My Lil Caliphs Activties

Sawah Padi

By on May 9, 2010

Being raised up with a hometown in Pontian Johor, I only see ladang getah, kelapa sawit and nenas. Thus whenever i see sawah padi i’ll turn out to be real jakun. First time i saw paddy field when i was in form 4, and being married to syauQi’s whose hometown is up north in penang, i get to see paddy field more often.

We made a very quick trip to Penang for kenduri tahlil syauQi’s  late grandmother (4oth memoriable day), as how my friend put it, a “touch and go” trip. we left on friday after friday prayers about 3pm+ and reached penang 715pm, the next day we were already back in kl by 820pm.

syauQi’s late grandmother’s house bukan umah kampung, kt housing area. unlike my embah’s house back in pontian where my kids were free to run around. Kids got restless coz they can’t run around. the house is facing the main road. Before leaving back to penang i decided to pay my friend’s mom a visit, where they have paddy field just infront of their house.

On the way up, hArith saw the paddy field yg belum ade pape..just air. he thought if was a pool. i explained to him, and he was like “plant got rice?? nasi putih??” They were so amazed at the greens that they refused to look at the camera

busy throwing stone in…

after much attempt asking them to look at the camera, i only got this

yup, he’ll do that face whenever i ask him to smile

they were simply busy exploring the paddy field

finally, got him to wave to the camera.

oh can u believe it, my super clingy boy have improve soo much now since i sent him to school (and wean off) in fact his teacher labeled him as Mr. Independent! Wowww weee, that is so different than at home. but then again, of coz we do notice how good he is nowadays. no more clingy. See, happily exploring all by himself

ajak balik pun tak heran, lex je kena tinggal,

siap kena dukung die sbb refuse to balik

xnk kena dukung punye pasal, baru lah tekedek2 nak balik

where is athirAh? taking her 10 nins power nap that kept her energetic the whole journey back. Great experience for the 2 boys, they love it.

p/s: hyda if you are reading this, kite makan durian kt umah kamu yer, and goreng pisang yg sgt sedap. and oh knp adik kamu dh photostat muka kamu tapi kamu skrang photostat muka najwa?

and oh..hArith sempat basuh bilik ayor umah kamu, dgn gembiranye die amiq berus menyental sambil bgtau mak kamu “hArith wash jamban” 😀

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My Lil Caliphs Activties

At Kiara with the boys

By on April 6, 2010

Last saturday, as usual my boys will be awake earlier than athirAh. and since she was still nicely tucked under the comforter together with syauQi, i decided to bring the two boys out to the park. Furthermore athirAh didnt like the pasir kasar at the stream. This time around we brought some toys to play at the small stream. Weather was good, thanks to the tree for the shade, hihi

Since it was just me and the two boys, i couldnt be bothered to bring extra clothing and such. I wouldnt have enough hand to carry everything and change them. I just brought towels to place it on their carseat. They surely enjoyed their saturday morning

and here’s uZAir

and after awhile, he was eyeing on something else…

guess what?

the playground…

and oh something happen, on the way back to the car hArith trip himself. In the car, he complained to me sakit and i notice his toe was bleeding. i told him, will pun minyak gamat one we reach home. So i did exactly that, sapu minyak gamat and searched for plaster. funny thing was, when i found the plaster i asked if it still hurts and asked for his (injured) toe, he said yes sakit but gave me the wrong toe. so tu maknenye ape? sakit ke tak? hihihi

On another note, after 3 weeks of schooling, today first time uZAir did not cry upon seeing me when i came to fetch him. All this while, the nminute he sees me he will stop doing whatever his doing and make his fake cry. There was once, i sneak in queitly, he was happily jumping around to the music. And i called him slowly “psst…uZAir…”, he turned around and started crying. Aiyooo byk terror belakon woo, haha 

* a number of ppl inform me that my RSS feed is not working. sadly i do not know how to fix that, thus alternatively to visit my blog often and not to rely on the rss feed ya 😉

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My Lil Caliphs Activties

A Stream in the City

By on January 20, 2010

We brought the kids to the park the other day, we’ve been to this park a couple of times but only to the playground area. This time around we decided to take a different path…

hArith no longer wants to sit in the twin stroller with athirAh, i guess he finds it narrow. so he swap stroller with uZAir. They were hAppy to see the artificial waterfall…

but they knew well that they can’t play at the waterfall…so they were eyeing at something else….which is,

We didn’t bring any extra clothes for the kids, so would u let them get wet? Of coz i would…the water was very clear. See, we even have stream in the middle of the city! Yes, this is not artificial

The kids really did enjoy themselves,

except athirAh, syauQi brought her to the playground instead

hArith, terduduk…Nena sempat lagi senyum..haha

hArith was soo amazed with the big size leaf

It was a nice evening in the park, we went home just in time before it rains, kids went home wearing just pampers 😉

And thanks to my sis-in-law for the extra hands

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My Lil Caliphs Activties

Splash Splash

By on October 3, 2009

I’ve been wanting to bring my kids for swimming since before Ramadhan. Yesterday we managed to arrange playdate in the pool for the kids. Gosh, aren’t we lucky to have a friend who have a pool in her house compound? Not those kind small pool tuk rendam2…but big enough for all of us to go in and start splashing at each other =)

hArith at first refused to be in the float, but after awhile he figured out that he can be in the “swimming” position..thus he doesnt mind being in it


he pushed himself forward and started kicking with his leg.

Anway, kami anak beranak yg beria masuk dulu…tuan rumah steady jer kt luar lagi 


waiting patiently for his mom


ni the moms and all the kids


the dads join later


oh btw, jaguh of the day was this boy…


Die selamba jump into the water and asked his mom to catch him…tp seblum mak die catch die sempat lah die tenggelam kejap…tgk lah hero ni melompat



Seeing this hero so happy giggle away, i asked hArith to try jump into the pool…but he is so used jumping on one spot…his buttock almost hit the side of the pool…so pApa have to pool him in when he jump


haa…mujur pApa pull him, kalau tak ade buntut teduduk kt sipi pool tu

after few times jumping in with the help of pApa…hArith managed to jump in by himself…




we had such a good time in the water…next time boleh buat tak malu dtg lagi, hihi

After nice warm shower, tuan rumah serve sandwiches and homemade icecream…mmg teringat balik zaman2 sekolah rendah dulu. n best of all ade my fav flavour…asam boi!


Balik almost 7pm….


Sorry gmbar athirAh and uZAir takde sgt coz both parents were busy in the water taking care of the kids…

Oh, tadi i brought athirAh to my fren’s house. After entering the house, she was going to all windows looking out. Pelik gak asal kabut sgt cek2 luar…then pApa figured out…die tgh cek mana pool! hahaha

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My Lil Caliphs Activties

Fun at the Casa

By on June 25, 2009

This is also another belated entry (and yes, do expect more of belated entry ya…)

Jua, invited us over to her Casa for some fun in the water. haiQal was also there (but baru realise lar Lana…gmbar anak u takde sbb most of the time he was with u in the water and i was told not to take gmbar mOmmies2 kn) Faris and haiQal had fun swimming in the big pool but due to tak cukup kaki kids didnt join them.

But they surely had a blast though…splashing away at the water fountain. Tgk lar dua beradik ni happy air tetiba memancut kuar…

I didnt dare to go near them…the camera might get wet with all the splashes by the elder two… Karate Kid…

And where was uZAir…here in the stroller. Kesian kn. But there were just 2 adults, me and syauQi…so mmg tak cukup kaki tangan if we let uZAir join the elder 2. Especially after the Bali incident where athirAh jump into the pool…we dare not take any risk. So one adult to one child. Sorry uZAir. He behave perfectly well in his stroller.
After fun with water…the kids proceed to the playground.
And here’s wat happen when one goes down the slide like this
and the other goes down head first like this
They get squash together….hahaha
And before heading home…here’s picture of mOmmies and their lil’ rascals
One, Two, Weeeeee =)
(uZAir not in the picture below sbb baru nk cakap One…die dh jauh merangkak bla…)
Although uZAir didnt have the chance to get wet…he was hAppy enough playing at the playground


p/s: im still in the middle of touching up my Dot Com. Wanna do a blogroll of exhange link. so sape nk exchange link…leave a comment ya =)

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