
Itqan Islamic Montessori

By on January 5, 2011

Yup, we have decided to send the elder 2 to Itqan, that’s the best  we can find that fulfill our criteria. The student teacher ratio (which is for us the most important factor) is 1:7. The only setback is it is in Kota Damansara…gonna have to rempuh jam di pagi hari. Going is not much a problem insyaAllah, but to drive back to Tmn Tun i’ll have to join the traffic crowd. Well, my mom used to drive me from SS2, PJ to Bangsar everyday for my kindie. Back then the road to Bangsar wasn’t as good as now..it was narrow road..not 3, 4 lanes highway. So this time around, it is my turn to drive my kids. But errr..nanti during my confinement i gonna need to ask mom’s jasa baik to send my kids 😉

Am looking forward to send them to their new skool but sadly they woke up on monday with runny nose, through out the long skool hols, their nose were clear and it just have to caught flu when school is about to start…aiyakkkk. Their first day of skool is scheduled for today btw..

So why do i choose Itqan over other school? Besides the main factor of teacher n student ratio, the teachers look well experience and speak english comfortably…they are all english speaking teachers and if im not mistaken they have arab native speaking teacher as well. And of coz i’m happy with the integrated islamic teaching they have in their syllabus (which is another main factor).

Errm when i tweet the other day that i juz got back from their school registration i had few enquiries on their fees from fellow friends…basically this is their fees structure. It sounds a lot coz a semester consists of 6 months, instead of the usual 3 or 4 months per semester. And for us, we gonna have to pay for 2 heads…botak kejap kepala…

Here’s the fees structure:

Registration: RM500 (one time payment)

Deposit: RM700 (one time payment)

Materials n Equipment: RM 400 (to be paid every semester)

Insurance: RM10 (to be paid annually)

Activities Fund: RM 200 (to be paid annually) – They will have 4 excursion yearly and a sports day

Tuition Fees: RM370 / month x 6 months = RM2220

Thus, for a start, expect to pay RM 4030 per head.

The following semester to be paid in July:

Tuition Fees : RM370 x 6 = RM2220

Materials and Equipment: RM400

Total : RM2620

And the following year, the first semester will be a bit more than the 2nd semester as there are few payments to be paid on annual basis, thus it will be RM 2220 (tuition fees) +  RM400 (Materials and Equipment ) +RM10 (insurance) +  RM 200 (Activities Fund)

Total: RM2830

And the second semester remain the same as the first year = RM 2620

Yup, that certainly sound a lot, but education should come first i guess? So no holiday n impulse purchase for next couple of years i guess…ermm takpe insyaAllah rezeki tu ade


uZAir will remain in the previous skool since Itqan doesn’t accept their age….

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Co-sleep? Reward them with stickers :)

By on January 3, 2011

Alhamdulillah i managed to get hArith to sleep on his own now, previously all attempt failed. He will wake up middle of the night and crawl up to my bed. But somehow, magic happen i guess. All previous attempt failed, he continued sleeping on my bed, yes as i mentioned before all 3 co-sleep with me, squeeze all on the king size bed…but few weeks back, suddenly i  had the urge to give it another try. I told him to sleep on his own and we will buy sticker tomorrow, a big sticker if he sleeps on his own. And wow to my surprised, it worked! He slept through out the night without crawling up to my bed. He woke up, and sat on his bed while looking up to my bed…i reminded him..”hArith dah big boy kan, can sleep on ur own, if u r cold pull the blanket..where’s ur pillow? hug it” And that was exactly what he did, pull the blanket, hug his pillow and continue sleeping.” All this while, tak sempat nak slow talk,sedar2 dh ade by my side”

So i kept to my promise, he woke up that morning, brought him out for breakfast and bought the sticker. We bought a sticker book as well, so he can paste a sticker a day, each day he sleeps on his own. But by the 4th day, his sticker book hancur..thanks to athirAh..hihi. And surprisingly by the 5th day dah tak heran stickers, he didn’t wake up and demand for sticker. So i conveniently stop giving the sticker reward…hihi. Alhamdulillah up till today he is still sleeping on his own bed.

athirAh have no prob sleeping on her own either. Now major prob is getting her potty train…oh that need soo much patience and energy and i surely dont have those two now…how now brown cow? athirAh sleeps in the cot in which we have transform it into bed (we bought the 3 in 1 cot..remove the “side walls” and it turn into bed. But we gotta fix back the side walls of the cot for the newborn. Thus gotta get new bed for athirAh, and oh also one more for uZAir…

can someone tell me how to fit 3 beds for toddler, a cot and a king size bed in a room size 18.5 x 13.5 ft ? that will leave just ngam2 space to bentang sejadah tuk solat je kot. syauQi suggested double decker but im not keen as that will cause unnecessary stress..i can foresee they kids will climb up the bed and jump up and down, tak pasal2 tegolek ke bawah kang, or tgh malam, mamai tak sedar..turun katil jatuh..or even worst, saje on purpose panjat to jump down…

time to move to our own place? err not really an option since we just sold our house…hihi

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Home Carousel

By on December 19, 2010

Since nak pegi disneyland takde rezeki lagi, this is the advantage of having big size pApa…the kids have their very own merry-go-round at home 😉

it was rather fast..look at hArith’s hair

Spin…round and round and round

hold hands pulak…

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The Reception

By on December 14, 2010

I would really love to update my blog on my bro’s wedding but sadly i dont have much photo since i was too busy chasing around my kids ensuring they dont go up the stage, go out of the hall and such, thus i didnt have my camera with me. I pass my camera to my sis-in-law but of coz she segan nk ke depan tuk take photos since all others were nicely seated at their table.

So ni je lah gmbar yg ade yg sempat she snap. Will have to wait for photos by the official photographer then

Since i dont have close up photo of the bride n groom, im gonna put up a photo of me then…hahah. (well, its my blog aight…hihihihi)

alhamdulillah, i didnt steal the lime light of the night by giving birth..hihi. That’s me at 32 weeks and suppose to be on bedrest since a week b4 there was sign of me giving birth. Hang in there baby…doctor said at least hang in till 34 weeks. At least. 36 weeks will be even better.

We didnt have any family photo either. A photo which all look at the camera that is. But then again, that’s almost close to impossible to have such photo

my “choir boys”…hihi

hArith was super excited when he heard his voice over the PA system..senyum smpai ke telinga

ni je lah group photo yg ade…

Its nice having a sis-in-law…just like having another fren in the hse. Since she wont be working, looks like i now have someone to teman me do stuffs(i.e shop, help babysit perhaps, hihihi) since my one and only sister is now busy with her CA exams and work 🙁

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I now have a sister-in-law

By on December 6, 2010

Alhamdulillah, my brother’s akad yesterday went smoothly. Kids behaved well i couldnt ask for more 😀

Entourage started coming at 9, i was still kabut blum dress up. 3 people needed to get athirAh dress, struggled to get her to wear her dress. Too kembang and fluffy for her i guess, she wasnt sure was that a dress or wat..hahah..Had problem getting hArith to wear his sampin either. But once we arrived the bride’s house we managed to convince him to wear it since he saw all men wearing it. uZAir showed sign ngantuk upon arrival..have no idea why he was sleepy since it was only 10-ish am. But it was good though, easier to handle then if one asleep.

half way to the bride’s house, making sure all cars tak sesat. syauQi was standing at the 4th car in queue. another 6 car behind and waiting for another 2 cars…

hArith counting the cars infront ensuring all cars ade

the groom,

The single men 😉

bekumpul outside the bride’s house….dub dab dub dab?

“Saya terima nikah Nurul Nuha bt Anwar…….”

this is something new to me, dulu cium dahi now they make a “ruling” baca doa kat isteri,

sign here please….

“alhamdulillah, she’s mine now” 😉

my sis-in-law, welcome to the family Nuha 😀

Hmm,well hanah, i guess this mark the end of our surprise gifts of handbags from my bro since he will now buy for his wife instead…

tat’s me at 31+ weeks pregnant 😀

the only photo i hv of athirAh, the rest die x tgk camera…

family photo tapi syauQi takde coz removing the car (blocking car lain nk kuar)

another family photo but unfortunately not all looking at the camera…( uZair is asleep inside the hse)

Alhamdulillah everything went smoothly, couldnt take much photos though. Dh balik baru lah beria suruh syauQi take photo of me…hihihi

ni gmbar skema, the potrait at the back was me 7 years ago, 2003

and to my sister hanah, sorry…u now hv another competitor for bapak’s attention. It used to be just athirAh getting your way, hihi

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