Moments by TRIPLETS Plus ONE


By on October 28, 2009

It actually took me awhile to think of a title for this entry and up till 5 minutes im still out of title…i’m so happy that i couldnt think of any title that suites my emotion. thus i settled with the above title.

I’m hAppy that my i’m-willing-to-do-anything-for-you friend have gave birth to a healthy baby boy today, weighing 3.2kg! Sadly when she wanted to inform me, my phone ntah asal lah pulak “inactive sim”..i only notice that few hours later and after fixing the problem i saw few miss call from you. Instantly i knew she must have given birth. But her hp lak batery mati. managed to call her sis-in-law and got the details. zzzaaaassssss trus ajak encik suami gi tropicana medical centre

Welcome to the world dear Kazim


And my dear friend, she still look glowy as usual despite baru abis labour



Congratulations to Fadd and Apeng!!!



Dont hesitate to buzz me if u need help. Anything, seriously…ANYTHING. I’ll be right at ur doorstep! nk i gi mandikn Kazim pagi2 pun bleh, tapi Kazim mandi lambat skit lah sbb after anak gi skool baru i gi over kay.  Dalam pantang, u nak i jadi runner gi mane pun just inform me kay!

Ur anak sooo cute, you’ll definitely see me more often after this! I’ll be knocking your door real soon!

Congratulations again! Welcome to parenthood and sleepless night =)

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Moments by TRIPLETS Plus ONE

Lady Verde’s Open House

By on October 13, 2009

It’s amazing actually how number of friends grew by blogging. Can’t really remember when was it i started blog hopping to ladyverde’s blog. Anyway i first met her was at Fadd’s baby shower somwhere last week and when she invited me to her open house she asked if i could take photos on that day. Was rather honoured that she trusted me for the day. It was my very first time taking photos of event day. Punye lar panic, the night b4 i actually dremt that i overslept for her event! Hahaha


House was nicely decorated, even her flowers had accessory! As u can see the theme was pink n turqoise, and every decoration was done in detail even the water for the flower



Below are some of the hAppy faces of her guests





Mr Doc the husband busy giving directions…


Sedondon kan tuan rumah punye attire with the khemah =)

Oh, i just luv verde’s dimple!!!


Thanks to the tuan rumah for having TRIPLETS plus ONE at ur event day =)

Capture the Moments for Lasting Memories~

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Moments by TRIPLETS Plus ONE


By on October 11, 2009

Spend my Saturday morning taking photos in a nice cozy park. But this time around not the usual family or kids portraiture but photos of kids wearing bright colourful line of clothing from! The skirts are gorgeous. my gal was supposed to be one of the model but she was in the mood of being in her own world. The other two models were daughter of the okinokiyo owner and another gal Zara.

Photo session was held in the green to allow the colurful clothing be the centre of attention.  Have a look at these beautiful gals wearing the new line of clothing =)

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Close up of the two skirts…

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doesn’t the cupcakes look yummy! =D

i can never say no to polka dots!

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one of the few shots of athirAh,

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Gal, flowers and polka dots…i just luv it =)


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i just luv this scene ,ala ala cam dlm forest!

Kids with clothing in action….DSC_1775 edited


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nway, here’s the owner of


and one last group photo of the models with their moms

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Maizura, how i wish i  can sew for my lil’ gal. I really do adore ur talent.  Well, readers, you can go either to or the blog.

 Congratulation on ur newly launch clothing!

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Moments by TRIPLETS Plus ONE

Hanah and frens

By on September 25, 2009

On Wednesday, group of my sister’s friend came for raya…and conviniently they park themselves at the garden.

Since i know these gals for quite sometime, i didnt really mind taking their photos.


the guys lak..suruh lompat, tp bleh pulak gi buat “accident” in the air



All of them wear heels, padahal dulu mase i gi TKC to fetch my sister…sume comot2 jer, and if 2 3 org ikut balik kl, bleh pengsan wo dlm keta…sume bau haprak…hihihi. peace gals =)… oh and can u believe it the only time i wore heels was on my wedding day! hihi




i’ll just put up the photos below…tak tau ape nk di-bebelkn…hihi

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psst, jama n buddy…sila lah jeles u all xde dlm gmbr ni…hihi

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Moments by TRIPLETS Plus ONE

Raya Portraiture: Alisya

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This was the last session of Raya Portraiture i had for the month of Ramadhan. Alisya and family had trouble searching for my house. Weather at 4 was rather perfect for photo session…but unfortunately they had trouble searching for my house, they miss the nice weather by a minute. Just as i lay the mat on the started to drizzle =(

Alisya wasn’t in good mood either. Had trouble to get her to cooparate with me. I guess, too long in the car searching for my house has disturb her mood. She was more interested with the swing and ball





Even their family photo was with the ball…hihi


Alisya then had fun with other rides…


So i get the parents to take photos wherever Alisya was most comfortable with…


Weather was really not on our side, not only it started pouring heavily, it was also dark to take photos =(

More photos of the family here…

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