Customize Birthday

Customize Birthday Party

By on September 30, 2011

Been wanting to put up photos of our recent customize birthday items. Alhamdulillah we have more orders coming in. Made 4 theme recently, Barney, Minnie Mouse, Nemo and a Pink Lilac Aqiqah. Will share the Barney n Minnie Mouse theme first, the other 2 event has not passed yet. Thus will only display it once the event is over, taknk jadi spoiler ๐Ÿ™‚

Alphabet Banner

Goodie bag sticker and round tag

water bottle lable

Food Lable

A2 size Poster

The other day on twitter, there was a hashtag on #SayaGenerasi and i saw a lot of it were relevant to my years of growing up. And i also saw ppl tweeted #SayaGenerasi 4u2c. Those yang #SayaGenerasi 4u2c, this face may be familiar to you , this barney theme was for his daughter

The Minnie Mouse Theme

water bottle lable

cupcake toppers

Alphabet Banner

Food Lable

Square Tag Sticker

Photo Booth Props

If you wish to have a customize birthday party for your child, do not hesitate to email us at . We will be very happy to accommodate to your needs ๐Ÿ˜€

*sorry for the poor quality photos, taken using the iphone instead of dslr

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My Lil Caliphs Activties

Penang Trip (Social / Family Obligation)

By on September 26, 2011

Second week of raya, syauQi was on leave. ย He came back from his usual badminton session late night and mumble to me who was asleep “bsok balik penang lah eh”. I didnt quite register it, woke up the next morning i wasnt sure i dreamt syauqi said it or he really did say it. I asked him, die pulak tgh deep sleep…tak register what im saying and ended up mumble ape tah. Then he woke up almost noon and i asked him again did he say anything about going back penang, die kate ade. I managed to pack everything within an hour,i think im doing pretty good now, packing for 4 lil ones and 2 adults all in one big suitcase. Aritu pegi cameron somehow diapers bawak tak cukup so syauqi kate, just bring one whole pack yg belum bukak lagi.masuk je 1 pack dlm kereta. So that was exactly what i wanted to do…tgk2 pack sume. bag masuk dlm keta BUT we lupe masuk the pack of diaper dlm keta. sbb slalu angkut bag je masuk. Smapi penang, jenuh nak cari kedai yg jual Mamy Poko.

Oh wait, sure u all dlm kepala dok piki all kind of food bile mention Penang. Sedara syauqi ย kat mainland bukan island. so slalu balik tak mkn pun all those food org slalu go for and also im not a fan of mamak…so no way i nak gi Nasi Kandar Beratur, oh no thank you. Baru type pasal nasi kandar tekak dh kembang, tu blum bau lagi…

We balik for 2 nites, ajak syauqi jom gi Hard Rock Cafe for a night, then syauQi kuarkn No-do-not–negotioate-with-me punye statement “I am not spending anymore money” , maka saya pun terima seadanye, statement itu. ย The trip back to Penang is more enjoyable now sebab elder 2 dah reti nak bersocial with the Tuk2 kat sane. The first night, syauqi wanted to take something in the car, it was late night, tgh nk amiq barang, uZair ran out of the house, had to chase after uZAir to get him into the house, tgh kabut angkat barang, angkat uZAir, suddenly i saw muka syauqi berubah, he was like “oh nooo”. Guess what, the key is in the car and the car autolock. Dannngggg. Called my sister to cari the spare key and was thinking of getting her to pos laju it first thing in the morning the next day. It was a Wednesday, so if pos khamis, we should get the key Friday, insyaAllah.

Bsok pagi tu was telling sedara what happen, and lucky us, one of syauQi’s cousin kebetulan ade meeting in Rawang and mmg pegi balik hari…fuhhh lega. Asked for his help to take the spare key and bwk blk penang. So malam tu kami dh dpt kunci. Alhamdulillah. Thank you Abang Din.

During the day we pinjam kereta sedara syauqi tuk jalan2. Siang tu tak tau nk buat ape…then syauqi kate jom gi island bwk budak main beach. Of coz lah bersinar mata the elder 2. I didnt pack attire for them to play at the beach, thus we went to the nearby shop to get set of attire tuk main kat beach. Elder 2 syok main pasir while uZAir ran straight to the water, jenuh syauQi nak jaga sbb ombak tgh kuat and somehow the surface tu akn tetiba dalam.

Elder 2 had a great time with the pasir

Before this hArith and athirAh tak berani sgt with sea, but PakTeh (or known as Tuk Teh to the kids) rajin layan them, brought them for a walk…terus naik syiok…siap sengaja jatuh2 kn badan bile wave datang.

habis PakTeh basah,he didnt bring extra clothes but sanggup basah. A big thank you to PakTeh, kids had a great time

ke hulu ke hilir athirAh ajak PakTeh jalan

ni hArith, dok asyik rebahkn badan whenever wave datang pastu tekejut air masin “Mom, it’s salty!!!”

Uwais was with the auntie,

I told MakTeh to put uWais down tp MakTek was worried uWAis mkn pasir. I told her takpe, biar je die rase, once dah rase sure taknk dah. And that was exactly what happen

ha ni MakTek tgh jerit ckp “No” kat uWais, baru nk masuk mulut, uWais tekejut…terus look back

i somehow allowed uWais to ‘taste’ it,

after he tasted it, terus main pasir without the need of me checking he masuk mulut ke tak

he surely had fun. Im pretty sure if i kept saying no to him, he will not enjoy the sand as much as he did, sebab each time nk sentuh je i dok ckp no no…all i had to do was to let him taste it a bit, and he will no longer wants to put it in his mouth but enjoy the sand play instead ๐Ÿ™‚ Alhamdulillah takde kejadian sakit perut lepas tu ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh baru sedar, gambar Maksu takde sbb MakSu tgh gigih jaga barang2..hihi

Bile ajak balik, uzair budak paling tak puas hati

Pastu balik singgah makan kat Padang Kota di mana kami kena tipu harga… ๐Ÿ™

p/s: kak linda if u reading this, bukak kn page ni kat MakTeh and PakTeh please, thanks

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Syawal 2011

By on September 21, 2011

And yet another long hiatus from me. Not only i hardly have time to update this blog, but i hardly have the time to click on the shutters too. Sadly not much Raya photo were taken, no candid shots at all. Uwais clings to me almost all the time, leaving me lil or no chance at all to pick up the camera to take shots of the day.

Our raya arrangement is just like previous years. Alhamdulillah syauQi had off days on Raya. While the rest went for the Eid Prayers, i get the kids ready, had our Eid breakfast and off to my aunt house in PJ, just a quick pit stop then off to my in-laws in Kota Damansara. We spend our day there and left just before Maghrib.

Mom dah bukak her cast few days before raya but still need the walking frame to walk about, so on Raya day she decided to be on the wheelchair senang nak move about.

It wasnt easy to get a perfect family photos. Thus here are among the attempts we did. We couldnt get rid of the balang kuih from athirAh. It was either athirah and the balang or no athirah.

father-in-law came to join in, tgk2 athirah lesap hilang,

and sis-in-law’s attempt at bringing athirAh back into the picture

(saying out loud Selamat Hari Raya)

notice one thing? Uwais remain in the same pose through out all the photos ๐Ÿ˜€

I didnt manage to convince athirAh purple is the new pink, thus ended up buying her that kurung which has some flowers in purple. That was the best i could get as she wanted all pink.

Next entry will be on our last minute plan to Penang for social (family) obligation

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I miss my blog

By on September 7, 2011

Yes, i do miss my blog. Sadly, i dont have the time to update it. By the time anta elder 2 skool, balik tak sempat buat ape sedar2 its time to fetch them back. Uzair is still attending the speech therapy, hasnt start talking yet but more sounds coming from him, hoping all those sounds will form words soon, insyaAllah. uWais is keeping me really occupied…following him everywhere…he crawls about everywhere and anywhere. Started climbing up the stairs too.

Meanwhile, here’s ย photos of uWais eating “kuih raya”


And i miss taking photos too. Hardly have the time to even take photos of my lil ones. Baby Lily Serena came for raya and managed to do 5 mins photoshoot with her

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Twenty Nine

By on August 22, 2011

Conversation 1:“mommy,nak tak byk2 clown dtg rumah?” “ohh xpe harith,no thanks” “ha? mommy dont want?!?? kite go buy dress lah tuk momny kay”

Conversation 2: “Pah jom gi LA beli dress tuk mommy” “LA jauh lah harith” “kite gi naik big plane lah”

Conversation 3: “Pah, nnti walid (my bro) blk frm work kite suruh beli dress tuk mommy,sbb papa dh xde duit,dh beli putu piring” haha

Conversation 4: ” Harith ade duit ke nak beli dress tuk mommy” “ade” “mane?” “kat tabung athirah lah” “mane ask pah” “paaahhh, walid kate ask pah belikan dress tuk mommy”

n in case u r wondering,no i never mention i wanted a dress

Looks like this will be my last year before i enter the 3-series, insyaAllah. Alhamdulillah i’m blessed with all the things im surrounded with and most importantly, great family. Since it is ramadhan, i didn’t expect anything, but little did i know…receiving lots of wishes via facebook and twitter really made it feel birthday-ish. No celebration needed but all those wishes really make a whole lot different to the day. Thanks all. I hope i replied to each and every and did not miss out on any.

Told syauqi, i would love to have alexis pavlova…and he has this thing where if he / me wants something…he will buy a lot of it to a point that i will have enough of it that even the sight of it makes me wanna puke…hahaha (kay this only implements on food…jgn harap ye it works the same for handbags, haha). Just like when i was pregnant with uwais, each time we go to One Utama, i will request for the japanese icecream kat the “kedai runcit” zanmai, then one day he decided to get 20 of it, stock up in the fridge…if im not mistaken after the 12th ice cream, i went slow on it…took a while to finish all 20 and i definitely have enough of it. Since then i didn’t ask for it whenever we are in OU.

So bile kate nak pavlova, i was expecting a slice or two, but instead he said, get the whole cake so you will have enough of it and wont ask for more…hihi. Unfortunately there were only 3 slices left, bought all 3, and yes all 3 for me, no sharing ya…haha. and yup for the time being i dont think i will ask for it in the near future. ni lah namenye politic suami…hihi

I didn’t expect anything else for the day, but to my surprise, at about 6-ish, brother and his wife came over with Tony Romas take-away. Woww weeee ribs for iftar ๐Ÿ˜€ . Apparently mom spoke to syauqi tanye what to have for iftar, they came out with the tony romas idea, called them up and got my bro to pick it up. On top of that, sis-in-law cook a dish, honey mushroom chicken roasted….kay im not sure which word comes first, or was it called chicken roasted honey mushroom. Tak kisah lah name die ape, i love it…enough to keep for sahur in which i had another 3 ketul ayam for sahur :D. Nuha, if u r reading this, sila lah buat lagi ๐Ÿ˜€

And about the dress…hmm maybe i should get a kaftan instead of kurung for this raya, that’s the closest i can think of to a dress since my boy really wants me to be in a dress


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