It actually took me awhile to think of a title for this entry and up till 5 minutes im still out of title…i’m so happy that i couldnt think of any title that suites my emotion. thus i settled with the above title.
I’m hAppy that my i’m-willing-to-do-anything-for-you friend have gave birth to a healthy baby boy today, weighing 3.2kg! Sadly when she wanted to inform me, my phone ntah asal lah pulak “inactive sim”..i only notice that few hours later and after fixing the problem i saw few miss call from you. Instantly i knew she must have given birth. But her hp lak batery mati. managed to call her sis-in-law and got the details. zzzaaaassssss trus ajak encik suami gi tropicana medical centre
Welcome to the world dear Kazim
And my dear friend, she still look glowy as usual despite baru abis labour
Congratulations to Fadd and Apeng!!!
Dont hesitate to buzz me if u need help. Anything, seriously…ANYTHING. I’ll be right at ur doorstep! nk i gi mandikn Kazim pagi2 pun bleh, tapi Kazim mandi lambat skit lah sbb after anak gi skool baru i gi over kay. Dalam pantang, u nak i jadi runner gi mane pun just inform me kay!
Ur anak sooo cute, you’ll definitely see me more often after this! I’ll be knocking your door real soon!
Congratulations again! Welcome to parenthood and sleepless night =)