
Carnival Circus Theme Party ; Triple Celebration 2011

By on July 25, 2011

this is an extremely long entry, over loaded with lotsa photos

Okay where do i begin? The party itself or the preparation? I’ll just type whatever comes out from my mind…will try my very best to do it in a proper sequence.

Well, i did get green light from my finance minister to have this party but as usual we need to wait end of the month (24th onwards) to get his roster before we can set a date for the party. Elder 2 birthday is in June while uZair’s is in july but there wasnt any weekend in june syauQi was around. So there goes my hope. Didn’t want to prepare things coz afraid july pun he takde off day on weekends and the following month will be august so no way we can do it during ramadhan. Syauqi did request off day for july weekend but it wasnt firm in black n white , so i just did some minimal preparation because of the uncertainty (i.e designing, with the help of my sis-in-law of coz) When july roster was out i was simply thrilled syauqi ade off day on a weekend. Terus start printing ape yg patut, cut and assembled. Yup i had to assembled the popcorn box cum party pack. 70 of it and other cuttings to do, toppers, food tray, water bottle lable, to name a few. Mom helped a lot, i repeat A LOT of potong kain to do the flag banner, my dear school friend help me jahit it. i have a sewing machine but i doubt it i can do it straight and neat unless i take my very own sweet time. i only have like 2 weeks or so to prepare all. Oh i had lots of surprises (read: secret) for syauQi. I had lots of things under  my sleeve that he were not aware off if not sure bising buang masa dan fulus…hihi. He had no idea at all on this flag banner thingy, that morning, i took out all the flag to be hung, asking for his help. he was like “you nak buat ape ni? ” i nak flag ni from all tiang to meet up here” though of using a kayu but he suggested ikat je trus kat pokok tu.  Oh i simply love the end result…making it look more carnival i hope.

from all tiang

Oh and also i had to do lotsa paper pom pom for the wall deco. my first few was a lil (ohkay i admit, a lot) comot…i had my sister’s fren who was my org kuat behind this birthday to teach me how to make a better pom pom, walllaa…and the result was this. all for the featured wall,

dessert table,
last minute i saw the polka dot apam kt restoran in kg subang, balik rumah terus zasss google up “apam polka dot damansara” and walla found one in kota damansara and she does delivery. PERFECT. my number one criteria,i need delivery service coz wont have the time to pick it up, oh did i mention, my mom jatuh and fractured her knee cap and now kaki plaster, so i pun macam patah kaki tak cukup kaki tangan. she felt on the 1st july, 8 days b4 the bday.
and more pics of the food on the dessert table; jelly beans, butter sugar cookies, choki choki, chocs…
the pic above, i didnt notice it was all uzair’s name. i should have turn one or two boxes the other way round for the elder 2’s name.
main menu for the adults were mee rebus. slalunye my mom akn tlg kuar kn bekas hidang food. pagi tu baru lah terhegeh me nk kuarkn, trus lupe nk kuarkn the bekas bawah to keep the food warm…warrgghh my bad. syauQi suke mee rebus, so mmg every majlis you all boleh expect this i guess…hihi.
for the kids instead of the usual homemade spaghetti, we decided to order  fried rice n fried macaroni since doubt it ade mase nk cook .
notice the blue with red dot fabric in the above pic? was so happy to see it in crazyartzone.com , perfect match.
alhamdulillah manage to stick to the “tentative programe” , i scheduled the cake cutting to be early sebelum kids get comot and berpeluh main games.syauqi dah kate awal2 takyah beli cake besar just because cantik pastu nanti tak abis makan, berbulan dalam fridge. he specifically mentioned die nak the rainbow cake, i had no objection against it coz it suit well with the theme. searched high and low for it and finally stumbled upon thatlastslice.blogspot.com. it was even more perfect coz unlike others, this lady does not cover the whole cake with icing. you can see the layered. Other bakers will cover the cake with icing and only after you cut it will you be able to see the layered colours. This lady however does not do delivery on weekends, but it was love at first sight, thus i was willing to pick it up from bukit jelutong. i ate few rainbow cakes before, they used butter cream icing, making the cake sgt lah sweet, but thatlastslice uses creamcheese, yummy!.Ordered 2 rainbow cake and one red velvet.
Yes, we had fireworks on the cake. mom found it at Kazakhstan.  We had enough fireworks for all 3, but we made the right decision to only fire on the last cake. The kids were afraid of it. Lucky thing it was on the last cake or else tak sempat lah nyanyi 3 songs, budak2 dh cabut lari.
After the cake cutting, i arranged the games. It wouldnt be a carnival without a game aight. Ohh the minute i decide on this theme, my main focus was to have a ticket booth. Went to the hardware shop with hanah’s friend (her name is Ami btw) but they didnt have the pvc connector that we wanted. Dah kecewa yang amat, after 3 hardware shop….non had what we wanted. But brilliant ami managed to figure out something…and tadaaaaa, we had our ticket booth.
Alia, my customize bday biz partner 🙂
syauqi’s sister and niece
What is a ticket booth without a ticket aight 😉
and each kids will get a sticker name as well
We had 5 games all together,
Can Knockdown,
Among the things i like about syauQi is that he has friends from all walk of life. one of his friends ade stall air kat uptown hawkers and samba futsal centre…so we easily get 20 cans of condensed milk to prepare for this can knockdown game.
Ring Toss,
not sure who was more frustrated, the kids or the adults…hihi
at the end of the day, if im not mistaken, Fadd (kazim’s mom) je yg bejaya put a ring in…
i forced everyone in the house to finish 16 bottles of V-soy drink in 3 days to get the bottles ready…hihi
Pin The Nose,
Beanbag toss,
Pick a Duck,
We also had body bopper free and easy game ,
ni mak budak giving it a try, actually we bust the max weight, mujur tak bocor…fuh 😀
and another free n easy, the zorb ball
adam giving the gals a push. wondering how it is inside?
adam muka puas hati dpt pushed n make the gals tumble all about.
and yes, as you can see on adam’s face…we had face painting. Ami, my sis’ friend was the artist of the day  🙂
adults pun get their face painted 🙂
A group photos with the moms
and among the best secret was
free flow of icecream, mingo mingo
at first i asked the men to masuk the drive way tapi the machine takleh if slope..the kipas takleh function or something like that. thus we get him to park depan gate.
another best kept secret was,
the clown
i think i better stop here and make Part II. Too much photos, the post is getting heavy…
*photos were taken by anita’s husband unless stated otherwise (i.e nannoor.blogspot and darfia mel)

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Launch of Coway Spa Water Softener

By on July 15, 2011

Remember my previous post of my substitute beauty regime? It is almost 2 weeks since we had ours installed and even the husband notice the different. He can feel the after effect; skin feels softer after his shower. Not only his skin but also his hair. I always thought he would be the last to feel any difference coz usually men couldn’t be bothered..hihi. In fact in my previous post, a reader left a comment saying after a week using the Coway Water Softener, her husband commented “kulit makin licin n gebu” and she no longer need to standby lotion at the office for her dry skin.

Recently Coway Spa Water Softener had their Grand Launch and Family Day at Sunway Lagoon. It was launch by Mr. Andy Kim Ja-Joong, Head of Strategy Planning Department and Mr.Hoe Kian Choon, Senior Sales GM of Coway Malaysia

It was just ideal to have the launch at Sunway Lagoon, after long hours in the pool there is nothing better than having a shower with Coway Spa Water Softener, to keep our skin moisturize. It was indeed a new shower experience for all. We even had celebrities on that launching day 🙂

from left: Ms. May June, Ms. Ning Baizura, Mr. Andy Kim Ja-Joong, Head of Strategy Planning Department, Mr.Hoe Kian Choon, Senior Sales GM of Coway Malaysia, 988’s DJ Sam and Ms. Vanidah Imran.
Ms. Vanidah Imran shared some insight on Coway’s new Spa Water Softener. She shared with the crowd that the Coway Spa Water Softener helps to moisturize skin.

Another speaker shared her experience as well. Apparently her daughter sweat a lot and often has rashes issue. But since the family started using the Coway Spa Water Softener her daughter’s skin showed lots of improvement, say bye bye to rashes 🙂 Those with sensitive skin you should really give Coway Spa Water Softener a try. Especially those with hectic schedule, you hardly have time to pamper your skin, rubbing lotion after every shower, so why not give this Coway Spa Water Softener a try.

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My substitute beauty regime

By on July 8, 2011

I always envy people who have the time to be consistent in applying their beauty regime. With 4 small kids, having the chance to shower without anyone knocking the door calling for me is considered a luxury. Although at times there was no knocking, I still have to cut short my shower time cause I can hear my elder 2 giggle about. Whenever both of them happily giggle away, it surely means they are up to their mischievous act. Thus I can never take my own sweet time taking my shower. Sadly, despite having a dry skin, I never have the chance to apply lotion n other beauty regime for my skin.

When I heard there’s new water softener in the market, I was keen to know more about it. It is from the water itself, thus I need not apply any other additional lotion to my skin. The water softener is by Coway – the leading home-wellness appliances manufacturer from Korea.

Just like swimming pool, our tap water contains chlorine too. The residual chlorine in tap water causes skin dryness. Besides that, it can also accelerate hair loss and skin aging because it destroys vitamins in our skin. The Coway Spa Water Softener is able to do exactly that – transform tap water in our homes to soft water making it a healthier option for our bodies while giving us smoother softer skin. This is just ideal for me, I need not do any additional steps (i.e. applying lotion) for a smoother and moisturize skin.

I guess we never place importance in the water we shower as much as we place importance in the water we drink. Hardly you hear people drink water directly from the tap water. We either boil it or use the water filter. We should be doing the same to our skin. During my university years, I had a Thailand course mate, Nuraya Ramsamkee. She is so beautiful masyaAlah. Her skin is flawless No make-up yet it was simply flawless. Unfortunately she is rather quiet, I didn’t have the opportunity to ask her beauty secrets.

However one of the terms, our rooms happened to be side by side. Believe it or not, she actually boils the water every time she takes shower! I thought she did that because se wanted to bathe with warm water. But one day, I saw her boil the water but didn’t immediately take her bath. By the time she bathes, the water was already cold. I guess now I know the reason, she boils the water to removes contaminant particles. Hence the superb flawless skin

Coway Spa Water Softener removes contaminant particles to ensure our skin absorbs only clean water with several layers of protection. The composite filters remove harmful substances such as chlorine and floating substances in tap water to minimize irritation to skin. It also has cation ion exchange resin for removal of substances causing water hardness.

This slim and compact product benefits has been proved by a 4 month test done by Woongjin Coway Cosmetics R&D Center, SMCTC (A clinical test organization) & KATRI (Korea Apparel Testing & Research Institute)

Basically it is a 2 in 1 product for me, it helps increase my skin’s moisture level while taking my shower, without the need of applying other product after shower. It is said to increase skin’s moisture level up to 69%, hence preventing loss of skin moisture and reduces skin friction up to 20%. Besides or skin, it also soften our hair and scalp; helps those with dandruff problem. Everyone knows the effect of chlorine, thus this Coway Spa Water Softener does exactly that; reduces chlorine effects.

The product is easy to use and maintain. They also have rental unit available for only RM70 a month, and you will be entitled free product maintenance every 2 months for 5 years. If you would like to purchase it, the price is RM1900 with free 1 year maintenance (for every 2 months). Or if you wish to give it a try, they currently having a 14 days free trial for the public to try out the Spa Water Softener (1,000 units) in the comfort of their homes. Absolutely free & no hidden charge. You may call them at 1800-888-111 or logon to www.coway.com.my


my boy enjoying his shower 😀

lil’ uWais enjoying his bath time

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By on June 24, 2011

Few weeks back i had problem of breast engorgement. One of my duct was clogged. I even caught fever and whole body was aching due to the engorgement. Asked around what should i do, mostly replied i should dap with hot towel. It was so painful to even touch it. For 2 days i was lying on my bed in pain. Uwais direct feed but didnt manage to unclog it. Sis-in-law asked around for me and contacted a family friend who is a gynae doctor (my gynae was away for umrah). Doctor is a male but i was desperate. Went to his clinic, was told engorgement smpai infection, lucky thing blum tahap pus (nanah) that required surgery. Was given antibiotic n was told not to feed uwais with the infected b00bs. i have to express the milk and throw away all milk from infected breast for 5 days till i finish my antibiotic.

Thus obviously that lead to drop in milk supply for uwais. I happen to see uwais’ paed the following day for his jab. Asked if its okay to give uwais fresh milk (coz i find that convenient…;) but doctor said it is not advisable coz the content of needed nutrition (i.e calcium, magnesium ect) is higher (not suitable for babies). I then asked the doctor, why is breastmilk sweet? He told breastmilk is sweet because of lactose. Breastmilk is up to 90% of lactose.(Yes, this was what my son’s paeds told me.)

Lactose is a disaccharide sugar formed from galactose and glucose. As we all know breast milk is the best but not everyone is bless to breast feed their child, thus the have to choose the next best milk.

Have you actually taste you baby’s powder milk. It is also sweet! In fact very sweet! no joke. Most powder milk has additional sugar as years of research showed that high percentage of Malaysian children having lactose tolerance problem when they drink powder milk, hence the addition of natural plant sugar to solve this issue in powder milk. Most mom think sugar source from natural plant source is okay, but think again. Even those with diabetic can’t simply take a large amount of fruits (despite the fruits are natural source of sugar). No doubt our growing child need carbohydrate, but do u think the added sugar in their milk is necessary?  Among the common name for sugar that are being used are natural sugars, added sugars, corn syrup solids, sucrose and glucose syrup solids. Whatever name it may be, at the end of the day it is still sugar and ends up in our child’s body. Well yes, sugar are not necessarily bad as they can help provide energy that a growing child needs. However problem occurs when the level of added sugar in the milk powder becomes excessive. This could increase risk of health problems for children. In fact this does not align with any local nor international recommendation.

In fact under the Malaysian food labelling regulation, the ‘carbohydrates per serve’ number in the Nutrition Information Panel on child’s growing milk powder is only made out of two things; sugar that is naturally present in the milk powder. And the only naturally present sugar in milk is lactose. For your information the natural lactose level in a glass of standard milk is approximatly 11g-12g per serve. Thus the bottom line is anything higher than 11g-12g is added sugar. Check the packaging Nutrition Information Panel on this (amount of carbohydrate) and be on look out for names like this in the ingredient list ; corn syrup, sucrose and glucose syrup. And yes, if you have not taste your child’s milk, it is time to do so 😉

Here’s a recent photo of my latest edition 😉

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