Alhamdulillah, my brother’s akad yesterday went smoothly. Kids behaved well i couldnt ask for more 😀
Entourage started coming at 9, i was still kabut blum dress up. 3 people needed to get athirAh dress, struggled to get her to wear her dress. Too kembang and fluffy for her i guess, she wasnt sure was that a dress or wat..hahah..Had problem getting hArith to wear his sampin either. But once we arrived the bride’s house we managed to convince him to wear it since he saw all men wearing it. uZAir showed sign ngantuk upon arrival..have no idea why he was sleepy since it was only 10-ish am. But it was good though, easier to handle then if one asleep.
half way to the bride’s house, making sure all cars tak sesat. syauQi was standing at the 4th car in queue. another 6 car behind and waiting for another 2 cars…
hArith counting the cars infront ensuring all cars ade
the groom,
The single men 😉
bekumpul outside the bride’s house….dub dab dub dab?
“Saya terima nikah Nurul Nuha bt Anwar…….”
this is something new to me, dulu cium dahi now they make a “ruling” baca doa kat isteri,
sign here please….
“alhamdulillah, she’s mine now” 😉
my sis-in-law, welcome to the family Nuha 😀
Hmm,well hanah, i guess this mark the end of our surprise gifts of handbags from my bro since he will now buy for his wife instead…
tat’s me at 31+ weeks pregnant 😀
the only photo i hv of athirAh, the rest die x tgk camera…
family photo tapi syauQi takde coz removing the car (blocking car lain nk kuar)
another family photo but unfortunately not all looking at the camera…( uZair is asleep inside the hse)
Alhamdulillah everything went smoothly, couldnt take much photos though. Dh balik baru lah beria suruh syauQi take photo of me…hihihi
ni gmbar skema, the potrait at the back was me 7 years ago, 2003
and to my sister hanah, sorry…u now hv another competitor for bapak’s attention. It used to be just athirAh getting your way, hihi