
Want to take up the Challenge : Part 2

By on April 13, 2011

Remember this last post on “want to take up the challenge” , Adam updated me with his 2nd part of the journey…his 3rd and 4th week. Below is his story:

Munirah! my final testimony… 🙂

USANA Challenge Week 3-6 (15 February – 14 March 2011)

It has been more than a month that I started taking USANA. Up till today, my left knee shows only the tiniest form of discomfort. I think USANA has done its job well. I can walk, run, jump, crawl (when you have a toddler, crawling is a necessary skill!) drive without any soreness or discomfort.

This is amidst the fact that I have been playing futsal every Saturday night for about 2.5 hours non-stop. What seems very strange to me is that I do not feel much pain when I put pressure on my left knee as I start to sprint or make a quick turn when playing futsal. Last Saturday, I felt like I was given a new lease to my left knee.

I must admit that during week 4-6, I was not that consistent in gulping the three pills and occasionally I would substitute it with some other (smaller) supplements but I know that the effect that I am feeling now was certainly because of USANA. It may not have given me an immediate impact like how everyone would have hoped when they try USANA but through time, one can really feel the difference.

I am grateful to Munirah Hanim and Ahmad Syauqi for their convincing effort and kindness in getting me to take on this USANA challenge. May Allah reward them, their children and family with greater successes in this world and Hereafter. I love you guys! J

Syed Adam Alhabshi

27 years old

(Disclaimer: As much as I believe that the healing process is because of God, The All Mighty, the taking of USANA is clearly the effort and reason for such satisfying result.)

Usana do have various supplements for other health condition too, insyaAllah.

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Moments by TRIPLETS Plus ONE | My Lil Caliphs Activties | Uncategorized

Kamikaze Blast

By on April 10, 2011

A week ago, met yaya at a party n she told me she would like to give my kamikaze a try. Die dh lame chop if i ever plan to let it go. Sorry yaya, dont think that gonna happen…thus i invited her over to give it a try. Since mak budak yg lebih beria nk main, we had to do this as close invitation…if ajk ramai2 kang terbantut hajat yaya nk try, malu dgn the other dads.

I shall let the photos do the talking…

As usual, syauQi jd tukang campak yg sungguh berdedikasi 😉

hArith yg lari ala2 lifeguard baywatch 😛

akmal, cuteness!!! masyaAllah

adam bersantai,

haaa…ni die gmbar yg dinanti nanti kn…mak budak!

cube u all perhatikan gmbar ni…smpai hati yaya gelak besar kt anak die yg tersalah sliding lalu terduduk,

ha ape kate kite gelak besar kt yaya pulak…ade org tu sliding smpai kuar track..hihihi

What a great saturday it was, we were a lil panic takut hujan, jenuh dari pukul 3 i dh buzz yaya suruh cepat dtg takut hujan sbb hari dh mendung…alhamdulillah it didnt

abis main air…ape lagi, isi perut lah. yaya brought cake while i “cook” bihun goreng, quiche and apple crumble. Yaya, sedap kn i masak! 😛

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My Lil Caliphs Activties

Itqan Term 2 School Excursion: FRIM

By on April 7, 2011

When i was told there’s a memo regarding their 2nd term excursion in the communication book, i think i became more excited than the kids…hihi.

I wasn’t able to follow them during their 1st excursion as i was in my confinement. So this time around, i became kaypochi and tag along 😀

I became even more excited when i read the memo:

“Alhamdulilllah, we are please to inform you that in line with this term’s topic on Geography: “Allah Created our Beautiful Earth”, InsyaAllah, your child will be visiting the FRIM (Forest Research Institute of Malaysia) Forest Reserve in Kepong. As part of your child’s Geography curriculum, he/she will learn about various land and water forms, such as hills, jungle, river, lake etc. InsyaAllah, at this Forest Reserve, they will be able to see some of these land and water forms. Let’s pray for a clear sunny day, InsyaAllah! “

Been wanting to bring the kids to the waterfall but never had the chance to do so, thus this excursion was just ideal ..so i can cross out “waterfall” from the Thing-To-Do-With-The-Kids’  list. The kids didnt know i was tagging along…if they knew surely they will refuse to ride with their friends. Went separately n met them there. As much as i suspected,  athirAh didnt really follow the instructions upon seeing, bile suruh line up, kabut nk dtg to me.

A group photo of the kids,

another one with the teachers,

The kids were devided into 2 groups, while one group went up to the waterfall, the other group had their snack and went for a walk and observe the surrounding, the nature.

while having their snack,

Ni tgh tgk ikan from the bridge, n looking at the  water form

walking around the surrounding

learning on fern,

touched and feel the rocks,

tgk lah anak Ahmad Syauqi tu…suruh duduk amiq gmbr, tp sorang ke kiri, sorang ke kanan…

hArith queueing up, getting ready to head to the waterfall once the first group came back,

will let the photos do the talking…kids really had a good time in the water,

athirAh, singing “row row your boat…”

and the last pic in the water before heading home…kids waving their hands saying “Itqan”

Kids went home with me, in the car athirAh kepenatan tido. hArith dah tuntut nak go there again. syauQi seems to agree but adoii semput lah nak dukung uZair up to the waterfall, we are very sure he will refuse to walk…

InsyaAllah, we will come here again 🙂

And looking forward for their next Itqan school excursion in July and October, insyaAllah.

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My Lil Caliphs Activties

Snow Walk: I-City

By on March 31, 2011

Ada mcm roadtrip kt UK tak? wearing cardigan in the car…hihi

We brought the kids to snow walk i-city last tuesday. How was it? Quite a number of people asked me how was it when i tweet bout it. Well what can i say…hmm. if u wish to go, DO NOT go with high expectation. Its basically a basement yg di-freezer kan. I think if syauQi reach up his hands, he could touch the beams and ceiling. But since this was the closest we could get to snow, it was okay i guess. An experience for the kids, they are too young to rate the place afterall…hihi

We didnt bring uWais along, too young for it, ade kang demam. We paid RM50 for all of us. Its a family package rate i think. Stated there RM25 per adult and Rm20 for kids. But i remembered reading in the newspaper now promo RM10, but not too sure what was that promo all about. They do provide thick clothing and you have option to purchase the gloves and snowcap. I think gloves are rather essential for the lil one’s. We didnt buy gloves for the kids, thus they ended up putting their hands in the pocket.

Oh don’t get too excited, thinking u can build snowman and throw snowball. the “snow” kasar..i rase ABC punye ice lagi halus..haha. And ade tempat not so much of snow, tapi ice..thus it get a lil slippery to walk about…my kids jatuh few times. Especially at the steps..i find it rather dangerous.

So if takleh buat snowman, what else can you do? You can turun the sled but mmg takde safety features langsung. they should have padding around the sled…young ones can easily hit, terantuk kepala, the front of the sled. Pastu die takde lah cam bgtau make sure hands remain inside all the time. Your fingers can easily tekepit kt tepi tu (between the sled and the wall(ice) of the slide) . Pastu at the end of the slide you will go up a slope and reverse back (their braking system to stop ur sled)…i seriously think they should tell us to expect that. Tak ke panic, i was with my kids…suddenly it went up half wat the slope then tetiba reverse.  Husband lak ride with athirah, because they were heavier, so the momentum pushed him all the way up the slope…it actually stop for few seconds b4 reverse balik…can easily topple ke belakang sbb he was like vertical up already.

This was the sled…me and elder 2 going down. Sorry poor quality of photo…we tak bwk flash. They have their official photographer. RM20 to purchase the gambar…and they only give hardcopy. Will need to scan and put it up here.

The steps were slippery

Pastu rase mcm gi snow in China..coz they had chinese song on air. It would be better if letak lagu without wordings…those instrument song, err what do u call it, minus one eh?

nothing much to do in there, they have this ride…elder 2 berebut. bile nak balik baru tau, ade banyak lagi..it was kind of hidden. Dunno lah why they didnt make it visible.

uZair slept in the car mase on the way there, so awal2 masuk tu he refused to walk…but after awhile die lah yg paling steady tahan sejuk

My verdict: if setakat nk kasi kids rase sejuk winter tuokay lah..but jgn expext you can really play with the snow.

Mase balik, in the car..hArith said to me “mommy nak gi real snow pulak can?” hahahah

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And another mom's gathering

By on March 26, 2011

The previous post was a gathering back in Dec 2010. And recently a friend text me saying she wants to come over . Managed to gather 3 moms on that day ( last Thursday). This friend of mine married to a British and now living in Zurich. She’s back here for a month and since it was not possible to chat over a cup of tea outside, i invited her to come over. She was the friend i berjimba with after i completed my uni. She taught me how to wear eyeliner n blusher and up till now that’s the only thing i know how to use. (yup umur dah 23 baru lah amiq port how to wear those thingy) So yes, besides foundation n powder u can only see eyeliner n blusher on my dressing table. No mascara, eyeshadow, and what not sbb tu je yg kwn i sempat ajar…hahaha

As i was contemplating to get a moby wrap or not, my friend came at the right timing, she no longer using hers coz anak die sihat kus semangat…thus she lend me hers. Its really amazing to see how that piece of cloth can actually give better support than the over priced baby bjorn.

Abaikn the comotness of me babywearing, it was my first try..now getting a hang of it. kain die panjang berjelar..habis lantai disapu and boleh lilit pusing i 4 kali.

Fadd’s husband was housemates with syauqi mase time diorang bachelor, so dulu mase zaman dating slalu lah kami kuar double date. Nope, not that kind of fancy double date, Uptown DU was a norm back then, and we had few road trips to the waterfall and such. Pastu bile dh kahwin, ade green lite merayap, we went to Hyatt Kuantan pulak. Syiok..time both takde lil caliph lagi.

Nway, we couldnt get enough of my friends mix breed. Peha die sgt geram hokey!

hArith pun sgt geram

hyda will be flying back to zurich tomorrow (sunday). Till we meet again babe! Fadd dah ade plan nk visit herm me tak tau lah when n how to travel with 4 lil ones..insyaAllah one day kite baling2 snow at each other kay hyda 😀

*gosh, tembab nye my pipi!

here’s pic of uwais nicely snugg in the moby wrap. Yes i know, i look like bibi’ indon gendong anak 😛


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