We had another baking session last weekend. Initially planned to have two session, Saturday n Sunday but due to limited heads, we only had one session. This time around the Baking Lady was Farah’s mom from 5577studio.com.
Session started a bit late coz only Iffah made it on time, i guess others kids sure know how to enjoy their weekends under the blanket a lil longer than usual =)
See those cute lil hands n fingers at work =)
and i forgot to do one rather important thing, to hide away the rides. From time to time kids got distracted and even quarelled over the rides…
and one of them was the hero…he made others cry a couple of time. It sure was havoc, but im perfectly fine with it coz i hear it almost everyday..hihi. Takpe, they get to learn that sharing is caring aight
And Nadhrah had a great time on the trampoline…sampai taknak balik =)
InsyaAllah will be having another session 2nd week of January. Those interested do email me. We will proceed with the session if we have minimum of 4 heads