Just the two of us – TRIPLETS plus ONE

Just the two of us

March 18, 2008

Here’s another belated post of mOmmy and pApa spending Quality time together. Yup…just the two of us.I think this was like 2 weeks back. Went out to try for the fish spa. Each time we passed by the D’sara tol, we would pass by the Fish Spa (near Tropicana) and pApa would say we should give it a try. And after reading few friends have given it a try, I thought…why not.

As ussual, babies would be asleep by maghrib, so we did our prayers and off we went. Oh do you know that, based on its origin it is not just our foot that should be placed in the water but our WHOLE BODY instead. But the lady told us, this is something new in Malaysia, thus they introduce it by just soaking our foot. Nak test market dulu. But they do have package for whole body for those who love (dare) to give a try. Apparently it helps those who have acne on their back. Of cause if you dare to put your face in, it helps acne on face as well.
It was just me and syauQi. We were the only meal for the fishes. I was extremely geli at first. Only few fishes came to me for the first 10mins, the rest was enjoying the yummy-licious of syauQi’s kaki. I was holding tight to syauQi’s pants…supposedly to be geli. But in reality i’m not geli when people tickle me. In fact, my brother used to tickle my kaki while watching tv and that would be a perfect lullaby for me. (of coz this happen during my not-yet-married-days). Maybe, knowing the fact that some living thing biting me that makes me geli.
Holding tight…geli
mine, the first 10mins…
syauQi’s were more yummy!
Anyway, more fishes decided to have my kaki as their meal after about 10 mins. And it was actually less geli when more fishes came. Baru lar macam sekata skit rasenye. The first 10mins I dare not take any photo, takut kang geli sangat sampai telepas phone dlm kolam. So hubby took some snaps for me.
They had enough of syauQi’s leg and decided to try mine…

After 30mins providing ‘meal’ for the fishes, it was our turn then to have our meal. Yup, with RM50, you get 30mins of fish spa and free flow of food. Well, it wasn’t really a buffet but they have bout 5, 6 choices of food for us to choose. Selagi tak kenyang, you can keep on ordering. The food came from next door cafe and they assured us everything was Halal. And it was tasty too! Hubby suggested to come again next time, but during lunch hour….hah, baru lar bleh bantai more food…hehehe.
Btw,anyone sanggup rendam whole body in the water? They provide swimwear…
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