
New Watermark

By on November 24, 2010

I wanna do a new watermark for my photography, need some suggestion here please…

What colour matches well with my current light turqoise?

Pink looks okay with it, any other colour besides pink?

I thank you in advance 😉

was giving this a try…is this okay or should i just change everything to a different colour?

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My Lil Caliphs Activties | Project


By on November 22, 2010

Hmm.. at times i feel that i have 3 boys instead of 2 boys and a gal.

This is her current obsession, wearing her brother’s swimming pants with no top. Does she look like a surfer, beachboy?

She will take the pants and wear it by herself and happily play outside…

n most of the time she is more boy-ish than her 2 brothers, she will always lead the way to do adventurous stuffs….

but lucky thing her fav colour is pink though 😉

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My Lil Caliphs Activties | Project

Toddler's Crafty

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When i was young, i remembered going to Plaster Fun House to do painting on those plaster clay thingy. It was such a treat if whenever we get to go there. The Plaster Fun House in DU is no longer there but i heard they have one in Empire Gallery, haven’t check out the place to see if it’s the same like it used to be.

Anyhow, i managed to get something similar to that for hArith. I bought only one for trial coz wasn’t sure if athirAh would be interested in it as well. I was wrong though, they ended up fighting for it…

I bought this for RM29.90, comes together with the colours and a brush

Ended up syauQi gave athirAh a patato to colour, she was happy coz she associate it with the Mr Patato from Toy Story..hihi.

She was soo excited to show the maid her patato, maid didnt know anything,  thought she was asking for help, hence maid wash the patato…abis sume her painting on it, melalak lah anak saya…haha

hArith painted halfway and got distracted by the lawn mower next door…he was more interested to see the gardener at work and told me he wanna continue tomorrow.

The next day, when hArith wanted to continue his painting athirAh found some wooden thing in the house to colour, we allowed her coz we can easily wash the paint off,

hArith’s end result

after the painting session, he played baseball with syauQi, his hand eye coordination is pretty good for a 3 year old boy. But he prefers to toss the ball in the air himself and then hit it.

athirAh kepenatan,

sape nk cari budak umur 3 tahun tuk iklan air…silalah email saya..hihi

wondering y not much of uZAir’s photo? coz he is “permanently” situated at the sink main air…taknk main mende lain dah

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Islamic Kindergarten

By on November 16, 2010

Im searching for a new kindergarten for my kids, an Islamic English medium. Few recommended Genius Aulad, although i heard good review of the school but the branch nearest to my place is in Kota Damansara and their centre is a shop lot…im not keen coz i think for my kids’ age they need ground for outdoor activities.

2 weeks back, we went to CIC Open Day (Childr3n Islamic C3ntr3) wasn’t really happy with the school coz (no offence to those who send their kids’ there, this is a matter of personal preference):

1. the teacher to student ratio is 1:20. I think this is possible if the kids are 5 , 6 years old coz they have settled down. But 20 of uZAir to a teacher??

2. Its a bungalow house, so i asked max how many students you can take in, and the answer was 150 kids. I just can’t imagine 150 kids in that house

3. When husband asked does the teacher keep on changing? The teacher was being very honest telling me, most teachers are SPM leavers coz they can’t go anywhere with their qualification, thus they usually stay longer there as compared to degree holder, the turn over rate for degree holder are high coz they take that place merely as a stepping stone b4 getting a proper job.

4. And another major turn off was when we saw their meal menu, for snack in the morning, they serve alternately different drinks on different days; milo (still acceptable), tea (?) and tea susu (????) Are they for real serving 2, 3 year old boy tea and tea susu? Org tua minum tea pun bleh angin ni kan lagi budak. As for food, i saw cucur udang n cucur pisang among it. And for lunch i only saw half of monday menu, i was so shocked that i didn’t manage to read the rest of the menu before the teacher flip the pages; Nasi + TOM YAM AYAM

Any suggestion of Islamic English Medium Kindergarten? Was thinking of sending them to Itqan but they don’t take uZAir’s age and it will be a problem to send the kids at 2 different school in the morning.

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