My Lil Caliphs Activties | Where to buy it?


By on October 1, 2010

I can still remember clearly, during my childhood days i had sandpit in our house garden. Mom brought back pasir all the way from Langkawi. Having premature babies, we needed lots of developmental activities for them to catch up with their correctional age. And i believe benefit of sand play are endless. Among them are for the development of the sense of touch through the texture of the sand itself. Through sand play it also helps to develop the arm, wrist, and hand muscles, uses grasping and wrist control. Besides that by playing with the sand, the child will develop eye-hand cordination when they start pouring the sand form one container to another. And of cause this naturally  provides for creativity and imagination.

I made proposal to syauQi in getting a sandpit for the kids. We search high and low for it. Recently i had few people asking me where did i buy my sandpit. Well, they do have it in toys r us but the one they have in toys r us cateer for single child to play in it. We needed something bigger that can fit all 3 in the sandpit.

And we came out with an alternative solution, a fish pond. Well u know those small fish pond they place in home garden. Yup this is actually a fish pond,

It consists of 2 item actually, the fiber container and a separate wooden frame to cover the fiber container. At first thought of cutting the budget, to just get the fiber container by itself btu was worried of sharp edges, so we bought the wooden frame too. You can get various sizes, i bought this at those nursery in sg buloh. most kedai yg jual pokok bunga ade gak jual fish pond ni. just tell them u want the container without any water filter system and such.

The only prob with this fish pond is that it does not have covers. Initially we made use of plywood and and a canvas over the plywood, but lame2 with our weather, it reput. So now we are using tikar getah to cover it, and so far so good 🙂

And where did i get the sand? No we didn’t go to Langkawi. We bought it at Think Toys (formerly known as ELC) but i think Think Toys gonna close down and Mothercare took over ELC. I’m not too sure though if mothercare have the sand. You can check at Mothercare BSC coz i think they have bigger branch of Mothercare in BSC (with lots of ELC product)

We have no complain about the sand. Mase baru2 bukak die basah2 sbb compress kot, but leave it under the sun for awhile, and u’ll get white sandy beach sand in your very own courtyard/garden 😀

Oh talking bout my kids activities, i kind of miss my uni days where every petang confirm turun stadium. I clearly remember my first day masuk main campus, excited tgk running track kt stadium. first day dah all set nk do some running but lil did i know, pompuan takde langsung. sume laki. tp sbb dh pakai complete dgn kasut sume, cam rase ralat pulak nk patah balik bilik, so tebalkn je muka…it was akward at first, both; for me and the brothers at the stadium but after awhile i got used to it and made lotsa friend. And slowly the number of female runners increased kt stadium tu.

Smlm after the talkshow, few of my uni mate yg dh bezaman tak jumpe tegur kt fb and also here in my blog. It brought back memories of uni days. A phase of life i will never forget but never wish to return back (sbb malas nk sit for exam…hihihi)

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My Lil Caliphs Activties | Where to buy it?

Washable Paint in the Soal Jawab Montage

By on September 30, 2010

Yes, after much dilemma of what to wear, searching high and low for a good maternity clothes, i finally found a solution; in my house itself. The day before the show, i hunt high and low for baju at mall but found none. This is the thing about being a housewife, just not bothered to spend on maternity baju coz i can just slip on husband’s tees whenever i go out. (coz i do need to get any working attire) Yup, that was what ive been doing in the previous pregnancy, settled with husband’s tees 😉

This time around i had to dress rather formal so my tees and husband is a No No. I usually fit in my tees up to 6 months preggie, and the 3rd trimester i’ll be sharing wardrobe with syauqi. Mom told me to wear kurung instead of potraying a profession look wearing a pant suits. I gave my sister’s baju a try and walllaaa i could fit hers. Problem solved! No money needed to get new attire.

So i settled with this baju

**did my intention to portrait myself as a young mother of 3 (soon 4) a success? hihi

and do u know that i never know how to put on make up except for foundation. I never know how to do eye liner, eye shadow and such (i dont even own a lipstick believe it or not!). The only time i had proper make up on my face was on my wedding day! So i did put on my foundation and told the man in-charge i need help for a lil touch up. The make up artist was generous enough to do more than just a lil touch up, and the result was this 😀

*syauQi takde so had to take self-potrait

Opps, main intention of writing this entry is to share bout the washable paint i used for my kids. When they told me they are coming to take some shots of my kids, i felt it wasnt appropriate to let them be in their diapers during the painting session (coz that’s the usual case whenever they do painting) So i hunt around for a washable finger painting (coz surely their tshirt will be painted as well ) and found it at the craft shop in One Utama. Cant remember the price though, RM29.90 per bottle if im not mistaken but they do sell it in smaller pack. But getting the big bottles were more value for money.

We struggled to tie athirAh’s hair, see how untidy it was. But i think it looks much better than untied

athirAh happily doing hand stamping

Kids getting more comfortable infront of the video,

and proudly showing off his hand full of paint

and uZair got the paint all over him, even on his forehead

and one of the final master pieace, cant remember whose though

Washed their white tshirt immediately after the session and the tshirt is white without any stain! However at the bottle it did state that you might not get rid of some stain, i think they have to write such before people sue them in case the stain does not go off. But mine was perfect white after washing it 🙂

And do u know there are lots of developmental benefits in finger painting session? Do google for it, u get endless list of its benefit 😀

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My Lil Caliphs Activties

Play Time

By on September 17, 2010

Im in the mood in updating my blog now coz i conveniently install photoshop on syauqi’s mac. so takyah nk kena naik atas to use the house pc each time i wanna organise my photos.

These photos were taken during the fasting month, one of the their play time petang. This is what happen when u give them total freedom at the house compound. Now the internet signal is much better since we change to unifi, i can bring my laptop out at the patio, surf the net while i look out on them.

While i was browsing the net, suddenly there was a total silent for few seconds and followed by giggles by the elder two..i knew they were up to something…they were at the the other end of the garden playing with the garden tap…

the soaking wet kids

soon after, they felt uncomfortable walking around with wet clothes, heavy to move around i guess…and i caught them at the trampoline wearing nothing…

happily jumping about wearing nothing, kalah budak2 kt kampung

ni muka2 budak tak bersalah main air

and penutupnye of coz lah mandi di luar

and we now have problem, even if its only 330pm but the weather mendung…the kids demand tuk main luar. the minute the see its rather shady outside they will ask me to open the door

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My Lil Caliphs Activties

Pre-Raya Part 2: Last batch of baking

By on September 15, 2010

hArith just love  baking, on the last day of Ramadhan we had another baking session, this time around we bake some cookies to give to our relatives; my aunts in particular. hArith seems to get hold of this baking session pretty well. Need less supervision. He knows what needed on the table, will search for it in the drawers and bring it to me before i mentioned it (i.e measuring cup, spatula, spoons and such)

Now i just need to measure the flour, egg and butter and hArith will pour it into the mixer. He loves to sift the flour and now it get less messy when he does it.

And this is like heaven to him, opportunity to use the lesung batu, usually when tumbuk cili he is not allowed to get near it afraid the chili goes into his eyes…but this time around he got all excited bout crunching the cornflakes.

Look at his big grin 😀

And this is the part where hArith became the most generous person on earth, instead of using the measuring cup he would insists on pouring all.  We are suppose to have like 2 cups of hersyes’ choc but we usually ended up with 4 – 5 cups of hersyes’ choc in the dough.

Yup, fully loaded choc chips

and yet when he stirs it, he would be telling me that he need more choc chip for the dough, it aint enough

and then the nicely crushed cornflakes

(n i just realised i dont have photo of the chop almonds poured into the dough)

and here are the cookies once out from the oven. I need to take over placing the dough onto the tray or else we ended up getting various size of cookies. I allowed hArith to do so if it is meant for us to eat, but since these were meant to be given away, i decided to take over.

*two nites ago, at 10pm hArith came to me and said  “mOmmy jom do cookies!” and i was like “whatt?? its bedtime dear”

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My Lil Caliphs Activties

Pre-Raya: Part I

By on September 14, 2010

Alrite, im abit lagging here. All others dah wish raya and gmbar baju raya, gmbr kuih raya bagai but mine kena rewind skit sbb nk cerita wat happen before raya.

We decided to make a roadtrip berbuka puasa at Tg Malim, rumah arwah MakLong syauQi to visit the cousins there…i was so looking forward for it nk tgk all houses with pelita and main bunga api the kampung style, where sorang pasang mercun, pastu umah sebelah balas balik and so on. The kampung was at Felda Gedangsang. Unfortunately it was drizzling when we reached there and it continued to drizzle till pass break fast. So no pelita could be seen 🙁

It was still drizzling lightly but i just couldnt be bothered, mission nak main bunga api harus diteruskn. Petang tu bile smpai dh mintaq tlg kazen gi kedai belikn ape yg patut. I think it was rather obvious tat the adults were more excited than the kids. Tak caye cube tgk muka budak ni yg mcm kena paksa main bunga api, hahaha

after a few batang baru lah muka ade perasaan skit

ni hArith pulak takde perasaan

so ended up the adults had fun with the bunga api, experimenting different shutters…

and wishing all out there Selamat Hari Raya from TRIPLETS plus ONE (more) , sorry for all wrongdoings and salah kata.

sgt kelakar percubaan nk tulis RAYA 2010 ni, dgn huruf terbalik lah, pastu ade 4 org yg beza ketinggian, so ade yg huruf tinggi (syauqi lah tu) ade yg huruf rendah sgt…dgn tulisan cakar ayam pun ade…so ni je lah yg terbaik punye writting we managed to get. and mase ni masih tgh hujan renyai2 so takleh lah gatal nk try again and again

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