hArith calls himself as Ayie coz he can’t pronounce his name properly….but funny thing is, when we call him Ayie…he does not respond to it, like as though we are calling someone else…not even bothered to look at us.
same thing happen to Sarah…dia takleh nak pronouce Along.. dia akan sebut awe…tapi bila kita tanye awe mana? dia buat dono je… the thing is dia faham cuma takleh sebut je kan…
hi dear, love reading ur blog..before this i’m just a silent reader;-)
like my daughter, last time she called herself yaiya (her name is sofea by the way)…but we kept calling her sofea..now she pronounce her name thofea…hehhee..
something to do with child speech. because their speech organs are not fully developed, that’s why some pronunciations may sound a little off to us. but for them, they hear the right sound. so just continue calling harith so that he can form the words right. unless you want to stick that name as a nickname. can be quite confusing for the child tho.
p/s: i used to take a subject that touches on early speech for children in my degree years. ;p
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply: August 2nd, 2009 at 9:19 am
thanks dear..that’s exactly what we reckon too…he hears it as hArith although he pronounce it as ayie. just like how they pronouce barney as “babi” where athirah get annoyed when we kept on repeating BAR-NEY to her and she ended up walking away from us saying “babibabibabibabibabi”…as though telling us “yes yes, i got it!” hahah
One day along time ago, my friend’s niece cerita pasal kawan rapat dia kat playschool…
So, dia cakapla kat my friend,
“Kita ada kawan lelaki nama Jugenai”
My friend gelak sebab nama pelik sangat, so dia pun tanyala,
“Jugenai? Peliknya nama?”
Niece dia pun jawab dengan confidentnya,
“Bukan JUGENAI la… JU-GE-NAI!!!
Nama kawan dia sebenarnya ZULKARNAIN…
Rasanya dia memang yakin 100% dia sebut ZULKARNAIN, bukan JUGENAI, sebab tu bila disebutkan balik JUGENAI kat dia, dia kata bukan…
same thing happen to Sarah…dia takleh nak pronouce Along.. dia akan sebut awe…tapi bila kita tanye awe mana? dia buat dono je… the thing is dia faham cuma takleh sebut je kan…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 3rd, 2009 at 1:15 pm
sure muka confuse kn bile u sebut kt die awe
hi dear, love reading ur blog..before this i’m just a silent reader;-)
like my daughter, last time she called herself yaiya (her name is sofea by the way)…but we kept calling her sofea..now she pronounce her name thofea…hehhee..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 3rd, 2009 at 1:15 pm
yup..we still call him hArith =)
haha comell! ayie.perhaps dia rasa macam dah sebut harith tapi keluar ayie.. what does athirah calls herself pulak?
something to do with child speech. because their speech organs are not fully developed, that’s why some pronunciations may sound a little off to us. but for them, they hear the right sound. so just continue calling harith so that he can form the words right. unless you want to stick that name as a nickname. can be quite confusing for the child tho.
p/s: i used to take a subject that touches on early speech for children in my degree years. ;p
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 2nd, 2009 at 9:19 am
thanks dear..that’s exactly what we reckon too…he hears it as hArith although he pronounce it as ayie. just like how they pronouce barney as “babi” where athirah get annoyed when we kept on repeating BAR-NEY to her and she ended up walking away from us saying “babibabibabibabibabi”…as though telling us “yes yes, i got it!” hahah
Hi Munirah, lama dah tak comment kat sini…
One day along time ago, my friend’s niece cerita pasal kawan rapat dia kat playschool…
So, dia cakapla kat my friend,
“Kita ada kawan lelaki nama Jugenai”
My friend gelak sebab nama pelik sangat, so dia pun tanyala,
“Jugenai? Peliknya nama?”
Niece dia pun jawab dengan confidentnya,
“Bukan JUGENAI la… JU-GE-NAI!!!
Nama kawan dia sebenarnya ZULKARNAIN…
Rasanya dia memang yakin 100% dia sebut ZULKARNAIN, bukan JUGENAI, sebab tu bila disebutkan balik JUGENAI kat dia, dia kata bukan…
So same goes here in your case kot.
BTW, congrats on the opening of this http://www.tripletsplusone.com.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 3rd, 2009 at 12:26 pm
hahaha…gelak besar i baca coz i dpt bayang kn muka die tgh emphasis JU-GE-NAI!!! hihi