suruh shh shhh kadang lupe. and if maid mandi kan lagi lah takde kose die nk tunggu the kids shh shh kan


  3. i still dont wean off aisyah from her bottle. She’s going 4 ths year., tpi dah pg school. She understood that at school cannot bring bottle, but when at home, at least she needs the bottle when she wants to sleep. Oh maybe i should start weaning her from the bottle.. 🙂 good job harith and athirah dah weon off! and for their mom too!


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    that’s one of the reason i wean off skrang, nanti dah besar lagi pandai and susah nk wean off. and as i mentioned in reply to lana’s comment. its getting to expensive replacing puting bottle yg diorag asyik gigit


  4. dah wean off Aliah from BF at 14 months..of course, from the bottle too! sbb time EBM je dia drink from bottle..bila start FM, dia minum pakai sipping cup sampai skrg. so dia lupa lak cara dan feel hisap puting botol bila gi nursery (dia x berapa sure nak pacify diri sendiri mcmana utk afternoon nap).


  5. wow wayy to go munirah!!!
    i ni belum buat apa2 pun lagi dgn tasneem. mmg plan cm nak wean off bottle and Potty train, but i’m not sure wether she’s ready or not, and the most important thing is, wether i ready ke tak esp for her PT. kena amik cuti definitely. huhuhuhu.

    i think i better start real soon before another baby come . i’m not pregnant yet, but wud like to be pregnant this year hihihihi.

    good luck to u and to me too!!


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    tu lah PT mmg need full displince and consistency. i pun blum smpai seru nk do it betul2.
    and yes, gud luck to both of us =)


  6. way to go super mommy! 🙂


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    thanks, hope things goes well for me. pasni pening kepala nk potty train pulak


  7. am in the process oso. potty more or less there dah. bottles still at a very early stage. mb we shd try d trhwoing bottle trick oso.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    yah, try the throwing of bottle trick, refer to my reply comment to Moon 😉


  8. wowweee.. u! mmg hebat la.. mother of 3 n yet can do all that..
    i pun slalu doa2 byk2 mcm tu, beli kesabaran i diuji.. she can get really notti at times.. ya Ampun.. part i taktahan bile buli Aqilah..

    i pun ingat nak start bottle weaning for nadhrah.. n she’s potty training too now, and not consistent yet.. nnti bile i’m home fulltime br start betul2 kot..


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    tu lah, there are times mmg menguji kesabaran kan.
    i pun tak consistent in potty training. my mom dah siap2 ckp, if nk PT sila gulung sume carpet simpan..haha. ye lah if kena carpet jenuh nk basuh kang


  9. part buang dalam tong sampah tew ai suka la ….ai pun should try pada isk since malam je dia nak botol ….ha kalau buang misti dia tak mo ..

    thanks dear a very gud tips la


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    ha get them to throw it themselves, die cam satu “ritual” to mark that they are big boy. So now mmg die panggil diri die big boy. mase nak buang tu kena buat ala2 kecoh, “hArith2, faster lets throw all the bottle, big boy minum gune cup.” pastu biar bile buang tu cam excited..siap mak die buat bunyi sound effect bottle masuk dlm tong, and siap buat game baling dr jauh tgk masuk ke tak, if tak masuk siap ketuk kepala “ohh noo, tak masuk!” ha pandai2 lah buat havoc kan “ritual” pembuangan botol susu =)


  10. tabik kat mommy! weaning off all 3 skali gus. weaning my son off nenen memang penat and sangat ngeri bila mlm menjelma sbb dia x reti nak pacify himself to sleep n bl terbangun mlm, dia akan menjerit2 n kicking all around. tp it lps 2 minggu, clingy, whiny n menangis x tentu pasal beransur jaaaaauh lbh baik dr masa nenen.dia jd lebih berdikari n x risau bl i hilang dr pandangan dia kejap.around bedtime kami akan drive keliling our neighbourhood to sooth him to sleep. slowly, dia belajar tido sendiri n terima hakikat mak dia ttp sayang dia even tho no more nenen, i wish u all d best dan moga Allah mudah kan semua urusan u sekeluarga 🙂


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