Moments by TRIPLETS Plus ONE

Raya Portraiture: 3 in 1

By on September 24, 2009

Sorry for the long over due updates of my Raya Potraiture. Was so busy towards the end of Ramadhan which forces me to delay these entry. To avoid all those waiting from waiting longer, i’ve decided to talk less n let the photos do the talking…

Here’s bunch of my university mate…one of them been reading my blog and decided to get her gang gather for a photo session. I was certainly hAppy to meet all of them again! Last time i met them was during my convo, year 2006.

Since all working, so they were ready with duit baru berkeping2 tuk duit raya

siap tak puas hati ade yg dok pegang RM50…and athirAh kecik2 sudah tau nilai wang woo..she insists of getting the RM50 notes

I forced these ladies with kurung to jump…haha

Half way through the session, another friend came to join the photo session.

I was telling these friends that the ideal Title for their session would be “Beraya Bersama 4 Isteri…” Well, just look at the photos, don’t u just agree with me? hihi

am i not right? hihi

Nway, enjoy the rest of their photos here

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Baby Faheem
// ]]>  Faheem & Family

During Faheem’s session, it was raining…so had no choice but to have their’s under the patio. Just few hours before Faheem’s session…the parcel i’ve been waiting for arrived. So Faheem rasmikn my new props

I set up the “black studio” since it was raining…

Faheem was such a darl, had no problem placing him in basket and all…

It was still drizzling towards end of the session, so only the parents took some photos in the garden while syauQi carried Faheem

More photos of this family here…


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It was another rainy day during Athirah’s session. Had her session
at our patio too. I always envy those parents who are able to place nice hair clips or headband on their daughter…coz i can never do tat with my athirah…
During this session, my athirAh was rather confused i…wondering why was i calling her name. In fact she was infront of my lense most of the time
not only she allows her mom to placed hairband…she also had no problem wearing tudung
I shall assume this athirAh is daddy’s gal coz most of the time, instead of looking at the camera she will look at her dad
Oh, athirah won first place in which she won a tutu from tutuworkshop. Her mom brought the tutu and we had photos of her with the tutu too
And more photos of this family here…
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I have another 2 more sessions to be update. Internet is extremmmeeely slow. Will have to continue some other time

Again, thanks to all for having TRIPLETS plus ONE capture moments of ur love ones =)

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Moments by TRIPLETS Plus ONE

Raya Portraiture: Kaseh Amreen Mounira

By on September 15, 2009

After taking photos of Alia n Alysha, it was Kaseh’s turn. Her mom had visualised few ideas of how she wanted the photo to be. And of coz i was more than happy to follow her idea.

Kaseh was born a day after uZAir btw. But she was more on the petite size thus we could placed her nicely in this basket


Kaseh’s monther wanted to have photo of Kaseh depan pintu but  i think the person yg paling hAppy tgk the gmbar below will be my mom…sbb nmpak full frame of her door


Meanwhile, the father wanted me to capture photos of Kasuh salam with him. They have trained Kaseh for Hari RAya =)



Kaseh was such a darl…hAppy jer running around and busy playing peek-a-boo



Oh parents Kaseh and us are on the same boat….we dont mind swinging our kids while most parents akn ckp “wuish, tecabut tangan kang”


Kaseh luv it sooo much that she didnt allow her parents to stop


And of coz, Kaseh pun turn into flower in my garden 😉


Somehow, among all the photos, i luv this the most. Father cam berlenggang jer carry Kaseh. And Kaseh pun like so relax


More photos of the family below =)


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And thanks again for having TRIPLETS plus ONE to capture moments of your family


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Moments by TRIPLETS Plus ONE

Raya Portraiture: Alia & Alysha

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Had 2 sessoions of photo shoot petang ahad. But almost 3pm the sky seems to be rather gloomy, afraid that it might rain, i called both family asking if they can come earlier. Both had no problem coming earlier, in fact my 5pm session was already on the way coz nk biar her daughter warm up with the new environment.

Both arrived at about the same time. Unfortunately is started to rain already. Ajak lepak in my house first. Then, not wanting to waste time…we decided to start taking photos wherever possible, indoor that is (at my house patio). So byk gak lah gmbar kt pintu umah…hihi

Alysha is only 1 month older than my elder two..but she doesnt act like a 2 years old at all. she understood instruction perfectly well. suruh duduk bersila pun pandai jer adjust diri sendiri.


Ni Alysha dah pening kot i suruh die posing itu ini…last2, die posing gaya sempoi…hihi


Took quite a number of photos at the door…


close up of the gals, Alysha…


and Alia


Alia dah besar..was a bit shy when mom and dad kiss her =)


It was still drizzling slightly, but since the family tak kisah…me pun ok jer =)


cute tau Alysha bersantai, a close up of her…



Enjoy more photos of the family below

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Thanks for having TRIPLETS plus ONE to capture moments of ur family =)

Oh and also thanks for the kerepek, awal pagi athirAh came to me “please please please…” suruh bukak kn

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Moments by TRIPLETS Plus ONE

Raya Portraiture: Aisyah

By on September 14, 2009

After the session with Umar, i had another session with Aisyah. This gal was rather the opposite of Umar…it was quite a challenge to take her photo. She’s a month older than my elder two tapi die dah banyak cakap. Biler ajak amiq gmbar…laju jer kuar dari mulut die “no no no no”…hiihi

Ended up die nak naik car if nk amiq gmbar die pun kt car tu je lah. Suruh senyum pun die ckp “no no”…hihi. Lucky thing her parents was very helpful, helping me to get Aisyah to cooperate with me.

Since die suke naik keta…so this is as though…die naik keta nak balik kampung beraya =)



Ha..lame jugak lah Aisyah drive, and finally smpai gak kampung die. Tu die parking kat tepi lemang grandparents die bakar, hihi


Pastu, die tolak anyam ketupat lak


Tapi sblum tu sempat gak mengamuk taknk turun keta…hihi


Nway, im quite hAppy sbb hujung2 tu dpt gak gmbar Aisyah senyum =)


More photos of Aisyah here

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And again, thanks for having TRIPLETS plus ONE to capture moments of you lil’ one =)

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Moments by TRIPLETS Plus ONE

Raya Portraiture: Baby Umar

By on September 13, 2009

This morning I spend my morning taking photos of cute chubby lil baby, Umar. All this while rase cam badan uZAir dah cukup semangat , tapi lepas tgk Umar..rase cam uZAir tu tak montot pun. Rase nak picit jer pipi Umar ni….


Ni close up of Umar


Geram kan!

Taking photos of Umar senang jer…die tak banyak ragam. Through out the session, tak dengar skit pun bunyi from him. The most he will do is golek2 away from the camera.


Oh Umar loves the plants…sempat lah pokok umah jadi “ulam”, hihi


Here’s the family wishing Salam Aidilfitri…


Enjoy more photos of this darl below. Die tak kisah pun kupiah mak die pakai kn…cool jer


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Thanks again for having TRIPLETS plus ONE to capture moments of you family =)

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