Nilam Boutique KL – Soft Launching – TRIPLETS plus ONE

Nilam Boutique KL – Soft Launching

September 24, 2010

Been wanting to update my blog but time does not permit me. I notice that i update my blog more often when husband is not around. Ironic isn’t it, i shuld be be more occupied with the kids when husband is not around but yet i get to update more often. I realised this happen coz whenever husband is around, we are often out of the hse. Hence the no update.

Nway, for now husband is around so i can’t really sit down to upate my blog. But meanwhile, do head to Mrs Imran blog to know more about the Nilam Boutique Soft Launching 😀

Yup it’s becoming reality now. And at the same time i’m still searching for tailors, do leave me a line or two if you would to be a tailor for our Nilam Boutique 🙂

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  1. i boleh jd tailor tp july or august 2011 br vacant because from jan to june i sibuk amik kelas menjahit lagi. tapi jauh la pulak kan… tapi kalau u nak, i boleh tolong, next year la… tahun ni x dapat tolong, iman kecik lagi.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    wow u taking sewing classes now!!
    coolness..i always wanted to take up sewing classes, tp with kids now cam payah skit


    mummy anne Reply:

    i know how to sew,tp biasa2 je,jahit for family members je.. i take the sewing classes 4 an added knowledge plus nak certificate, baru nampak terrer kan hihihi… i amik GIAT MARA punya, 6mths je, da la free pastu dapat allowance lg… mak mertua sanggup nak jaga cucu, apa lagi, at least i blh la enjoy menjahit hihihi… ala u,kang anak2 dabesar, u buat la apa u nak, bykmasa nak bercinta2 dgn hubby =)


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