Customize Birthday

Princess Theme Customize Party Pack

By on November 11, 2010

This was the text message i received last week, alhamdulillah our first customer.

Theme: Pricess, Colour: white, pink n a touch of purple, wording ‘ Xandrea Alexene 1st Birthday’

She just wanted a party pack (but specifically ask for a white bag; we search high and low for this white bag, most shop sells the brown lunch paperbag, not white)

anyway my team came out with this…

Here’s a close up of it, we have mixture of 8 designs in total,

Actually u can come out with straw flag and cupcake toppers using the same circle graphic. Customer just wanted the party pack, but i came out with these straws n cupcake toppers to share it here

you can either have it with standard toothpick or if ur budget permits, you can have it nicer with those lollipop stick 😉


lollipop stick;

and the straws;

and oh of coz, my helpful son hArith insists on helping me when i took photos just now….

and you may also personalised your water bottle

You can also put sweet or cookies in these small plastic packs,

we can also cater bigger size of plastic 😉

If you wish to have a unique birthday party, different than others…we are more than happy to customize it according to your theme. For any enquiry you may email me at , we are more than happy to assist you in making your birthday a memorable one, insyaAllah 😀

*the graphic designs credit to my future sister-in-law 🙂

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Parenthood | Project

Toddlers Bedtime

By on November 8, 2010

I think most parents sooner or later will go through a phase where their kid’s bedtime goes haywire. Among my friends who faced and are still facing this problem are azza and irin. And by looking at their comment box, i see other parents having the same problem.

I managed to get back the kid’s bedtime on track and i hope it stays this way. Previously we have problem where my kids will sleep around 11pm for the elder two and passed midnite for uZAir (latest being 2am, but average would be 12:45am). I have no idea where the kids get their energy. They wake up around 9-ish, NO NAP (they simply refused to have nap) during the day but yet they sleep late at night. Although their school starts at 9am, but since they get up late and by the time i get all 3 ready, they ended up going to school almost 10am. It was partly my fault for allowing them to wake up after 9am coz i took that opportunity to get some extra sleep too…haha

But after awhile i had to call it a stop. I became strict with their bedtime. I will pull them out of bed latest by 8am. No afternoon nap allowed and tv / laptop off by 730pm.

When i first stop uZair from breastfeed, we had few stages in putting him to sleep without breastfeeding. The 1st stage was to bring him on a drive until he falls asleep. But we couldnt continue that for long as it would be costly to pay the petrol since everyday we have to go for a minimum of 40mins drive. So the 2nd stage was to on The Wiggles on the laptop until he falls asleep by himself. Well, alhamdulillah that manage to divert him from asking for breastmilk BUT he ended up watching it pass midnite, full with energy jumping about to the music. Since the elder two were already asleep, that surely annoyed the elder two. Soon we put a stop to that too coz by then uZair dah adapt to the no breastfeeding, so we reckon we no longer need the distraction from bf and afterall the elder 2 need some peace to sleep.

However, uZair already have the music in his heart…he will be jumping about non stop, to the music that was playing in his head, and of coz, “singing” to. Or shall i say it was more of screaming than singing. He will be jumping and “singing” in the dark. Seriously i dare to say that uZair jump a total of at least 500 a day. I am not surprised if it reaches 1000 a day. He is really full of energy. I ended up being strict in his food diet making sure no sugar loaded food. I really have no idea where he gets his energy. We also stop him from taking milo.

I knew i had to do something about it, i then decided regardless how late they sleep the night before, i pulled them out of bed by 8am latest. No nap allowed during the day and that did help a lil, uZair ended up sleeping latest by 11pm as opposed to pass midnite.

(random pics of them during their playtime)

And past 2 weeks, the kids didn’t go to school due to runny nose. The weather been very kind, gloomy all the way. My kids have this habit where the minute they see weather is good, they will be standing in front of the door screaming “mommy, sun is hiding behind the cloud!!!!”, asking me to open it to play outside. For few days they were outside more often than inside. That really burnt out their energy. I stop them from having their afternoon nap (but in most cases mmg they hardly take afternoon nap), and by 730pm i could see they were really tired. I switch on the aircond, lights off, tv off…and by 9pm they were already asleep. I was like “wow”!!!. The following day, i pulled all 3 out of bed by 8am. Again, weather was good…so they ended up being outdoor a lot: by 9am they were outside till almost 12, came in for their lunch and at about 3pm they were out again till 6-ish pm. Same routine at night;  i switch off the tv and lights early and all retire to bed by 9-ish pm. After about a week of such routine..i no longer need to pull them out of bed by 8am coz even b4 8am…they were all awake by themselves. Alhamdulillah my 1 week effort paid off.

they sweat like a marathon runner, sgt “harum” ye! – tgk rmbut athirAh bepeluh2, kusut masai

When this new-bedtime-training-in-progress happened, syauQi was away for work, so we didnt go anywhere at night. Hence managed to stick to the routine. And since it is working perfectly well now, alhamdulillah, I tend to be strict on the no-going-out-at-night-policy. I wouldnt want to risk it: screwing up their bedtime again. Oh don’t get me wrong, when we used to go out at night (mostly to the in-laws) we usually be back by 10-ish, not that we bring them out till pass midnite.

However recently we had a dinner wedding to attend. I told syAuqi, wanna avoid from bringing the kids along. I managed to put the elder 2 to sleep b y 830am…but uZair refused to sleep. syauQi carried him hoping he fall asleep in his arm. But nope he didn’t. We were already running late. Had no choice but to bring uZair along, but the minute i change his clothes, he went to bed, toss and turn..showing sign that he wanted to sleep. We thought of leaving him behind but afraid he cry for us and ended up we have to balik. He then tag along with a very sleepy zombie looking face, some even said he looked as though he was on coughing mixture…hahaha.

abis bunga Pah kena petik

We didnt stay long for the wedding, by 10pm we made a move, the minute naik kereta…he fall asleep and alhamdulillah the next morning, he was up by himself by 730am 😀

Really hope this sleeping arrangement will continue for long. Gonna stick to the

  • no-going-out-at-night policy, lights and tv off by 730pm
  • pull them out of bed latest by 8am if they are not awake, regardless what time they slept the night before.
  • no afternoon nap. IF they happen to fall asleep during the day, i limit it to 1.5 hours and pull them out of bed when it reaches 1.5 hour

my “enegizer bunny”

I notice that it is always more successful to do a new routine / rules when the dad is not around. Just like when i wanted to wean them off from bottle. I did that when syauQi was not around. Partly because i had a total control of it and if tak bejaya pun syauQi is not around to laugh at me, hahaha. So i can do watever method i want and wats important is the end result upon his return :D. How i get to that point is a different matter..haha

**I think, maybe (yes, maybe) it is easier to get ur kid to sleep if she/he is the only child. coz u can just switch off the light and let him scream / cry as loud as he wants until she/he gets tired. I couldnt do that coz that will disturb elder’s 2 sleep, that y at the early stage i had to allow uZair to watch The Wiggles, to stop him from crying wanted breastmilk.

Oh lucky thing the wireless internet strength is strong enough, i can still surf the net outside while i monitor the kids at play…

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Pizza versus Roti Man

By on November 2, 2010

I just have to share this

I ordered pizza but the kids didnt know about it. As we were playing outside in the garden, they saw the pizza boy passed by the house. They quickly shouted “pizzza pizzza” . The man telajak rumah..and kids kept screaming  “pizza pizza pizza” . Obviously when the man realised he miss my house, he made a u-turn. Kids eyes were glowing when they saw the man came back, stop and took out 2 big boxes of pizza.


Oh ingat ni cam bai roti ke? boleh panggil2 pastu bai roti benti depan umah?

They really thought, the man stop and gave them pizza due to their shouting “pizza pizza pizzzza”

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Moments by TRIPLETS Plus ONE

Nilam’s 2nd Photoshoot : Si Pari-Pari Hutan

By on November 1, 2010

Yesterday was Nilam Boutique’s 2nd photoshoot, unfortunately i couldnt join the first session as Daddy Day Care was close on that day (syauQi was away for work). I arranged for the Daddy Day Care this time around but time wasn’t on my side i guess. Original plan was to have the session at 3-ish but since the founder of Nilam, LadyImran came out with the idea to have a fairy theme make-up, it took quite awhile to get it done. And err, i think i kind of annoyed LadyImran coz I sms her too often asking for updates “dah ke belum” coz i was already waiting at the site…oppss, sorry.  I estimate that the photoshoot will be up to 3 hours so by 6 i could join my kids and husband at my in-laws but due to unforeseen circumstances, photo session starts about 530-ish, leaving me kelam-kabut-takleh-nak-piki-camane-nak-amiq-gmbar situation coz its 30mins to 6pm.

Nonetheless, weather was kind and i tried to be focus and get the shot done. This is definitely new to me as im more to kids photography. It was a nice experience indeed. The challenge in taking adults photo and kids photo ain’t the same.

Orait, enough with the babbling, let me introduce you to the Nilam scarf from the Classic Series.

Model Hani

Make Up By Walk In Beauty

Photography by TRIPLETS plus ONE

Hani is wearing Nilam scarf from classic series in Olive Green. Material is from metallic multi-tone chiffon. Do check out Nilam fan page and Walk In Beauty

p/s: FREE photo shoot and make over session is still on but limited only to our current stocks available for the scarf. Purchase one or more Nilam scarf and book your slot today.

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